
Mind Controlling Pervert Thots

⚠WARNING⚠ I will assume you know what the warning is since you chose to read this book. But still, here it is - *THIS NOVEL CONTAINS EXPLICIT EXPRESSION OF SEXUAL BEHAVIOR (heck even open sex). PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!* ~ ~ What will happen if a monster takes over the minds of the ladies around you and do some very questionable stuff? Answer: This novel takes place!! Dip D. Gleeful is the unfortunately boy (or is he?) who witnesses the Transmigrator taking control of his female teammates and then fuc- oh ho ho ho. Aaand it doesn't ends there. The Transmigrator keeps on taking different bodies, so Dip constantly needs to change his occupation. He needs to stop the monster so that he can finally give his hammer a rest. Read as Dip burrows his carrots inside the many different holes that has been dug by the Transmigrator, only the *SEXIEST* novel on this site - MCPT! ~ ~ My goal with this story is to make it popular enough to receive 10 million views. I also dream of creating a very cultured animated series, based on either this or some other spicy story. So help me do it. Yeah, it's an order, not a request. Finally! Go grab a seat somewhere, adjust the temperature to your comfort, something to eat, and mostly a tissue. There is gonna be ALOT of heat, because this book is FIRE. {and yes, i am a pervert}

EroSensei_GeGeMe · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Part 12 - My Harem

*Pop music playing*

Dip: *Sighs* I am tired. Yesterday was wild. Five vs one? And I also got carried away... Just what was j thinking? I need to stop it...

*Someone knocks on the door.*

Dip: *Thinking* I hope it's not them again *Out aloud* Yes?"

*Door opens. A worker comes in.*

Worker: Mr. Gleeful? The Head has called for you.

Dip: I'll be there in a minute.

*Worker leaves.*

Dip: Relief that it was not one of those.

Hannah: One of who?

Dip: Wh- hey! Don't enter someone's room without knocking!

Hannah: Well my bad, teehee.

Dip: And I'mma tell you that I am not in the mood right now. The boss has called me, I have to go.

Hannah: Yeah I don't care about your mood. Your hammer is our asset, we can use it whenever we want to. And also I am not free. This woman have alot of work, geez. All of my bodies are busy somewhere. I am just here to invite you for a party.

Dip: What kind of party?

Hannah: It's been held by our department, and have allowed us to invite our friends.

Dip: You see me as a fri-

Hannah: Fucktoy.

Dip: Oh... So why me?

Hannah: You fucked us good yesterday. So your reward. Workout well, we don't want you to look weak.

Dip: Tch...!

*Hannah went out. Dip dresses up and went for the office.*

*Sound of AC*

Head: So, Mr. Gleeful. We have a news for you.

Dip: Is it... Good?

Head: Well, depends on your view.

Dip: Oh okay.

Head: So, what I was saying is, you have to change your occupation.

*Dip stood up in shock*


Head: Calm down. That doesn't means that you are not a hinter anymore. It's just that you have to work as an undercover worker to find out where the Transmigrator is hiding. One week per work. And you have to do it until you capture it.

Dip: Oh.... Understood. When and where do I have to start from?

Head: Well, you have to work all the jobs in our country.

Dip: Ahh.... Tiresome.

Head: And you can start from next week. One week will be fine to prepare, am I right?

Dip: Enough, sir. I will start preparing right away.

*Two hours later. At the gym.*

*Workout music plays.*

Dip: New occupation, huh? If I have to start next week, and I can myself select which occupation, then that's no big problem. I guess starting as a college student will be just right.

*At night. Dip was getting ready for the party. He dressed up in a suit, applied perfume, tied back his long hairs and wore a brand new wrist watch. Hunters sure are rich. He then drove to the place of the party in his car. 45 minutes later, he arrived at the place.*

Dip: *Walking in the room while fixing his watch and coat.*

Claudia: Oh hey shawrlty boy, welcome.

*Dip looks up, and sees only the five girls in suits. He stepped back a little.*

Dip: Hey... Why are only you guys here? Where are everyone else?

Gwen: Who are you talking about? We don't remember inviting anybody but you.

Dip: But you said that this was a party by the department!

Stacy: Yes shawty boy, it is.


Lisa: *Walks up to him and whispers in his ears* You are forgetting darling..... There are only five members in the Assistant Department ♡

Dip: *Smiling nervously* So why did you....?

Claudia: Role play. We wanted to see how it feels to be fucked while wearing formals.

Hannah: You know what baby? You have got yourself your own harem of girls. Guys would normally be happy if they get one. Getting attention by a bunch of girls ain't common. Not every one gets it.

Dip: My harem... So does that means...

*The girls smile wide as their eyes shine*

*Door closes. Out side the building, people wonder what these loud sounds are. After an hour, things quite down.*