
Minato May Have Been Your Father But He Ain't Your Daddy

Fujii Itsuki unexpectedly found himself in Konoha on the night of the Kyuubi rampage. Although it was a dangerous situation Itsuki still survived. His Isekai life was as dull as it gets, he didn't have any talent for being a shinobi nor did he have a system. Itsuki was prepared to live his life as a lazy bum but unexpectedly he received a summons from the Third, only to find out a piece of shocking news. " Itsuki I have arranged a marriage for you, the other party is Uzumaki Kushina, I hope you will agree to this marriage " Facing the request of the Hokage, Itsuki could only reluctantly agree while apologising to Minato who died a few days ago. It's not like he wanted to steal his wife but he was threatened into it. 'Sorry Minato, But don't worry I will raise Naruko like she is my own child and take care of Kushina well, and never let her feel any loneliness' Itsuki's seemingly ordinary life was turned upside down due to a single event. *************** Discord link : https://discord.gg/AyFd3NRMTA This is inspired by an MTL novel. This is not a translation. But just in case you want to get a glimpse of the dumpster fire I will leave a link. Link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/naruto-forced-to-marry-narutos-mother-at-the-beginning/ Pat**on: patreon.com/Life_Sa_Beach

Life_sa_Beach_ · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

2. Forced to Marry a Wife (Rewrite)


After cheering Kakashi up Itsuki went home.

His house was a relatively small but comfortable house situated in the heart of the village, it was one of the only things left by his parents.

*Knock* *Knock*

Itsuki heard a knock on the door making him wonder who it might be.

'Who' Itsuki questioned to himself as he walked towards the door to open it.

After opening the door he was surprised to see a Shinobi standing outside.

" Fujii Itsuki, Hokage-sama requests your presence " After conveying the message the shinobi didn't waste any time and flickered away leaving a bewildered Itsuki.

Itsuki was a bit confused because he didn't know what the Hokage would want with a civilian like him.

"Haah, troublesome" Itsuki sighed and decided to see for himself...


Sarutobi Hiruzen the Third Hokage of Konoha was sitting in his chair while looking at the file about a certain 'Fuuji Itsuki', his gaze contained a myriad of emotions. Guilt, sadness, pain, and many more conflicting emotions.

" Kaede, Shun I hope you forgive me " Hiruzen sighed.

He the Third Hokage of the strongest Hidden village in the elemental nations was unable to give them justice. 


"Itsuki I heard you are twenty years old and still single, Is that right? " Hiruzen said with a smile.

Itsuki didn't know whether to take offence or not, as he didn't know if the old man was mocking his single status, welp, at least his wife wasn't six feet under.

Itsuki didn't know if it was his imagination but the way Hiruzen gazed at him made him feel weird. He couldn't put his finger on it but he felt something was off about Hiruzen.

"Hokage-sama that is indeed the case" Itsuki said with a calm face.


"Hahaha ! Very good! " 

Itsuki felt there was something wrong with the Hokage, did old age catch up with him finally? , has the old man gone senile?

Although Itsuki had bad thoughts in his heart he still asked with a confused expression

" Hokage-sama, what do you mean? "

"Where tree leaves dance ... one shall find flames... the fire's shadow will illuminate the village... and once again tree leaves shall bud anew ..."

'Is that will of fire?' Itsuki was a little bewildered when he heard the old man started reciting the 'will of fire' out of nowhere causing him to reaffirm his previous guess 'Maybe he really has gone senile'

Unaware of Itsuki's rude thoughts the Hokage continued in a solemn tone

"As Hokage I must think about the future of the village, So I decided to arrange a marriage for you "

Itsuki listened to the Hokage's words with a serious expression as he felt it was something important, but after listening to the second part Itsuki's mind went blank.

'Marriage?' what does the future of the village have to do with arranging a marriage for him?

If previously he doubted Hiruzen's sanity now he was sure that the old man was senile.

But he still maintained a calm face "I wonder who the other party is? "

He was curious who the woman he was supposed to marry was for it to have such importance.

"The Woman's name is Uzumaki Kushina, and she is a very beautiful and gentle woman" Hiruzen said in an enthusiastic tone.

'Gentle my ass, If Kushina is gentle then Danzo is an angel' Itsuki cursed Hiruzen for his shamelessness.

'But isn't she Minato's wife, marrying her off as soon as her husband dies, Isn't that a bit inappropriate? ' Itsuki thought a little hesitantly.

As a morally upstanding person, how can Itsuki do this to Minato... But.....It's Kushina! And isn't he doing Minato a favour by looking after his wife and children?

Itsuki comforted himself and felt a little better.

'Minato rest in peace ... or not, I will take care of your wife and child ' He thought hesitantly after remembering Minato should be inside the Shinigami's belly.

Although Itsuki was a little bit eager he still felt embarrassed, thinking of marrying Kushina just after Minato died, although the temptation of marrying a 'Waifu' was still there.

" Hokage-sama ... this... isn't right .... Kushina-san is the wife of Yondaime-sama after all "

"It's fine you don't have to worry about that, Minato has passed away leaving his wife and newborn child without anyone to rely on and I must do my best to take care of them and you are one of the best candidates for that, you are single and have a very good reputation. " Hiruzen said in a calm tone.

"Also if there is anything wrong or strange about her be sure to report it to me quickly" Hiruzen said in a serious voice.

'Oh that's it ' Itsuki felt a little enlightened, the old man wanted him to spy on Kushina.

He didn't know why, maybe he was worried about the strategic weapon of the village.

As for why he didn't use a shinobi for this, he could somehow guess. Sending a Shinobi would obviously put Kushina on guard.

As for the other reasons he couldn't guess and he didn't want to waste his time on questions he won't get an answer to.

'Minato I really didn't want to do this but what can a civilian like me do? So I would have to reluctantly marry your wife?' 

Please believe him he was an upright person.

"Itsuki you go back first, Kushina will move into your house starting tomorrow, make sure to not make her uncomfortable" Hiruzen dropped a bomb on Itsuki causing Itsuki to nod helplessly.

'Sigh! The things you have to endure' Itsuki sighed wearily in his mind and turned around to leave...



After Itsuki left a bandaged Cyclops emerged from the shadows.

He was Shimura Danzo the self-proclaimed 'Darkness' of the village.

" Hiruzen is this person reliable?" Danzo asked in a skeptical tone, he was still a little salty that Hiruzen didn't let him send a Root agent to marry Kushina.

" You don't have to worry, his parents were part of my personal ANBU" Hiruzen said in a no-nonsense tone as he wanted Danzo to drop the subject.

Danzo got the message as he snorted in annoyance.

"Hiruzen, what are your plans regarding the Uchiha, they are the conspirators behind the Kyuubi incident" Danzo said in a gloomy tone.

Hiruzen shook his head " There is no evidence backing those accusations, so don't jump to conclusions. Now the village cannot afford another conflict"

"What if the Uchiha clan rebel!" Danzo shouted

"It seems the ROOT has been acting with a little too much freedom." Hiruzen said while closing his eyes and leaning back into his chair.

"Humph! Hiruzen you will regret it " Danzo said left while leaving behind some hard words.



Hiruzen let out a tired sigh, the position of Hokage was really stressful.

Sarutobi Hiruzen the Third Hokage has lost many people precious to him in his life, It hasn't even been 3 days since he lost his beloved wife but he has to act like nothing happened for the sake of the village.

Sometimes he felt he really was not suitable for the position of Hokage as the weight of his past sins and incompetence bore down on him.

Today was such a day.

Shun, Kaede... How was he supposed to give them Justice when he was unable to take action against the perpetrator? 

'Forgive this old man for being Incompetent' Hiruzen sighed in his heart.


"Kushina, Naruko, Please...I will always love you"

"Ah! No...No..., Minato please don't leave me" Kuhsina woke up from a nightmare her eyes were still a little moist due to the tears.

The scene three days ago had left a shadow in her heart causing her to have nightmares.

" *Sob* Why did you leave without me, why didn't you let me die with you" Kushina's mind was going deeper and deeper into negative thoughts but suddenly her dark thoughts were broken by a baby's cry.

"Yes...I still have Naruko, Minato don't worry I will raise her well" Kushina wiped her tears and said in a tone filled with conviction...


*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in" Kushina said after hearing the knock on the door 

"Sandaime-sama what brings you here? " Kushina asked with a sad smile on her face.

"Haah, It should have been me who performed the Dead Demon Consuming Seal, not Minato" Hiruzen sighed heavily "

"Sandaime-sama It's not your fault, Minato made his own choice " Kushina comforted Hiruzen.

After a few moments, she asked again " Sandaime-sama If you have anything to convey to me please do so " 

She wasn't stupid since the Hokage came personally to visit there must be something important.

" *Cough* Now that Minato is gone, For your and Naruko's safety I have decided to arrange a marriage for you with a trustworthy individual who will take care of the both of you" Hiruzen coughed awkwardly and said what was in his heart.

" Fuck off! What a great Sandaime you are! Minato's body isn't cold yet and you are arranging a marriage for his wife. Don't you feel ashamed ?" Kushina exploded and started cursing Hiruzen.

Hiruzen expected Kushina to curse him but still, it wasn't a good feeling to get cursed at... 


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