
Mind Matters

Journey of a girl with superpowers.

Charu_Vashishtha · Urban
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3 Chs

Who are the people I like ?

So, I introduced my grandma and great grandma. Now let me share more about the people I live with and the people who are Special to me. Both my parents are chartered accountants.

They both met at their college which is actually the best college of Sutherland.

My mother is a delicate looking woman with soft features and lean frame. She's beautiful, luminous and graceful. She turned out to be a fine lady thanks to the gifted eyes of my grandma. However inorder to avoid the keen scrutiny of my grandma she delved into the world of books. She is very well read. Literature, poetry, philosophy, she is well versed in everything but Numbers and Mathematics are her Forte . She enjoys mathematics, she loves numbers. If I say that numbers are her friends and she recognizes them as one would recognize faces, it would not be an understatement. The car number plates , the street numbers , telephone numbers she recognizes them all. Not only does she recognize them, she exterplolates, interpolates and transforms them as per her requirement. She may not have super powers but she is a powerful lady. Despite her lean frame and polite smile she is intimidating to those around her. She loves me dearly and I love her a lot. I look up to her . Come to think of it , if I had even half of her intellect I would happily let go of my super powers. Most importantly I wouldn't wait for my greatness to discovered. I would be happy in my skin.

Nevertheless my mother never judges me for my powers. She doesn't push me to excel in my studies like she did, either. She simply wants me to be happy . She only concern is that I shouldn't be waylaid or influenced into doing what is not right. What is not right : is to hurt or harm people intentionally. What is right : is to help and support others. According to her , we all came in this world for a purpose. And it's our duty is to ensure that "that purpose" is Nobel.

She doesn't want my superpowers to be discovered for she is afraid that people might use me and harm me. But she's okay with me to practice my powers and enjoy them.

Most importantly she wishes me to be a good human being.

My father is the opposite of my mother as far as looks are concerned. Unlike my mother , he is tall and brawny. He's not conventionally handsome but he's someone who cannot be ignored. His presence invites attention. But behind his intimidating physique, he is a complete gentleman .Soft spoken but assertive. He is my favorite person . To me he is my safe place. He doesn't show much emotions but I know he cares deeply. How I know that. Well, the same way you come to know a person over a period of time.

Apart from my parents, the one who is closest to me is my best friend Anita. She and I grew up together . She lives in the same neighborhood and we went to the same school and college. Thanks to her I never missed the feeling of having a sibling. She is a simple and sweet soul who marvels at all things wonderful. She takes things in stride and is forever cheerful and enthusiastic.

She and my parents are my family.

They are a part of me.