
Mind Colors

My name is Benjamin Hamford, and I can bring my thoughts to life. My life is virtually my thought process, before I got to know I had this amazing gift, it was much later and awry things had already happened. Come with me on the journey of my tale...

Chioma_Donatus · Urban
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Chapter One

Waking up on a Sunday morning is not a thrill for me, my grandma made sure of it with her nagging... Well, I was usually slow in getting dressed so it is expected because one would think my grandma was a time regulator when she was younger. She always keeps to time, appearing in her prim and proper womanly carriage. Sometimes I wondered why she never married a wealthy man, I would have had a rich grandfather(laughs). 

 "Benjamin" my grandma called at the top of her lungs. Well, I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Benjamin Hamford. I am 15 years old and in my second year in high school. You must be wondering why I'm staying with Grandma, you'll find out soon. "Benjamin", Grandma called again. "We would be late if you keep checking yourself out in the mirror. Can we be on our way soon before we miss the first two rows in church" My Nene, as I fondly called her never misses the first two rows to the altar, and she would want me sitting next to her surrounded by old folks, especially old ladies wearing gloves and hats. When I was much younger, I loved it but for some reason, I find that setting uncomfortable. The choir came up, sang a few songs, and then Pastor Sam mounted the pulpit for the sermon. He preached for almost an hour but I couldn't remember anything he said even if he was a few feet away from me. I felt a little throbbing in my head and like a trance, I found my mind drifting away from the present as if being called to another world but all in my head. This feeling has become so familiar to me because I have been experiencing it since I was a child. Nene even had to inquire from Pastor Sam. He said it was a gift from God which I'll learn to use in time. Nene was a bit bothered about it. She came across a Scripture in The Bible that she made me memorize, and it always worked... 2 Timothy 1:7. So I recited it in silence on my seat. Nene didn't notice because she was following what the Pastor was preaching about word-to-word. Interestingly enough, my mind became peaceful again and I become aware of what is happening around me. 

 That Bible Scripture was like my everyday pill. After service, we were almost the last people every Sunday to go home because Nene would want to greet everyone and ask about anyone who wasn't in church so she'd go visiting that member during the week. I already know the drill, so I waited at my usual spot under a tree house close to the church building. When Nene was done, we headed home, talking as we went. I never told her what happened to me during the sermon. Her belief that I had a special gift from God, made her more determined to bring me up to be a good Christian. I never saw that as me, a good man yes, but a good Christian? I don't know about that.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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