
Mind and Magic

Harry Potter, the boy who lived. How much do we know about him? About his life? About magic and the magical world? So let's find out what this magical world and its inhabitants are like. Let's watch a new person with sound logic in this crazy world. Will he stay the same? Or will he become just as crazy? Wait and see. it is a translation.!

3737_irinol · Book&Literature
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151 Chs



 Twenty fifth of January. Evening. Ravenclaw Common Room. Hogwarts Castle.

 The measured crackling of firewood engulfed in flames gave relaxation, an atmosphere of thoughtfulness, and a flight of fantasy. The fire, like a wild beast, devoured its prey, not missing a single piece from its "paws." The very cracking of the logs could be compared to the prey that fell into his teeth. However, everything is useless, all that remains is the hall and the coals.

 The light from the flames somehow interrupted other light sources, creating a dance of shadows in space. Its light was mesmerizing, it seemed you could drown in it, disappearing without a trace.

 One chair and one sofa standing next to the fireplace were currently occupied. I was sitting on the armchair, and the girls were sitting on the sofa, who at the moment were somehow looking at me with sadness. Am I trying to make you feel sorry? It's possible, but they clearly aren't doing it on purpose, I could "smell it."

 At the moment I am listening to the joyful chirping of Astoria, who, in a fit of emotion, was retelling the past duel between me and Harriet. 

 "How incredible your duel with Potter looked," she said, almost jumping on the spot. "The heat from Harry's fire spells was palpable even behind the barrier!" How much mana did he put into them? "The younger Gringras asked, putting on a thoughtful face.

 "You won't be able to operate with such volumes of mana for a long time." Especially if you're lazy and waste time on all sorts of nonsense," he answered her question while looking into the fire.

 "Yes, I know," the girl pouted. "It's just so boring that it starts to make me sleepy after half an hour." But there are so many interesting things in the world besides studying, right, Luna? — from a sudden movement of her head, Astoria's blonde hair rose into the air, scattering into many "rivulets," but after a second they neatly fell back into place. What can I say, magic.

 "And I like to read and study," Luna answered, her eyes flashing silver in the light of the fireplace. "Especially if Kol helps me," she deigned to add after about five seconds.

 "Ah," a light, barely perceptible wave of Gringras's palm expressed the full extent of the "storm" of emotions that were pounding inside her. - Who am I asking? If Nev were here, he would support me.

 "He would rather remain silent after listening to your speech." "In order to save my nerves from the friendly teasing of one person," I clarified Nev's behavior.

 But it is true, after all, Neville is a rather shy guy, which makes his reaction quite comical to watch. Astoria, having learned this, began to make fun of him almost every hour.

 "But that's not true," the snake was "righteously" indignant. - You can ask him yourself!

 "Silence is a sign of consent," Luna said without looking at her friend.

 "Correctly noted," a slight nod on my part.

 - Hey, Luna. Whose side are you on? — Astoria loomed "threateningly" over the Moon, which was not looking in her direction.

 "On her own," she said firmly, continuing to look to the side.

 There was silence. I was silent, and the girls were silent. Gradually, the pleasure from a friendly conversation subsided, and in its place came sadness coupled with remorse.

 Have they finally matured? Still, they had been postponing this conversation for about a month, as soon as they noticed my changed behavior in their direction. It's really not entirely clear why they need all this? No, Luna is understandable, first friend and all that. But Astoria... I don't believe that a pupil of one of the strongest aristocratic families does not know the banal basics of psychology and politics. So she needs something from me. The question is just what?

 - How long will you remain silent? — after all, I was the first to start the conversation, otherwise at this rate we'll sit until the morning. "Say what you've been harboring in your heads for so long," my calm voice was like a sea tide, so elusive and constant.

 "Kol, we would like to apologize," Astoria said, looking firmly into my eyes.

 - And for what? — without turning his head in her direction, he asked her. However, all my abilities in the field of empathy were currently focused on Astoria.

 "For going against you," she answered, hesitating a little.

 And they actually think that I was disappointed in them precisely because of this. How so? I definitely talked about what didn't suit me that day.

 An irreplaceable wave of the wand and a light barrier falls around us, preventing us from hearing a single word. And also, using the mana of space, I curved the "mirror" so that the shadows unobtrusively hid our faces. No, they haven't completely disappeared, it's just that a stranger will have to make a lot of effort to read lips. And I can feel such attention thanks to empathy, since the living room is not large and is completely in the zone of my gift.

 - So you actually think that I am somehow limiting you? Do I forbid you to do something? Do I oblige you to listen to my orders unquestioningly? Are you serious now? — my two eyes looked at each of them in turn. - I thought you were smarter. Although, it would probably be more correct to say more maturely.

 - But why should Kol be angry then? — Luna looked at me incomprehensibly. 

 "To understand what your actions could lead to, answer me one question," the girls got up and began to listen carefully. - Who are you and who am I?

 "The Moon is the Moon, and Kol is Kol," Lovegood said confidently. The subsequent nod seemed to convince the others of the correctness of this phrase.

 Astoria fell silent, thinking hard about it. Apparently they are so used to communicating with me that they forgot about the most important fact on which society's attitude towards me and towards them depends.

 "Okay, let's do it differently," I nodded slightly. Still, her logic is inimitable. — What consequences await an aristocrat for violating the law of the second category? — the importance of laws in magical England is unspokenly divided into three categories. The third is the most insignificant. The first is up to Azkaban and the death penalty.

 - Large fine. And also a slightly tarnished reputation - I directly "saw" how the star of understanding lit up in Astoria's eyes. Well, I see she got it.

 - What about a Muggle-born? — I looked again at the flame, which, as if responding to my thoughts, lit up with renewed vigor.

 "Until the month of Azkaban," the snake whispered quietly, lowering its head.

 - If a Hogwarts student is sent to Azkaban, then...

 - Then he is expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, without the right to reinstatement. And his wand will be destroyed," with every word her whisper became quieter and quieter, until it died down completely.

 — I wonder what category the temporary resolutions of the Ministry belong to? I mean those according to which a semblance of martial law is introduced," he looked again at the girls who, squeezing into the back of the sofa, wanted to appear much smaller than they really were.

 - To the first, - mm, sadness, awareness, fear. So many things, such a bouquet. I got chills.

 - And what threatens me, as a person from a family of unapproved people, for violating the law of such importance? — Putting my hand on the armrest of the chair, I rested my chin on my hand.

 "Expulsion from the magical world with complete erasure of memory for you and your parents," Luna answered this time, looking up at me with her eyes full of tears.

 - AND? Is that all? — tried to portray a slight smile.

 "Complete blocking and subsequent burning out of the magical gift," the fear and horror on the girls' faces was true and not fake. Well, perhaps we should finish.

 - How simple it is, right? - once again took the floor. "Because of your careless and thoughtless actions, everyone could have suffered." You, as minors, would have gotten off with a large fine and punishment from Rod. Well, I grin a little, project sadness and sadness. "I would lose all my memories and my magical gift." Equal exchange, right?

 - Kol, we...

 "But the saddest thing about all this is," I continued without stopping. - That by this act you betrayed me and Nev. And as I have said many times before, betrayal, whatever it may be, is the only thing that cannot be forgotten and forgiven.

 There was silence. So thick and viscous that you can stretch out your hand and scoop it up. Yes, they got it. And this is the most important thing. And about trust... He won't be there anymore. Trust but verify, right? And this despite the fact that they are still children. If they were much more mature... well, the conversation would be slightly different.

 - Well then. Since we're done talking, we can call it a day," I said, getting up from my seat. - Good night Luna, Astoria.

 A slight pulse of mana and a spell of silence dissipated into the wind. Well, you should wait until they fall asleep. I have plans for tonight.


 Carefully going down the stairs, before checking to see if anyone was in the living room, I headed out. Invis already took my body into its arms like a second skin. I wonder what is different about the third level of mastering this ability? And the fourth? I hope that someday I will reach this level and find out the answer.

 The plan for tonight is to visit one of the classes, leaving a "clone" there, and then head to the Room of Rescue. After all, it's high time to receive the title of apprentice at the School of Space.

 The truth does not leave me with the thought that the wayward spirit will again arrange some kind of dirty trick. If it were up to me, I would not have passed these tests, but there is nowhere else to get such an "easy and accessible" source of knowledge. But the spirit clearly intends to plague me, this became especially noticeable after the "gifts" ritual. What is hidden behind this?

 The walk to class that night was not memorable. No one wanted to attack me, no one knocked me down. I didn't even meet a patrol of teachers. Apparently Hogwarts Castle decided to continue the most problem-free path for me.

 Finding myself in the classroom, I cast a protective spell and immediately sat down next to one of the walls. An interesting fact is that if you create a protection from the current position of the body, and do not change it during creation, then the energy spent is almost two and a half times less. Much? Of course

 I stood up and looked back at myself. My "body" sat relaxed against the wall, closing my eyes. His chest rose slowly. Having cast a couple of scanning spells, I made sure that the spell worked as it should.

 Extending my left hand to the left hand of the projection, I carefully plunged mine into his, as if they had grown together. The next step was to use metamorphism to shrink my limb and then remove it, but without the bracelet. The silver bracelet itself remained on the patron's hand.

 Why all this complexity? Well, you never know how he will react if you open it and then remove it. Maybe he'll signal the teacher or something. No, I don't need that.

 Having critically examined my clone again, I was convinced that he was indistinguishable from me. Great, now on to the next point on my journey.

 It took me about twenty minutes to get to the Room of Help; after all, at the moment it is located in the opposite part of the castle from the location of "my monastery". As before, there was no one on the way, as if the castle itself was actually helping me. Although, anything is possible. It's painfully ancient and powerful, and it's bursting with mana.

 I greeted the model door that appeared in front of me without any emotion. This is the umpteenth time I've walked here, too many to count. Slowly opening the door, I went into the visit, which, as before, greeted me with emptiness and silence.

 Having dispelled the visa, I headed to the altar that was waiting for me in the center of the room.

 "I, Calder Wilson, mage of the School of Space, ask the Spirit of the room to conduct an exam for increasing rank," without sparing my mana, and this time, directing it into every word, I began to wait for the editor. And she didn't keep her waiting.

 Slowly, as if reluctantly, a black funnel appeared right next to the altar. The darkness in it rotated clockwise, with each rotation distorting and crushing the mirror of reality. Slowly, following the revolutions, cracks crawled across the mirror, and their source was a funnel.

 Ten seconds later, the Spirit himself appeared directly from the funnel. Slowly and gracefully stepping into our world, he opened his eyes, focusing his attention on me.

 "Hello again, Calder," he greeted me. "I'm surprised that you liked this school so quickly."

 "Hello, Spirit," I bowed my head slightly. And the mirror continued to crack, and with it the hole expanded. - Nothing special, just a lot of work.

 "It's quite possible," he muttered, scratching his long beard, looking at me carefully. "However, there was some genius involved, right?"

 "You know better," I didn't argue with him. But it keeps growing, faster and faster every second. My senses are gradually starting to signal panic.

 - Oh, I see you've already noticed this failure, right? - He grinned slightly. — As you might guess, with every second he becomes stronger and stronger. Your task is to close this gap. If you can, you will pass the exam. If you fail, then so be it.

 Damn, he deliberately delayed his appearance, and then started talking. The hole continued to grow faster and faster every second.

 "Good luck," I will remember his grin for a long time.

 As soon as the spirit disappeared, at that very moment I began to be pulled towards the gap.

