
Mind and Magic

Harry Potter, the boy who lived. How much do we know about him? About his life? About magic and the magical world? So let's find out what this magical world and its inhabitants are like. Let's watch a new person with sound logic in this crazy world. Will he stay the same? Or will he become just as crazy? Wait and see. it is a translation.!

3737_irinol · Book&Literature
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146 Chs


Some kind of fight lasted no more than a couple of minutes. Why the similarity? The emotions involved in this massacre of the intelligent ones spoke for themselves. Excitement and fun. Apparently, this is business as usual for them.



 Having finally calmed down and sat down in their places, they turned together in our direction. This time it was me who got a lot of attention. Attentive, cheerful, passionate, calm and calculating. I got the last one from one of the elves, as well as the magician's girlfriend. The latter hid her Mana so that not even a drop could leak into the environment. Marvelous.



 - Hans, let me introduce the expanded composition of the magical star - the Fremen. Their leader Alistair Smith is a totemic werewolf," under my slightly distant gaze the bestial guy smiled a fanged smile. Nice little set, it will probably bite through the fittings. - Deputy leader - Kroko. Dragonite," the lizard, or rather dragonite, saluted me with his hand, continuing to drink tea. "Edward Hill is a perverted vampire," she pointed to the vampire, who looked like a typical aristocrat. In some ways similar to Malfoy, the same color of hair and eyes, only the figure is more pumped up. He just smiled at her remark. - This eternally young dwarf is called Ogrim. Ogrim Gold," the named stood up from his usual place and bowed slightly. I answered him the same. — Suzanne Crystal. Even in death, you will not be able to escape from her beautiful hands," the designated person, a miniature girl of about twenty-seven years old, with a tight braid of black hair, as well as rich brown eyes, just glanced at me. And then she returned to contemplating something unknown, while clutching her staff. If I act as a healer, then she... "The last two on the list, but definitely not least," the teacher's gaze momentarily darted towards the vampire. - Two twin elves - Sol and Lis. Basically, they are addressed by the common name Solis," the two designated persons smiled sweetly and waved at me.



 - Hello! - they said in one voice. The elves were so similar that even famous jokers were lost against their background. I hope at least they won't finish each other's sentences. It's definitely funny, but a bit annoying.



 Waving my hand at them in greeting, I stared at the teacher in anticipation.



 - Well, this is Hans Weber. Your new medic. Despite such a young age, he already has the title of apprentice. So it won't leave you offended," nodding in greeting, only this time everyone at once, I said:



 - Nice to meet you. I hope for fruitful cooperation.



 As soon as I said this, someone's hand fell on my shoulder, and a soft male voice whispered conspiratorially in my ear:



 "We'd better leave this boring talk." Tell me, what kind of girls do you like? Elves? Loli? Or milfs? — Vampire speed is no joke. I didn't even have time to react to his movement. If it were his will, my cold corpse would remain here forever.



 Just as I was about to answer him, a barely perceptible gray clot flew past me, straight into the vampire. The hand disappeared from the shoulder, and behind this a wet sound was heard. It was the vampire who collided with the wall.



 "Another question like this in my presence, and you will become what you should have become much earlier - a corpse," Crystal drawled threateningly. I wonder if she is related to the headman? If so, how?



 - This is all? Shouldn't there be nine of us? — I asked the teacher a few seconds later. Back at school, she said that the team would consist of nine people, but one was missing.



 - He'll be right there. "Don't worry," she smiled mysteriously at me. Something is not clean here...



 Just as I wanted to ask about the identity of the last participant, the door to the room opened, and on its threshold appeared a small, chest-deep, gray-haired sapient.



 "You're just in time, Filius." We were just talking about you," Poppy greeted her friend, glancing at me out of the corner of her eye and tracking my reaction.



 Yes, it was my dean - Filius Flitwick. Now he didn't look like a Good Teacher. At the moment, Filius looked like a seasoned mercenary. The usual, baggy clothes were replaced by a leather jacket, the same pants and good-quality boots that did not restrict movement. Behind his back, with the hilt down, was a short sword, so that it would be convenient to pull it out with his left hand.



 - Nice to meet you. My name is Hans Weber. "I've heard about your achievements," I greeted my dean. Still, in the magical world he is not one of the last people. More precisely, reasonable.



 Smiling at me, thereby showing his triangular teeth, the half-goblin turned his gaze to the rest of the group.



 - You are ready? — a rather sonorous, commanding voice that was used to commanding came from him. It was very different from the one the professor spoke at school. Having received tacit consent, Filius continued: "Then nominated." The portal arch will open for us in twenty minutes.



 As if expecting this, the whole team moved out of the room at once. Looking after them, I turned a questioning glance to the teacher.



 "Miss Poppy, isn't Alistair the leader of the squad?"



 "The current one, yes, but Flitwick was the leader before him," smiling nastily at me, she headed out.



 Before him? Who then is Poppy for this squad? What role does it play? So many questions, but so few answers...












 "It's our turn in a minute," Filius said calmly. "Upon arrival, don't go anywhere, we will immediately move towards the curtain," having given targeted instructions, the half-goblin turned towards the arch of the portal.



 In the middle of the stone hall, at a distance of four meters from each other, there were two stone pillars. Each of them was covered with a thick script of runes. They smoothly sank from the top to the bottom, to the very floor. However, the ligature did not stop its progress there. Like tree branches they diverged in different directions. Somewhere they crossed, and somewhere they simply touched, thereby forming a rather interesting picture.



 Between these pillars there was a portal. A giant oval was tearing apart the space. Through it, the stone wall of the portal hall on the other side was clearly visible. Around the arch of the portal, shards of "glass" scattered in different directions. Standing in front of this art of magical thought, I felt awe at the skill of the one who created it. Albeit with the help of runes.



 "Let's go," Filius commanded. The whole team followed his order and one by one began to go to the other side.



 "Good luck, Hans," the teacher whispered, hugging me from behind. - Be careful.



 "I will," I answered and stepped over the "border." The feeling of a fleeting echo of space passing through you is unforgettable. But nothing lasts forever. A moment and I am standing in a similar, but still different hall.



 - Is everyone okay? — the "old" leader of the detachment asked insinuatingly. Seeing the silent nods of his companions, he continued: "Then let's go."



 Twenty minutes of wandering around the building. Is this a lot or a little? Some will say a lot. Others - few. I will answer differently. If the situation is new and interesting, then this time is sorely lacking. I was dominated by a wild desire to look at every picture, tapestry and bladed weapon, but alas. Our leader moved at an incredible speed for his height and he clearly did not plan to stop for an excursion.



 Leaving the building through the double doors, we found ourselves in an ordinary winter town of the nineteenth century. There were no high-rise buildings, cars and dirt of big cities. No, it was quiet and also clean. Each building was different from the other. Each of them had its own individual trait.



 But we didn't stay here long either. Having left the city limits, we went into the snowy desert. Snow, ice and wind are our companions on this journey. Helping yourself with telekinesis while walking, it was a pleasure to move through the snow. Others, alas, could not afford it. The unfortunate gnome walked waist-deep in snow, snow blazing, and winter at every step.



 Endless winter wasteland. Snow, snow, snow and more snow. There was so much whiteness that it even began to get boring.



 Our journey was not close, but after two hours we arrived at our destination. A stone arch that seemed to simply stand in the middle of a snowy field. But that was not the case. In magical vision, a huge, impenetrable wall of grayish-white fog was clearly visible. Such an amount of mana emanated from it, mostly cold, that even me with a body with improved metamorphism, as well as the magic of karyokinesis, felt cold from just the sight of it.



 Twisted columns towered about twenty meters above us. Each of them was decorated with images of various animals, as well as plants. Dragons, snakes, bears, golems and much more.



 Approaching the arch, Filius stopped. Turning to face us, he said:



 - Listen carefully, you are special, Hans. Beyond this arch are the lands cut off by the curtain. I don't know where exactly we'll end up. Perhaps it will be an ordinary field, or maybe the lair of an ice dragon. Therefore, in order to prevent deliberate victims, we will move in strict order. Al and I will go first," the werewolf nodded silently. "Ogrim and Ed are behind us," the named couple did not object. Another proof of the imaginary enmity of the two. - Our ladies are behind them. Well, the last ones will be Hans and Croco. "You should keep an eye on him," the professor said, looking at the draconian, to which he nodded. And why is this? - And remember - you can relax only in the parking lot, under the spell of protection. Until then, be on your guard.



 Looking at us all with a stern look, he nodded contentedly.



 — We come in at intervals of four seconds. Let's go," Filius was the first to agree, together with Al they entered the arch. As soon as they crossed it, they disappeared in an instant. There was no trace left.



 The rest followed the first couple. Croco and I were the last to enter. I remember I said that it is impossible to forget the feeling of crossing the portal. Now I'm ready to completely change my mind. Crossing the veil is an unforgettable experience. The mana of space, mixed with something else, felt every cell of my body. Even the soul was no exception. Having passed through me like a wild tsunami, the mana disappeared at the same moment.



 Standing still with my eyes closed, I tried to capture every moment of that moment.



 "Wow, he got stuck," said the dwarf's voice. - Even stronger than you Ed, on your first visit.



 "Yes, it seems like that," was the answer.



 Ignoring their conversations, I was still enveloped in that feeling. Now I understand Professor Kroku's words about caring for me. At the moment I was completely helpless.



 I don't know how long I was in prostration, but when I finally managed to open my eyes, my new acquaintances had already managed to set up a camp and also put protection on it.



 Having found Professor Flitwick with my eyes, I walked towards him. As I approached him, I noticed that the half-goblin was intently looking somewhere to the side. Turning my gaze there, I froze in shock.



 Even while reading the book dedicated to these lands, I noticed that not all teleport places are open yet. At least that's what the author thought. Well, I can congratulate myself. Today we had the opportunity to open a new teleport location.



 A giant stone castle, with its spiers reaching into the sky, was located right in front of us. From his heart grew a titanic, icy tree. With its branches it demolished several towers and also entwined the entire castle.



 There was something huge at the top of it. There, in the sky, there was a giant rift. Its parts hung in space next to the tree. The internal space of this rift was a distorted reflection of our world. If we had cold, then there is heat. We have snow, there are lava flows. And as if that weren't enough, this whole picture with the castle, the tree and the rift was surrounded by a giant tornado of snow and pieces of ice.



 Shock, awe and desire to know. These emotions overwhelmed me, which was more than surprising. I wanted to drop everything right at that moment and rush there.



 I came to my senses with the help of the professor. His small hand grabbed me with incredible strength. The short-term pain brought me to my senses.



 -Are you okay guy? — Peering into my face, he asked me excitedly.



 "Y-yes," he nodded after a moment. "Everything is fine, it's just that some flooding has come." It's even surprising - and really, why is this? I don't remember such "slips" in my own life.



 - Well, if you're okay, then good. Today we will stay here," he pointed to our location.



 - Why? — I said in surprise. Indeed, the sun is still high, and we are full of energy.



 "You'll feel it soon, don't worry," he grinned at me. I was about to ask about this, but the strength left me.



 My head began to spin, my legs gave way, the world swam before my eyes. Thoughts began to flow much more slowly than usual. I realized that I was starting to lose consciousness. Already plunging into Mark, I heard the words of the professor:



 - And you are quite resilient. He lasted almost twenty minutes. I passed out after about five minutes, and the rest...



 I didn't fully hear what he wanted to say. Darkness consumed my mind.