
Park bench

Minato sat alone, it had been a few days since he had gotten the pizza delivery job, since then things have been calm.

Too calm, he sometimes thinks to himself.

He's had the time to try some of the foreign foods of this world, to explore the villa-city more and to read plenty more books, especially those focused on this world's history.

He eyed the tree leaves above him, the metal park bench was positioned in the perfect position, the sun just grazing his knees, his Jonin vest heavy against his chest. 

The back plate still fractured from Pietro's brutal attack from his first night here, a reminder of who he has to watch out for. 

The smell of freshly cut grass and rain from the previous night flowed through the beautiful park.

His ears alerted him to the sound of gentle footsteps, his eyes snapped to the form, just a woman.

Her hair a dark red that fell in rivulets down to her shoulders, her skin was pale wearing a large white jacket and dark jeans.

His eyes fell back, focusing on the sky once more, she was just like any other person walking past him.

That was until she spoke.

"Hello" her voice gentle and soft, Minato straightened slightly as he turned his head to the woman who gave him a smile.

"Hello" Minato repeated, a bit confused at the attention but not averse to it, he hadn't spoken all that much over the last few days.

"Do you mind if I take a seat?" She asked, almost hesitantly as her eyes flicked to the bench. "It's just that I always sit here-" 

"Oh, no problem" Minato reassured as he stood, he wasn't particularly bothered about moving to a different bench.

The woman's eyes widened "Please, you don't have to go, I wasn't-" she tried to explain quickly as she turned to the taller man. "Please sit back down?" she asked as a red blush flashed across her pale cheeks.

Minato blinked, "Ah, sorry about that," he said with a chuckle, his eyes meeting her vivid green ones as he took back his seat.

She smiled lightly as she sat down, to his right. Minato was fine to go back to his previous silence as he watched the sky in peace.

She apparently wasn't "What's your name?" She asked, Minato turned his focus back to her.

"I'm Minato, you?" He asked with a small smile, his blue eyes ran across her face, she was quite pretty, her features delicate, her vivid eyes especially caught his attention.

"Rachel" she said with a smile, her eyes crinkling at the edges. "What are you doing?" She asked curiously.

"I'm watching the sky" Minato said plainly, his attention falling back to the sky, his arms crossing against his chest.

He could still feel her eyes on him, assessing him. 

A few moments of silence passed, Minato felt almost obligated to break it. "What are you doing?" He echoed her question back at her.

A smile broke on her face, flawless teeth shining "I like watching people" she said, her tone bringing a small smile to Minato's face.

"Why?" He asked curiously.

"I like it, trying to see through people" she said as her eyes burned into Minato's cheek, he was still watching the sun.

"That's an interesting hobby" he said calmly, she was clearly waiting for a reaction.

A few moments of silence passed before she spoke "It is, seeing the truth, it's fascinating" she said, as her eyes turned to the sky.

Another few seconds passed, the chirps of birds and the wind whistling through the trees the only sounds that could be heard.

"Do you come here often?" She asked, curiosity brimming in her tone.

Minato smiled lightly "No, I've only been here for a few days"

"New York?"

Minato shook his in the negative "The country, I'm from a less uh ..technologically advanced country, it's quite the shock" he said as he turned to the woman.

"Well how are you finding the country?" She asked as her eyes eagerly searched his.

"It's…it's different" he said with a chuckle "I thought the cars were called mechanical carriages for a while" he said with a self-deprecating grin.

She burst out in laughter, her green eyes crinkling at the edges "Really?" She asked incredulously.

Minato nodded and snorted "Yeah, it uh…it took a while to correct that"

She shook her head humorously "What's your home like?" 

He should probably ask her a question after this

He smiled, thinking back to his village, he still didn't remember quite a few things but he remembered what counted.

And he still felt that burning loyalty to his core 

"It's beautiful, the people are kind, the kids joyous, the schools are some of the best in the world, I can't wait to be back" he said with passion running through his words.

He made sure not to mention the blood he had spilled to keep those children happy, to keep those schools safe and to keep his people kind.

"Wow, not liking New York all that much in comparison huh" she asked with a small smile.

He chuckled "It's great, but it's not home" he said as his hand drifted into his Jonin jacket pocket, fidgeting with his headband.

He doesn't wear his headband in enemy territory. 

"You're very excited to be back, got a girl waiting for you?" She asked, her eyes focused on his face.

Was she just wondering if he was single, or was this something else?

"It's complicated" He said, slightly subdued, he still didn't know who Naruto's mother was.

Memories of beautiful red hair flashed through his mind.

"I do have a son waiting for me though" his eyes burned with pride, he turned his eyes back to the sky.

It felt good to tell someone, he'd told no one other than his sensei about his golden haired boy.

The woman's breath seemed to catch for but a moment, so quiet Minato barely heard it.

The good feeling suddenly turned to ash.

His eyes narrowed the slightest amount.

His attention dropped from the sky, his eyes slowly focusing back onto the woman. 

Her face was perfectly calm—too calm—her eyes wide in curiosity and a small blush spread across her face, a few seconds passed, her face slowly gaining a confused expression while his eyebrows furrowed.

Too practised! 

"Do you have family" his words had a slight edge now, 

She blinked, her eyes widening slightly at the question "It's…it's complicated." a flash of indecipherable emotion flashed across her face.

"Is it?" Minato questioned relentlessly, his posture changing, his muscles tensed.

Rachel smiled awkwardly, her hands nervously fidgeting with the bottom of her jacket. "What do you-"

"Do you have children Rachel?" Minato's eyes narrowed further, the edge in his blue eyes revealed, his voice as cold as ice.

"I-I just said-" her eyes widened as she leaned backwards, her breathing sounded far more shallow.

"Do you have children Rachel?" Minato repeated, this time slower as his now cold eyes focused on her.

A few seconds of silence passed, he wasn't falling for her act.

She stumbled to her feet, standing up and stepping back from his taller figure making sure to keep her eyes on him. 

"I'm-im sorry what's wrong" she asked shakily as her hands shook.

She stepped back again, still facing him, he stood and stalked towards her.

Her eyes were wide as her knees shook, stepping back carefully so as to not trip.

"Minato?" She asked carefully, her eyes flicking about, seeing if anyone else was around.

Minato on the other hand was cold, his fingers itching to grab a kunai.

"Who are you?" He said as he approached.

She suddenly stop backtracking, a small buzz was heard through the thick pockets of her jacket.

A phone?

Her eyes suddenly lost their nervous expression, her blush rolling off her face like water and her confused expression turned calm and calculating.

Even the way she stood, she now looked predatory, a snake just waiting for the perfect chance to strike. 

Minato studied the woman, anger rushing through him like a tidal wave…she knew about his son.

His fists clenched, he was about to step forward but caught the ivory in the corner of his eye.

For a moment he froze, his mind racing in disbelief.

'How didn't I sense him!'

Minato leaned backwards, a set of claws just missing his throat by inches, his eyes snapped onto the familiar figure.

The giant behemoth Sabretooth turned with a savage grin on his face, Minato's eyes quickly snapped back to the woman whose skin had now changed to a deep blue. 

Her pretty, cute features turned sharp and menacing, a calculating smirk on her face.

Shapeshifter? He hadn't sensed a henge!

Heavy, loud crashing footsteps crashed against the ground far behind him, the earth shaking with each thunderous crash.

Sabretooth lunged towards him once more, the crashing, loud footsteps only getting closer by the microsecond. 

Minato ducked underneath the claw strike, his right hand dipping into his Kunai pouch as he stepped forward out of Sabertooths reach for a second or two.

The blue woman was rapidly approaching in a blur, she was aiming to punch him while Sabretooth wound up another strike.

He used his hand to grab onto the woman's wrist, his kunai wielding hand raising suddenly and brutally stabbing into the wrist, quickly he pulled her towards him tearing up her arm all the way to the elbow.

The woman stumbled back, wide eyed as blood shot out of the arm like a hose.

A large appendage suddenly shot towards the narrow eyed Minato, his hand shot out catching it before he could be hit by the large slimy tongue.

With a simple cut he sliced clean through the tongue, he heard a distant scream but ignored it as the tongue retreated.

Sabretooth claws were already reaching for his throat, the loud thunderous footsteps were closer than ever.

He threw his bloody kunai into a nearby tree and blinked, his eyes witnessing a large muscular 13 foot tall man wearing an odd metal helmet rush through where he was just standing in a blur. 

The ground was torn up by the sheer strength and weight of the Titan.

Minato dipped his hand into his kunai bag, and with a single graceful jump he raised into the air far above the trees and unleashed almost a dozen of the kunai in tactical positions around the park.

He blinked to one almost instantly, directly behind Sabretooth, he kicked the back of the man's knee causing him to drop with a grunt.

His hand pulled back with a kunai ready to pierce the feral man's skull. 

But a blur on the edge of his vision caught him off guard, time seemed to stop, Sabretooths desperate attempt to run away ceased.

Minato turned his head and the wind ceased, the only sound he could hear was a vague, quiet ringing and then he heard-


His eardrums shook as before he could realise a familiar set of silver eyes were only metres away from him.

Minato's eyes were wide, Pietros narrowed.

Tears were building in the corners of the teenagers eyes, he was absolutely terrified, yet his body vibrated with anger.



Thank you :)