

By the way, about books. Not everything was as rosy with them as it might seem at first glance. At first, my parents and I thought that there would be no problems with the translation, but this turned out not to be the case. Far from it.

Tom's first attempt to read a book about protecting the mind turned out to be a complete impossibility of reading it. One had only to open the book and it became noticeable that it was empty. Literally empty. All the pages were blank. Not a single paragraph or word, nothing, just bare pages, with a clear sense of mockery on the part of Regulus Black.

Sarah and Tom spent a long time trying to develop the text. Both by heating and viewing the book in other spectra. There are many ways in the world to hide written text. Such as writing with milk or lemon juice. All attempts were unsuccessful. There were other attempts, but... In the end, the parents gave up. They even wanted to throw out the books, to calm the nerves, so to speak.

And that's when the idea came to my mind. If books are about magic, maybe magicians should read them?

No sooner said than done. I tried to read it and... it didn't work. It was still empty. It was a blow to the breath. And then I remembered the book from the 3rd part of Harry Potter. It was about magical creatures. To read it you had to stroke the spine. Then we need to do something with these books?

And my theory was confirmed, to read books you had to put mana into the page you were reading. The text appeared in clearly written words and sentences. As I understand it, this was a special defense against non-magicians. It follows from this that Lord Black fulfilled his Life Debt, but as a true aristocrat, he was brought up just like him. That is, he helped, got rid of the Life Debt and left the Muggles in the cold.

The question arises, what did he do? There is a corresponding answer. What do you need to do to read a book? First knowledge of the language. Second POSSESSION of mana. Yes, it's minimal and the simplest way to direct mana, but how many children master mana before entering a school like Hogwarts?

The answer is obvious, no. Not everyone will bother with training neophytes in terms of minimal control. As I said before, you won't be able to achieve much in this regard until your 7th shell has fully sprouted. That's why they teach young magicians etiquette and primitive rituals where the very presence of mana is necessary, in principle, just like for practicing the simplest potion of brewing.

The answer is obvious, no. Not everyone will bother with training neophytes in terms of minimal control. As I said before, you won't be able to achieve much in this regard until your 7th shell has fully sprouted. That's why they teach young magicians etiquette and primitive rituals where the very presence of mana is necessary, in principle, just like for practicing the simplest potion of brewing.

And Regulus Black himself most likely felt like a winner. Well, what else could he expect from a 3-year-old child? Possession of mana? Pfft, don't tell the Lord. A child, and even a Muggle-born, will never be able to read these books. And the parents themselves will think that they have been played and will most likely lock the literature away from harm's way. There are advantages everywhere, I got rid of Debt and couldn't take the knowledge out of the library. Profit. And subtle calculation. It's not for nothing that he focused specifically on the child's 3rd birthday, not for nothing... Children are restless and don't like to read, and even if the book is empty and you need to do something to read it... And you don't know what... Well, I applaud you standing Lord Black.

But he didn't expect that I would be in the place of an ordinary child. Already at the age of 3, I have a completely sprouted 7th shell, I can consciously remove and direct mana. It's not for nothing that I train mana control to this day and will never stop doing it. After all, there is no limit to perfection...

So I can read books. And they were not wasted.

For six months I had to rewrite books and learn ancient languages. And it bore fruit. Already in the summer of 1983, I have in my hands a complete set of data, books that are truly invaluable to me. And the knowledge gleaned from them was incredible.

What is knowledge about rituals for cleansing the magical shell worth? Or to increase it? Or rituals to receive blessings for the next year? Or a ritual of well-being? Or maybe good luck? Whatever you want, there would be a desire...

What is paradoxical is that the dates of these holidays coincide with the dates of pagan ones. For example:

Samhain is a Celtic harvest festival. Held on the last day of October to the night of November. The meaning of the ritual is to bring gifts to the ancestors to receive their blessing. As I understood on this day, the border with the plane of the dead is so thin that the real world comes into contact with this plane. Therefore, the ritual consists of bringing gifts to the dead.

Yule is a mid-winter holiday. Held at Christmas. Associated with various planes, both with the plane of the dead in the person of the Wild Hunt, and with the plans of the gods, for example Odin. Also the plans of various elements. Therefore, on this day gifts are brought to all planes to increase magical abilities.

I had a theory that every magician has a predisposition to some kind of magic, for example fire. Fire has its own plan. And during the Yule holiday, symbols of different planes are present during the ritual. For example, a fire is fire, wine is water, burning is life, and so on. During the ritual, the 7th shell is connected to these planes through these symbols and... I don't know what exactly is happening there. Perhaps the inhabitants of that plane bless the magicians, perhaps the 7th shell absorbs the concentrated mana of these planes, who knows. I'll have to find out in the future... How much more do I need to know? ...

One thing is clear - all these rituals did not appear out of nowhere. All of them are needed. Not only for magicians, but also for ordinary people. For them, this is an opportunity for their descendants to have a gift, as well as to make their life easier.

As you can see, this whole epic with books brought only advantages, and I also learned languages. Even though I can't speak them, if I come across such books in the future, this will come in handy.

Regarding the sources. All magicians want to have mana in reserve, since everyone wants a freebie without doing anything. So why not harness the existing, limitless, sources of mana?

No sooner said than done. There were countless attempts, some unsuccessful, some with positive results. But at one fine moment, someone, the name of the genius was not preserved, although most likely it was deliberately forgotten, came up with a ritual of subjugating the source. Its description cannot be found in the public domain; only general facts are known.

First, to conquer a source, you must first find it, and it must be free.

Secondly, an altar of magical substance is built on the site of the source. This substance can be anything, be it stone, wood, bone or even water. There should also be a "symbol" on the altar. The symbol can be anything, even a precious stone, even a book.

Third, the source connects to one person, and he already distributes mana among others, that is, members of the Family. Usually this someone is the Lord, that is, the Head of the Family. It happens that the Head of the Family is not a Lord. But it is always the Lord who is first among equals.

And fourthly, to conquer the source you need a burst of energy. This energy is mainly taken from sacrifices. Preferably magically gifted creatures. It's even better if it's something like dragons, thestrals, and so on. After all, who will accumulate mana over decades?

This is how they become Magical Clan. At the site of the springs there are the so-called manors of these families. In their manors, members of the magical family are practically omnipotent. As they say, my home is my castle. For magicians, this is not a saying, but a real fact.

Let's go back to why I talked about sources. Namely magical heredity.

Each genus has a predisposition to certain types of magic. Mages call these Gifts. So these Gifts are inherent not only genetically, as with pink muscles, but also in the mana itself. And why?

It's all about the source that conquered the race. As soon as they built their altar, from now on and forever all rituals are performed in the altar room, the so-called Ritual Room of the clan. And since the Gifts are transmitted, then all members of the clan basically receive the answer from the same plans, and this, in turn, changes the source itself. It also happens that the source itself is immediately ideal for Rod; this is much better than a gradual change in the source. Moreover, the source cannot be completely changed.

Therefore, Gifts are laid down both genetically and magically. All this easily coincides with Gifts like fire or necromancy. What about artifacts?

It's even easier here. The members of the Family themselves have been giving mana to the source for many generations; the connection is two-way. This is how they change the source. They program it, so to speak.

There have been many examples in history when a newly acquired wizard was introduced into a clan without abilities for Ancestral Gifts. The books gave an example of the Potter family.

Somewhere in the 14th century, the border approached, so to speak, beyond which the degeneration of the family would come due to incest (as I remember, in England everyone is related to each other) and accumulated curses. So, all the members of the clan sat down and decided to introduce the newly acquired magician into the clan. And they introduced it. The name is not specified, but it was said that he did not possess the Artifactor's Gift (the Potters' ancestral gift). But 5 years after being introduced into the family and connected to the source, he began to show abilities in the artifact craft. Of course, this is not only the merit of the source, but also of training in the family. However, the very fact of acquiring the Gift indicates a lot.

From all this the idea of ​​blood purity grows. Mages, the offspring of magical families, with many generations of magician ancestors behind them, have great abilities in magic, and even Gifts. For this reason, they treat Muggle-borns with contempt.

But in fact this is ordinary selection. Just as martial arts masters look for the same masters in pairs, so magicians look for the same pair.

And these magical Clans should not forget that once their ancestors were the same as Muggle-borns, without a cart without a yard. Everything they have was obtained with gigantic labor, sweat and blood.

And any magician can achieve the same result, if only there was motivation and desire... Is not it?