
Mindless seeking for happiness in an[other] world[s] as [Me] a goblin

A "random" depressed and borderline insane guy is killed in a home intrusion accident and got reincarnated as a goblin. If not for the fact that he's a waste he could've done better in his second life, but oh well, he failed in it too. Then why does he even have a s.t/y?.r/y? W?.h>?Y?. a?m? eh?/r.r/E? Wo? a.R..??r/. y?.y>,o? [Friend]

DaoistBadWriter · Fantasy
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45 Chs

New drip.

As Norn wasted time repeating the same process over and over again he soon grew bored of it.

It wasn't of any use even if he repeated it a thousand more times, it would fail every single time.

As such, he changed the subject of his practice to offensive spells.

Those weren't hard at all, the only difference was the element that was used.

It could be literally anything: water, light, fire, earth... even emotion could be used to attack!

The latter, however, was a bit too hard for beginners.

As such, he practiced with dumbfuck elemenets he knew about.

At one point he tried to conjure a black hole from what little understanding of it that he had.

Should i even say that he failed miserably, completely emptying his mana pool?

Yeah, it's just too obvious at this point.

That failure, however, didn't stop him.

He knew perfectly well that magic was a real thing.

More than that, he could also use it in his human body!

As such, robbing some people or going into dungeons wont be that big of a deal if he mastered some spells.

Of course, he wasn't as stupid to do such a thing alone, as it was practically suicide even for trained mages...

However, bravery and stupidity weren't too far apart.

Following this logic thinking before doing something stupid was considered brave.

So, he thought of a nice plan.

It wasn't anything hard, he would first heal his whatever disabiliy he had in his human body, choose a skill and then wreck everything!

Yeah, it wasn't great.

But it was better than nothing!

More than that, it was just a general outline of the whole plan.

Since he still had a bonus skill he could choose it means that he would get it for both bodies of his.

That is the primary reason behind his relentless training.

He needed to get familiar with it as soon as possible!

More than that, if the system was so generous to give him a skill right off the start...

Wouldn't it also give him more if he did something impressive?

Achievement, for example. They also existed in various novels Norn read!

Would it be strange if he got one for becoming the first person to clear a dungeon?

He didn't think so.

And since it was a boost for both his bodies...

It was a perfect way to get stronger fast!

The whole dungeon thing back in his world was basically a new game with lots of undiscovered things!

It meant that whoever was smart enough to find and abuse them first would always be on top!

Well, "always" is too big of a word, but for some time people who found something new were unrivaled.

But if he could maintain that luck in finding new things?..

Well, welcome to the Top 1 of the leaderboard, friend!

It wasn't Norn's goal, he didn't need that attention & shit.

He already had a guess that he will have to choose between two worlds.

Just as Erika said, his appearance here wasn't a coincidence at all.

He was destined to appear here... But how is that possible?

Why did he appear here in the first place?

That's a question too difficult to answer.

And... did it really matter?

It already happened, he didn't need to think why it did...

For now, at least.

Even so, if Norn will have to choose between two worlds...

He will not even think about it.

The world where his goblin body resided was much better than the one with human body.

First of all, it had different races, magic... Erika, which was already enough for him.

Second - he didn't like his previous world in the first place.

There's absolutely 0 chances of him picking it.

Well, it's not like anyone is asking him about it anyway...


Some time later Erika emerged from the room she was in:

"I'm done, wanna see it now?"

She said playfully as she approached Norn that was sitting in the middle of the room.

He didn't react at first, but after a second or so he snapped back:

"Yeah, sure, cant wait..."

He said excitedly.

If his guess was correct it would be her underwear or something...


She said as she entered the room she just left.

Norn followed behind, he grunted as he stood up.

When he was in that room, he saw a...

"The fuck is this?.."

It was a suit or something like that.

He couldn't understand what it really was from the first glance.

It was clear that it was clothing, a full set at that.

Pants, jacket and everything...

She even made shoes for him!

All of it looked nice and even had a strange hue to it.

The jacket was completely black but gave out a strange whity look if one looked at it from different angles.

It wasn't noticeable at first, but if you looked closely...

Pants and shoes were just like that, they were completely black with the same whity look.

Norn didn't know what to think.

It was nice and all, but did he really need a suit?..

However, before he could even start praising Erika, she started speaking:

"Okay, dont be too shocked. I enchanted it with a few defence spells, on top of looking great on you it will also give you lots of defence~"

When Norn thought that he could start speaking, Erika spoke again:

"More than that, i made it so even if you change... your size, it will adjust itself automatically! You dont have to worry about it, it will always fit you perfectly!"

Erika said with an excited tone in her voice.

It was clear that she waited for Norn to comment her work now...

She was all smiles and her eyes were seemingly gleaming!

"That's why i'm not ashamed of calling you my wife. Not only u're smart as fuck, you can even make clothes! Forget about that, u've even enchanted them!"

He wasn't stingy with his praises.

Even if they sounded somewhat strange... So what? It was all genuine.

Norn gesticulated a lot as he praised it, he even came closer to "examine" it.

In reality, he simply pretended that he knew something about it...

But still, looking at it upclose wasn't that bad of a desicion.

He could feel that those clothes were good to the touch, yet sturdy.

It was a strange feeling, but he liked it.

After all, it was his wife who made them!

As he looked at Erika that just stood there and watched he felt that he needed to say even more:

"Damn, i really cant wait to try them on, but... Why didn't you make something for yourself? I would prefer if we both had ample protection..."

He couldn't think of anything to say but that.

It wasn't a "OMG +++ TO LOVE METER!" phrase, but a solid "+" or two were guaranteed.

Norn showed his care about Erika like that, well, at least that's what he thought he did.

Even if it wasn't like that, his obsession with her safety wouldn't do any good.

She was like that as well, what could go wrong if he acted the same way?

"Oh, that... Haha, i will make one for myself later, dont worry~"

She tried to brush it off, Norn, however, wasn't buying that...

"Welp, it looks like i need to go raid some more dungeons so you can make another set for yourself..."

He said as he stretched a little, pretending that he was about to go out.

Yeah, go out where? There was literally nothing but shit and trees around them.

Well, as far as he knew.

"Swe... Norn! I will make one later, it's fine! Put it on, i want to see how it looks on you!"

At first, she tried to say something else, but quickly changed it...

It piqued Norn's interest!

"I will, but only if you say whatever word was first, the one you covered with my name"

He smiled viciously as he said it.

"Y-you... bully!"

Erika's face immediately became red.

It was fun for Norn to look at her reaction.

Every time she did something she would act differently.

From time to time she was shy, other times she would act like his teacher, other times...

Well, those other times are better left for night time.

"Come on, sweetie, just say it~~"

Norn's voice was now as playful as could be, he didn't even hide the fact that he liked it.


She said quietly, one would barely hear it even in a quiet room.

"Huh? Cant hear you wifey, what did you say?~"

Norn's smile was even wider now, he was almost laughing at this point.


This time it was a bit louder, not to the point of her screaming, but it was enough.

"See? Wasn't that hard, sweetie~"

He repeated the word she said.

It was obvious to him that she felt embarassed because of it.

Her face was red, her head was tilted down...

Such a beautiful sight!..

However, bullying her wasn't in his plans. Teasing her was nice, but doing it too much would feel bad.

He wasn't that bad of a person... To ones he liked, that is.

And... did he like Erika?

Well, let's take a thing from before.

If he had to choose between the two worlds, or a completely new world but Erika would be there, what will he choose?


Was he insane? He was.

So what if there were only two of them? It's not like he needed a harem, Erika alone was more than enough!

She was caring, kind, knew a lot of stuff and loved him a lot!

From what he could see, that is...

It was enough for him to choose her over a whole world or even two!


Norn put on the suit that Erika made for him.

It was a piece of art.

Truly the greatest thing Norn wore up to this point.

His pants that he wore previously would feel like solid ground now.

Too ugly, too crude, garbage!

That "set" that he got...

It felt like the softest thing ever!

Just like Erika's hand that now touched his.

"Do you like it? Any unwanted pressure, or maybe tight spots?"

She examined Norn as she wanted to make sure it was perfect.

It seemed that she cared a whole lot about his wellbeing.

That was the reason behind Norn's feelings towards her.

It was alien to him...

"It's perfect wifey, i'd say that it's almost as soft as your hands... Not to be compared, of course, but that's the closest this that i know..."

He couldn't miss the chance to compliment her some more.

Her reaction was too cute every time he did that.

This time wasn't any different:

"I know that you like me, but my hands aren't even that soft!"

She rebucked immediately!

"Remember what you told me yesterday? No matter how good other things truly are, i am not going to choose them over you~"

It wasn't an exact repetition of her words, but the meaning was generally the same.

Norn's line made Erika blush even more.

She didn't even say anything for a while, only touching his clothing here and there.


She said softly as she looked him in the eyes.

"Yeah, so what?"

Norn grinned as he said it.

Erika, however, kissed him instead of answering with words.

It shocked Norn a little, but as he was about to joke once again...

"Two can play this game of teasing~"

She said playfully, she was just too precious!

However, it wasn't time for such games.

Soon after "playing" some more Norn asked Erika to teach him once again.

He spent the rest of the day just like that.

It wasn't fruitless as he learned several more ways of using certain spells, strangely enough he couldn't do so earlier.

He didn't have a way to imagine the process properly, but with Erika's help it was too easy.

He was able to learn several new elements that day.

Healing magic, however, was an impossibility for him.

Both of them didn't know the reason behind it.

Norn did ask about the level limit or something like that, but Erika's response wasn't positive:

"Hmm... Perhaps, some skills could only be learned by certain people, i didn't think that a healing spell would have such a limitation..."

She pondered for a while before saying it.

It really did make sense.

Healing magic wasn't a holy bullshit or anything like that, but it still was based on humans and such.

Maybe it was the reason he couldn't cast it?

Both of them were clueless, deciding to leave that problem for later.

Maybe he wouldn't even need it on the long run?

It's not like he NEEDED to get that skill from his human body, would be great, but still, wasn't crucial.

As such, the day passed.

Nothing significant happened.

Yeah, some goblin fought here and there, one of the children died mysteriously...

One female died too, it wasn't even goblin's fault as she was sick from the start...

Nothing interesting, really.

If something did happen i would've told you.

The best event for today was Norn's new attire, after that came the goblin genius.

What it was exactly? Well, since Norn told them to make the wagon disappear what better way to do it than to set it ablaze?

They did just that, making a giant fucking campfire that almost burned a house that was near it.

It was too late when Norn noticed the fire, but it didn't do any damage, goblins fixed the problem themselves.

They weren't that stupid, after all.

Well... THEY started the fire, but whatever.

As such, the day was basically over.

Norn went to sleep as he prepared to be in his human body once again.

IF he really did appear there... It would prove that his theory was correct!

"Good night, my love~"

Erika's sweet voice sounded from above Norn's head.

This beautiful melody was the last thing he heard before finally dozing off...