
Minato : Yellow Flash

This is a Translation and Edit Raw Name : naruto flash 火影之忍界闪光 Author : 时间流转 RAW Status : 1057 Chapter (Long Journey) The story start when Minato began his first year at the Ninja School, one day after practice he found himself with more energy and instict that he never knew. And the moment a red hair girl tranfer to his class he began to see memories he never saw, he progress quickly like he know that he had done everything before. Read as Minato step by step remember his future memories up until he died sealing the Kyuubi into his son and as he watch his wife dies. The story will not follow canon, and the memories will return slowly....

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Chapter 7: Uchiha Yoruki

"I didn't do that," Minato stomped his feet, turning around to face the boy.

Hearing this, the boy showed a trace of displeasure on his face and said, "So you still want to pretend? Akasaka Yu is second only to Mikoto and you, and you put him in the infirmary in an instant, which is not the way you usually act."

For freshmen who had just been enrolled for less than a year, the class was divided into two, and the boy in front of him was a student in the other class, and also the best student, Uchiha Yoruki.

In Minato's class, Mikoto's grades had always been ranked No. 1, he was ranked second, and Akasaka Yu, who he had hit before, was ranked third.

This also reflected the power of the Uchiha. No matter the aspect, people from the Uchiha clan were synonymous with strength and excellence.

Minato didn't expect that Uchiha Yoruki, who was not at the scene, would know what he did today so clearly. Obviously, he had gathered information from Minato's class before contacting him.

Uchiha Yoruki's grades were not only the first in his class, but he is also extremely handsome. Minato's information had probably been leaked to him by admirers in his class.

"What do you want?" Minato frowned. Uchiha Yoruki had inquired about his affairs so thoroughly, he must want something.

At this moment, there was a hint of arrogance in Uchiha Yoruki's expression, although it was fleeting, it was still captured by Minato.

"I want you to fight with me!" Uchiha Yoruki said, and as he spoke, he walked to the practice field outside.

However, Minato shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I won't engage in such a meaningless battle with you."

After finishing speaking, Minato turned around and left. In his opinion, strength is used to protect the things that are cherished, not as a tool for reckless fights.

"Namikaze Minato, you coward, are you afraid of me?" Uchiha Yoruki's expression sank instantly, and he said with some sarcasm.

His insulting words didn't matter to Minato, who just kept walking forward. "Think whatever you want, bye," he said.

Uchiha Yoruki stood on the spot, clenched his fists tightly. Although he had heard about it, he never thought that Namikaze Minato's temper was so good.

He was not a fool, so he naturally didn't think that Namikaze Minato was afraid of him, but as he himself said, he felt that fighting with him was meaningless.


Immediately, he punched the wall next to him, watching Namikaze Minato walk into the class.

"Namikaze Minato, just wait for me. One day I will defeat you openly, and that day will not be too far away."

Minato stepped into his class, and the students who were talking subconsciously avoided him. In this regard, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

But there were also some who looked at Minato with admiring eyes. After all, in the world of ninjas, the strong are respected.

In their opinion, Akasaka Yu's strength was quite strong. How strong must Namikaze Minato be to defeat him in an instant?

"Minato, here."

Mikoto was pulling Kushina to sit in her seat, waving at him.

Kushina's eyes dodged during the process of staring at Minato, and a little blush appeared on her small face, which was extremely cute.

Seeing this, Minato's heart couldn't help but feel warm. For some reason, seeing Kushina's appearance made him feel extremely at ease, so he walked quickly and sat down opposite the two girls.

Mikoto took out a rice ball from the bag and handed it to Minato. After all, it was an agreement between them, and seeing Mikoto's smiling face, she must have distributed the rice balls to everyone and received praise.

The lunch break passed quickly, and the afternoon class was about refining chakra.

Chakra is the basis of ninjutsu, and part of the reason why ninjas are called ninjas is naturally because they can perform various ninjutsu.

For the freshmen of the ninja school, they do not yet have the ability to learn ninjutsu, so all they can do is simple chakra refinement and physical exercise.

Most of the students in the class had been able to extract chakra, but the amount was pitifully small.

And the student with the most chakra in the class before, besides Minato who hides his strength, is Mikoto, who had the most chakra. She came from the Uchiha clan, a famous family in Konoha, and she had an advantage over ordinary people.

However, from today onwards, Mikoto's number one position might change hands.

It was Kushina's first time taking the ninja school's course, and it was also her first time experiencing chakra refining. However, just this time, the amount of chakra she possessed was even greater than that of Mikoto.

Even Minato felt that even if he didn't hide his strength, the amount of chakra he had might not be as much as Kushina's.

This result not only made Shirota-sensei dumbfounded, but also aroused the envy of the students in the class.

"It seems that Kushina has found something she is good at." Being surpassed by Kushina, Mikoto did not feel any displeasure, but instead smiled and sincerely expressed her admiration.

Kushina could feel that the weird eyes in the class were a little less, and she couldn't help but feel secretly delighted.

At the end of the day's study, the sun was setting and the sky was dim.

When it was time to leave school, everyone walked out of the school gate, and outside the school gate, many parents of students had already gathered.

Minato walked out of the school with Mikoto and Kushina. The former paused a little in front of the school gate, with a trace of frustration in his blue eyes.

How he hoped that after the end of the ninja school, there would be someone waiting for him, holding his hand, and going home together.

"Sorry, I'm going back." At this moment, Kushina jumped and saw a person waiting in the crowd. It was a woman who looked about 30 years old, but she didn't resemble Kushina at all.

Moreover, Minato couldn't see any joy in her expression; instead, there was a hint of reluctance. Nevertheless, Kushina bid farewell to the two of them and left with the woman.

As for Mikoto, like Minato, no one picked her up after she started going to the ninja school. This is the family tradition of the Uchiha clan. If you want to cultivate excellent ninjas, you must be independent from a young age.

Even if Mikoto is a girl, it was no exception.

Akasaka Yu seemed to have been picked up by his mother long ago, and Minato didn't even have a chance to apologize. It seemed that he had to find another chance.

Minato, who was planning to walk with Mikoto, stared in the direction Kushina and the woman were walking with a cold look in her eyes.

"Mikoto, you go first, I still have some things to deal with."

Under Mikoto's puzzled eyes, Minato said this and quickly disappeared from her sight.

Mikoto tilted her head, wondering why Minato had become a little strange since seeing Kushina.

At the same time, in an office of the ninja school, Shirota-sensei was kneeling on the ground with one knee, looking respectfully at the person in front of him. It was a man in his prime who was about 40 years old.

The man looked at Namikaze Minato who disappeared into the crowd through the window on the second floor, with some surprise on his face, and said, "He found the Anbu."