
Mind and Magic

Harry Potter, the boy who lived. How much do we know about him? About his life? About magic and the magical world? So let's find out what this magical world and its inhabitants are like. Let's watch a new person with sound logic in this crazy world. Will he stay the same? Or will he become just as crazy? Wait and see. it is a translation.!

3737_irinol · Book&Literature
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155 Chs


September, Friday afternoon, Hogwarts.






 Autumn in England or Scotland, what association comes to mind? Dampness, moisture, twilight. Semi-dead nature. Leaden clouds covering the sun, which is already less and less in the sky this couple of years. There is no such beloved light and warmth, there is no "life" of nature.



 This is what comes to mind. But in our case, everything is a little different. Yes, nature is fading, yes, the colors are gradually fading, but... The sun shone incredibly brightly that day. You don't always see this in the summer, much less in the fall.



The rays of the sun illuminated both Hogwarts itself and its surroundings. Amazing behavior of nature, don't you think?



In one of the castle towers, we can observe an interesting picture.



 The large room, similar to an auditorium, was empty; there were no students in it. And this is not surprising, because the pair had already ended about three minutes ago.



 In theory, the professor should now close the classroom and go about his business, or prepare "material" for the arrival of other students.



Yes, this is the picture in normal times, but not this time.



 At the moment there were two people in the audience, the professor himself, who was unusually serious, as well as one of the students who was standing right on the threshold of the audience.



 It was impossible to tell absolutely anything from the student's face, because there were no emotions on it. Just calmness and a certain lack of emotion. It's not like this when someone reveals their feelings, but when they open up there are no feelings. Well, or almost not.



 That's why it was impossible to read on his face what he was thinking about. Or is it still possible?..



- Yes? Did you want something from me, professor? – the guy asked, turning to face the professor.

- Yes? Did you want something from me, professor? – turning my head to the professor, I asked him.



 After looking me over, while keeping his attention on my face, the professor replied:



"Relax," he began, smiling. The serious expression on his face was as if it had never happened.



"You didn't manage to do anything that would make me reprimand you for something, didn't you?"



"No," a negative wave of the head. "I didn't do anything, I hope you don't have to reprimand me."



– And about not doing something wrong, you kept silent, right? Well, that's not bad either. Listen, although the conversation won't be long, let's go to my office, do you mind? You're not in a hurry, are you?



"I'm not in a hurry and I don't mind passing." - As soon as I said this, the professor went to the door that was behind him. Well, go ahead.



 Following him, I found myself in a spacious room. It was not a standard office, but a kind of nightmare of a perfectionist.



 The first thing that caught my eye was the sheets of notes. They were everywhere. Left, right, top, bottom. They were on the walls, floor, ceiling. On the walls and doors of cabinets.



 There were even those that hung right in the air. And you know what's the strangest thing? This way the picture did not create a feeling of sloppiness, clutter or anything else. No, everything was in its place here. Even the table and stand with weapons fit perfectly into this picture.



 Waving his hand at the chair that stood opposite him, he sat down in his chair. After waiting for me to settle down opposite him, the professor continued:



– So two weeks of your stay at Hogwarts School have passed. How's your impression? Made friends? Or not?



Apparently he decided to start from afar. Oh, this talk is all around the bush.



"Everything is fine, professor," I answered, folding my hands. – I liked the school, especially the part related to the library and study.



"Ha ha," the professor laughed slightly. "The hat definitely wasn't wrong in choosing a home for you, you haven't had time to enroll, and you're already thinking only about the library and classes."



– You are right, the hat was not mistaken. Ravenclaw suits me perfectly, no one bothers me, no one bothers me with their questions. Idyll.



– And also loneliness and no interest in your personal affairs, right? – a slight smile and a raised eyebrow. That's what was on the professor's face.



"You're right, and that too," a slight nod on my part. – But what did you expect? It `s Magic. How can you refuse to know and develop yourself? – I said with a slight smile.



"Yes, you're right, that would be blasphemy," this phrase was filled with so many emotions that you're amazed. – It's a pity that not many people understand this, and if they do, it's often too late.



"And that's exactly what I can't understand." Okay, people from the ordinary world, until he gets used to the situation. Sometimes they even have no choice but to study. Who wants to die from their magic at the age of thirty? But the inhabitants of the magical world, how can they themselves voluntarily refuse to develop magic?






"You see," the professor began, "this topic is not something worth talking about much." You can simply compare them with the golden youth from the ordinary world, but this statement will also be false. But I perfectly understand your feelings, what they do is impossible not to describe in words. It's just that such words haven't been invented yet.



 Another heavy sigh from the professor. Apparently this topic is not very pleasant for him.



 The silence dragged on. I sat waiting for the professor's further words. He was immersed in his thoughts. You couldn't tell by their faces whether they were pleasant or not.



We spent one or two minutes like that.



Suddenly the professor jumped slightly, looked around the room and stared at me.



"Sorry, Calder, old man," Flitwick said with a sad smile. – It's a little rough. Well, okay, where are we? Oh yes. Calder, do you remember what we talked about on Cash Alley?



- If you are talking about witchcraft, then yes, I remember - what is he talking about?



– Have you given up the desire to learn this art yet? – the question was clear in his gaze.



- No, I didn't leave it. I still want to practice witchcraft. As for me, there is much greater potential hidden in her than other magicians think.






"Great," he said, separating his palms after clapping. – This is great news, Calder. You see, just recently I managed to exchange a few words with Madam Pomfrey and I had the opportunity to tell her about your plans.



"Of course you'll excuse me, professor." But why do you need this? As for me, I am not entirely worthy of such attention from you. So why all this effort? – my gaze did not leave the professor's face.



"I had no doubt that your first question would be about this," despite my serious attitude, the professor smiled. – The statement that you are not worthy is not entirely true. Tell me, how many students try like you already in the first week? "As soon as I opened my mouth in an attempt to answer him, the professor interrupted me. "And let's not mention Miss Granger." I'm talking about those who delve into the essence of the subject, and do not memorize the material. There is no doubt that Miss Granger is smart, but simply memorizing the material will not get you far. So, is there anyone in mind?



 There was nothing to cover it with. He was right about everything. But you can't tell him that my attitude towards studying is a consequence of my more mature mind and perception of reality.



There was nothing left to do but shake my head.



"You see, you yourself understand that not many people feel the same way about all this as you." Believe me, this is already enough to start a conversation about you. What can I say, I'm sure you've already completed at least half of all the spells in the book, am I right? – his gaze was filled with merriment. Well, let's neither refute nor confirm. -Are you silent? Well, okay, it's up to you. Oh yes, about the conversation with Madam Pomfrey. The conversation with her turned out to be interesting. For more than twenty-five years, no one was interested in witchcraft medicine, so you became interested in it. I took the liberty, on your behalf, to agree to meet her tomorrow at eleven o'clock. I hope you don't mind?



"No, I don't mind," I said, sighing tiredly. Tomorrow's visit to the rescue room is over.



- That's good. And so that you don't worry too much, let's do it this way. Now I will help you, and after a while you will help me? – Seeing the brewing question on my face, he continued. – Of course, not to the detriment of you and your relatives, do you agree? - a nod on my part. - Wonderful. In the trailer, that's all I wanted to tell you. Maybe you have questions?



- No, professor, no questions.



- Since there are no questions, then I won't detain you any longer. I'm sure you still have a lot to do.



I got up from my seat and headed out of the office.



"Have a good day, professor," I said as I was leaving the room.



"Have a nice day to you too, Calder."



I had an interesting conversation with the professor, to say the least.

As soon as the boy left the office, the situation changed dramatically.



 The sheets that were previously in different places flew into different piles. The room itself became much darker, the number and variety of weapons on the stand also changed. There was much more of it.



Another door appeared behind the little professor.



"Well, let's see what happens next," said the professor, getting up from his desk.



 Approaching the picture that hung on the opposite side of his desk, he waved his wand and opened the hiding place that was located right behind it. Taking out a glass and a bottle of drink, the sound of glass colliding was heard, and he closed the hiding place.



Having poured the drink, he sipped it.



"Okay," Flitwick said, closing his eyelids blissfully. Perhaps this is not a completely ordinary drink?



 For a minute, he slowly drank the drink from the glass, and then turned, it seemed, into emptiness:



– An incredible young man, don't you think, madam? I think that in the future he will surprise and delight us more than once," the smile that was previously on his face instantly turned into a grin.






 As if echoing his words, the door behind him slowly opened, which had been invisible before the boy left. The silhouette of a woman in a gray-green robe emerged from it. There was no way to see her face. You could tell she was young. Or he looks young.



"You're right, Filius," a velvety voice was heard from the figure who entered. - Interesting young man.












 My path to the living room is easy and quick. As if in retaliation for the not so simple conversation, I managed to get to the living room without any incident. No one pestered me or bothered me. Is luck on my side? I don't really believe it.



 Entering the living room, I looked around. No one paid any attention to me, so they took a quick glance and went back to their business. This is good.



 There were still a couple of hours left before dinner, at which time very few people were in the hostel. This works for me.



I jumped up the stairs and got to my room.



 Change clothes, fold extra things and basically that's it. I'm ready for another trip to the rescue room. All that remains is to leave without attracting attention.



 I quietly went down the stairs and headed towards the exit from the living room. No one blocked my path or called out to me, okay. I left the living room and headed to the awards room.



 In general, the awards hall acted as a kind of museum at the school, and, as usual in other schools, was not popular with students. Therefore, the corridors around him are an ideal place to hide your loved one.



 In general, the conversation that took place left behind a double impression. On the one hand, this is a great opportunity for me. On the other hand, the professor needs something from me. Of course he didn't lie to me. Everything he said was the absolute truth. This was clearly visible from his aura, no sharp flashes or anything else. No, everything was fine.



 But still, something doesn't let me calm down. Firstly, all the sheets that were in the room were a mess in magical vision. I wasn't able to see everything carefully. Secondly, the enchantment on the weapon stand. They were too bulky, although I may not know something.



 And thirdly, the spell behind the professor's back. Of course, there were also hanging sheets there, but still there was something there. Something that didn't stand out to magical vision. Although all this may be my prejudices, or those sheets, due to enchantment, merged into a bizarre picture in magical vision. Anything can happen.



 Having reached the awards hall, I came to a secluded dead end. There I changed my appearance, transfigured my clothes to match my appearance. And finally he said:



" Incospicuam ," my outline floated until it almost completely disappeared into the environment.



 Well, the initial test awaits me in the rescue room. Time to go. Who knows how long, certainly not me.



Go ahead, magic awaits.