
Mind Control

With a snap of his fingers, they dance to his tune. With the quirk of his lips. they turn numb. With the tap of his toe, they kneel to him. He can control their every thought, emotion, and movement. Manipulate their very lives. None can escape his grasp. *** Ian woke up one day confused to see the unfamiliar yet familiar surroundings. Once this was his home, when it was no more he got lost. He lost everything. Now everything is back. A burning starlight lit in his cold eyes, promising to burn all his enemies. He would never allow his home to be destroyed again. Not this time. He was back. And this time, he would control their lives just like they controlled his.

MidnightSweet · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


Ian Everett is a strange child. 

It might be the fact that his parents died when he was very young so he was raised single-handedly by his only family member, his older brother.

It might also be because he had been kidnapped so many times ever since he was a child that he had turned numb and twisted.

Maybe it was because he was the target of many influential and powerful families to be used as blackmail against his brother.

But it couldn't possibly be because he was born into and raised in an underworld family, living the life of a young master with guns in his hands, bodyguards behind his back, and hundreds of underlings.



His older brother was busy all the time after their parents' death, taking over the family business and having to take care of him. Yet he somehow always finds the time to care for and talk to Ian. He was a doting brother yet he didn't spoil the latter. He was a truly qualified, good older brother.

But maybe it's also because of this truth that their enemies tend to target Ian when they can't get to his older brother, Angus Everett.

Causing his brother such heartache that Ian's bodyguards increased 10 times overnight after his first kidnapping incident.

Everyone knew that Ian was his brother's only precious blood-related family held closely to his heart. Ian was his weakness. And if they didn't see that, they must've been blind and lost their cultivated predatory senses.


At the same time…

His brother was Ian's…

Reverse scale.


In a silent, dark room submerged in total darkness.

The dark-blue curtains hanging down from the floor-to-ceiling windows blocked the sunlight attempting to stream into the shaded room, chasing away any source of light.

The crystal chandeliers, attached to the center of the ceiling, lost their shine in this absolute darkness. Dim and useless.

Without a hint of sunlight in this room submerged in darkness, there sat a beautiful and innocent-looking young child reading a book. Though it cannot be said that he was actually reading the book, he was staring at it intensely through the cover of darkness. He could not actually see the book; he saw everything within his mind. The shape of the book, the book title, the contents he had memorized…

Rubbing the hard book cover, he was immersed in unknown thoughts. Suddenly, there was a creaking sound on the other side of the large room. 

Light suddenly poured into the dark room that exuded a gloomy atmosphere, clearing away its heaviness and strange gloom. Someone had opened the door to 9-year-old Ian's bedroom and entered. 

Without even turning his head, Ian knew who it was. His lips unconsciously curved into a smile.

"Ian," a man's deep voice with a streak of natural coldness echoed in the carefully decorated bedroom. 

From shelf to shelf, countless toys accessorized them. The wide 8-in radius soft carpet placed considerately in the center of the room for Ian to enjoy. A soft and comfortable mattress fitted in a high-quality bed frame. On the bed were numerous velvet pillows and silk blankets, the best there is to offer. The whole room was filled with luxuries any normal kid would want.

Weirdly, almost none of the shelves were touched.

"I have to go on a business trip for a few weeks."

The area Ian sat in was purposely segregated from the rest of the room to act as a little office-cum-study area for Ian to do school work at and other projects. High-quality sofas and bean bag chairs surround a long, oval-shaped low table with a glass surface. Free for Ian to sit on the floor and work at or on the chairs.

Ian lifted his head up to look at his brother Angus, who had single-handedly raised him up after their parents died 3 years ago, and spoke with a pure and childish smile on his lips, "Big Brother, may I come with you this time?"

Angus paused. 


Then thinking that he was being too blunt and cold, he softened his tone and explained straightforwardly, "It will be too dangerous."

Something gleamed in Ian's eyes and disappeared before it could be perceived. He smiled again and nodded in understanding. 

Turning around, Angus left, but not before telling Ian to take care of himself and to not let his guard down around anyone.

With that, he left. The door closed. The room was once again engulfed in boundless darkness.

The difference this time was that instead of sitting, Ian was standing up. Ian had stood up soon after his brother left, placing down his book on the table that was invisible to the human eye in front of him, then maneuvered his way blindly to his bed.

He walked in the complete darkness with practiced ease. He was like a fish in water as he roamed around his room without needing to use his eyes to see, not bumping or knocking into anything.

Lying down on his bed, Ian closed his eyes and thought back to the conversation he just had moments ago with his older brother.

Angus had never even once agreed to Ian's request to accompany him on his business trips. Ian had an inkling why… but he never dwelled too long on this subject. 

Opening his eyes, he swiftly got off his bed and headed outside of his room. From calmly walking to fast-walking to jogging then finally into a full sprint. 

Passing hallways upon hallways and numerous doors that led to individual rooms.

Pushing open the main house doors of the mansion to the outside, Ian evened out his breathing as he slowed down his pace. 

"Brother…" A soft call… 

Outside, Angus was just about to get into the car. Hearing his little brother calling him, he turned around to look at him, wondering what he wanted.

Ian didn't hesitate at all. He said, "Brother, can I come with you this time? Please?" His wide eyes shone with pleas and determination, and coupled with his innocent and childish face that still had baby fat on it, this appearance can truly strike Cupid's heart with his own arrow.

Angus didn't understand why Ian was so insistent on coming with him this time as he usually wasn't so stubborn and disobedient. Angus was reluctant to let his brother go with him. He didn't want Ian to be too involved with this world. Nor does he want to expose him to unnecessary danger if it could be avoided.

Ian could see through his brother's hesitation and he could understand the latter's thoughts well, however, he still wanted to go. He wanted to help his brother with whatever he could, he knew how much his brother sacrificed for him to raise him. He was determined, very determined, to help his brother and be useful to him no matter what. His age and size aside, Ian believed he could be useful to his big brother.

Exchanging gazes with his precious little Ian, Angus had to finally give in. 

"Just this once." He lifted up one pointer finger to emphasize the "once", then turned and got into the car.

Ian gasped in surprise—and delight—at Angus's unexpected agreement. 

Yes! Ian silently cheered in his heart as he clutched his hands into fists. 

"Thank you, brother!" Ian shouted as he ran towards the car and got in as well.

Buckling his seatbelt up, Ian grinned from ear to ear, humming a random song to himself.

Looking at his brother beaming with happiness, Angus could only sigh and shake his head in exasperation and helplessness, dotingly.

However, this happiness would not last for long. An ominous aura shrouded this "trip", its aim… 



Quietly and obediently sitting in his seat without moving and twisting around restlessly the way a normal child would have when it comes to staying still and being in an unfamiliar place, Ian was a very obedient child who did not make trouble for his older brother while the latter was doing business. 

"…That will be all for the details of this business proposal. If additional details need to be included in the future due to unexpected circumstances, we will revise the contract as need be," the subordinate of Angus said in the stead of his boss. 

The other party of the contract nodded their heads in agreement regarding the approval of the contract.

Ian had accompanied his brother to another company's headquarters to discuss the official terms of the contract of partnership for a project between Angus's company and the other's. 

Right now, he was sitting very still and silently at his brother's side on an expensive, soft couch. 

Angus was next to him, leaning back on the couch, one leg over the other, and with one hand supporting his chin as he listened to the terms of the contract the other side proposed. His posture not standard at all, showing almost no politeness or respect to the opposite party. Almost sloppy. However, his natural cold aura and the domineering air around him made it impossible for anyone to criticize and reprimand him for his actions. 

In truth, the other party in this contract was inwardly shaking in their boots to be facing Ian's brother, Angus. The famous leader of one of the most powerful and influential underworld's gangs—it was an open secret. One Angus would not hesitate to use to his advantage. 

The young Ian with his usual smile looked on with interest as he listened to all the business talks, unknown to others whether he could actually understand anything or not. 

At this point, one of the people on the other side seemed to suddenly notice Ian. Then as if truly impressed by his mature behavior at such a premature age, they praised Ian.

"Mr. Everett has such an obedient and mature younger brother!" 

Angus looked at her, then gave a brief glance to Ian, and turned back to the one who had spoken. Then saying with raised lips, "Yes, my little brother is more sensible than others his age." His smile that was not a smile was frightening, his closed eyes opened. The woman being directed at with such a gaze shuddered inexplicably at an unexplainable coldness. Although the other's gaze was obviously normal, she couldn't shake off the feeling that she was being glared at with murderous intent.

"Brother…" Ian whispered so that others would not hear, reaching out to tag at the corner of his brother's suit jacket. 

Flattening his lips, Angus didn't turn to look at Ian, but looked away from the frightened woman in tacit compromise.

So it is true that the infamous brother of Angus Everett is his highest priority and his weakness.

The leader of the other party thought to himself as he witnessed this inconspicuous scene.

Then the plan should work…



"Now, now little boy. Don't be so frightened. You'll return in one piece to your big brother as long as he does what we want," smiled the man sinisterly as he used the flat side of a sharp knife to tilt up Ian's chin.

The young Ian could only shiver without a word, too afraid to speak.




"Little brother! Ian!" An agitated and anxious voice shouted, the sound piercing through the deadly silent air.

Kneeling down on one knee, Angus picked up the unconscious Ian who had cuts and bruises on his young and tender flesh. His heart ached at the sight.

"They'll pay…!"

The rims of Angus's eyes reddened with madness as intense murderous intent flooded out of him.


"Brother…" The weak Ian softly called out. Attempting to lift up his hand to hold his brother's clenched hand but was unable to use any strength. His hand trembled and then stilled. 

Angus's eyes were red with thoughts of vengeance.

Yet his voice was gentle and self-assuring as he spoke in a soft voice to his precious little brother, "Everything will be alright. I swear I'll make them pay for this." He clenched his teeth. This was the most emotion he had ever seen out of his brother ever since their parents' death.

However, it wasn't a good thing.

Thinking of the cause that turned his big brother into this state. Ian's previously innocent and pure eyes glazed over. Slowly, the gaze within turned cold and sinister with a vicious red light. His lips curled up unnoticeably into a sneer.

They'll pay…




Ian changed from that day on. The once honest and lovable little brother turned twisted with a gentle smile and demeanor that seemed so real yet hidden behind it was a deceitful, closed-off heart towards all others who are not close to him. 

Seeing this abrupt change in his brother, Angus could only feel his heart hurt with sadness and pain. He could only sigh in disappointment at himself. That he couldn't protect his little brother from the hands of this cold and cruel world; a reality that needn't be known to an innocent child.

The world is dark and Ian had seen through it at a young age. Living in such a family, he was not allowed the privilege of ignorance, he was forced to learn of the darkness in the hearts of humans. A truth that forever took away his innocence.

This all happened almost a decade ago. Now, Ian is 15 years old.