
Mind Matters

Journey of a girl with superpowers.

Charu_Vashishtha · Urban
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3 Chs

Who am I ?

All throughout my life I have been struggling to be recognized as someone great. I mean I am great no doubt. I was born great, with inherit greatness, with great powers but the problem is no-one knows my greatness. Trust me there is no greater torture then keeping your greatness to yourself and living with it.

Alas, I have been sentenced this torture.

I am Misha , a 21 year old girl living in the small but beautiful country of Sutherland . My country is self sustainable. Replete with natural resources and natural beauty, mountains , springs and fields, we don't need much from the outside world but the outside world needs us when they wish to unwind or to buy gold which is gifted by mother earth to Sutherland.

But what the world doesn't know is that Sutherland is also the bed of many hidden treasures like Me !

I, Misha who can teleport.

I, Misha who has telekinetic powers.

I, Misha who can shape lift.

I, Misha who can read other people's vibes.

I, Misha who should hide her powers.

I, Misha who should not be discovered.