
Minami no hanashi : Yume

A simple yet complex world in which the destinies of each character ultimately collide. A past and forgotten memories that influence the present. Your past actions may be someone else's present, and your present is certainly someone else's past. Step into the middle of this world, where simple feelings with good intentions end up creating disasters, where Happiness and Unhappiness are long-time neighbours, where each person is legitimate, where the innocence and cheerfulness of everyday life make you forget your troubles. Isn't that what a beautiful world is all about? Discover Katayama Minami's world and live in the present without forgetting the past that gave it life. French version: https://www.wattpad.com/user/MinamiNoHanashi

linali_k · Urban
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Minami no hanashi : Yume - Prelude

The night was of an abyssal glow. A darkness so deep it seemed to swallow all hope of light. The sky, laden with clouds, revealed neither the sparkle of stars nor that of the moon.

In the midst of this lightless night, only a faint streetlamp revealed a van in front of the gloomy entrance of an underground parking lot.

From this parking lot emerged a man in a somber suit, his heavy steps resonating in the silence of the night. He held a briefcase in his right hand and walked calmly towards the back of the vehicle to open its doors. Like his mood, his face was shadowed, almost invisible.

Once at the back of the vehicle, his hands grasped the door handles. He opened them with a firm gesture and stepped inside, closing them behind him.

The interior of the van was plunged into total darkness, barely broken by the faint glow emanating from the back of the van. This pallid light cast the silhouette of two figures on the wall. Another silhouette, hands on the steering wheel, could be distinguished.

A young man sat at a table fixed to the floor, remaining silent. The man in the suit took a seat opposite the boy and pulled out a document from his briefcase. He began to read it aloud.

"Members of class 2-2 of Unmei High School. Akane Ayemi, Akira Katsuro, Arata Kurou, Atorisuta Kiyo, Emiko Haru, Hayashi Ryo, Hiromi Rikka, Hoshi Tutsomu, Kazuhiro Yukisada, Katayama Minami, Makoto Kiyoshi, Miyashita Saki, Mizuno Sanae, Minori Daisuke, Musamara Tetsuo, Nemushi Jouka, Rikiza Jukugo, Sharitsuo Konibuku, Sora Kaori, Tadao Nao, Takunomi Asayoshi, Tengu Harumi, Ueda Kana, Yano Taiya, Yano Tsuka, Yasushi Takumi, and Zonomuba Tishiku."

The man looked surprised and continued:

"The client even included notes on the personality of each student next to their names. I'll let you look at it and memorize it."

The young man took the sheet, staring at his interlocutor.

"Should I eliminate them all?" he asked in a cold tone.

As the words echoed in the darkness, the man in the suit calmly lit a cigar, letting a thick trail of smoke mingle with the atmosphere. At the same time, the driver started the engine, making the vehicle roar into the night.

"Do not misunderstand. Like you, I am just a pawn. In other words, I know nothing about your mission or what the client expects from you. He bought you and provided this document for me to give to you. So I give it to you, then I deliver you. That's it."


The man took a deep puff of his cigar and exhaled.

"Yes, that's right. Consider yourself lucky; from today onwards, you have nothing to do with Kurokafu (The Black Widow). Well, not really. You probably already guessed that you'll be part of another criminal organization... Nothing to rejoice about, really. You already know how it works, don't you?"

A heavy silence accompanied by the engine's roar settled in the vehicle.

He spoke again, with a more macabre tone.

"Not a word about Kurokafu. From now on, you forget about us."

The young man nodded and did as he was told.

The journey was silent. Hours passed, and the man in the suit was already asleep. The young boy, however, had already memorized all the details about each student listed in the document.

Around four in the morning, the van's engine finally stopped in a dark alley, away from prying eyes. The driver remained at his post while the other two stepped out of the vehicle. The man in the suit walked, smoking his cigar, while the young man stood still, his eyes fixed on the sky.

The sky was no longer so dark, and the stars were visible. Through a gentle breeze, the trees danced gracefully, offering a soothing and uplifting nocturnal spectacle.

The man let out some smoke. Not seeing the young boy following him, he stopped and turned to look at him. The boy stood still, frozen as if time had suddenly stopped.

"It's true that with Kurokafu, we're not used to admiring the scenery. I was the same the first time."

The young man remained motionless without flinching. Seeing that he did not react, the man in the suit picked up a stone and threw it at him with lightning speed. The young boy dodged it easily.

"Get back down to earth and follow me," he said, pointing down the street.

The two walked through the streets of the city, wandering like two solitary shadows. Finally, the man stopped at a vending machine to get himself a cold drink. He gave one to the young boy accompanying him. And as they leaned against a wall, they drank.

"Enjoy it before your new descent into hell. The Styx is beneath our feet, and for a brief moment, we stand on its bridge. In a few hours, it will collapse, and we will drown in the river."

The young man seemed intrigued by his words. He questioned the man in the suit.

"Do you like literature?"

"Why are you asking me that, are you interested?"

"No, you seem nostalgic. That's all."

"Hit the nail on the head, it was a pastime of youth."

The man in the suit straightened up and threw his almost finished can into a trash can.

"I don't know why I'm telling you this," he said with a sigh.

They gazed into each other's eyes, saying nothing. The man in the suit smiled, then continued, "I see, you're the kind of person one feels comfortable confiding in, knowing you won't repeat it to anyone. Don't get me wrong, it's your expressionless face and detached personality that produce this effect; not any friendly aura, far from it. One naturally assumes you're not hostile when you speak in that manner. What irony, considering the environment you live in."

"I have several ways of speaking, and you know that."

The man in the suit scratched his head thoughtfully.

"I'm not a foolish amateur. You could very well be trying to manipulate me."

A heavy silence hung in the air as the young boy straightened up and tossed his can into the trash. The man in the suit spoke again, "But what's the point in the end? You're young, but you know very well. There's no hope in this environment; manipulate me or perhaps extract information from me? For what purpose? To escape? We're in the same boat."

"It never crossed my mind."

The wind began to blow fiercely, the trees danced barbarically, and the birds suddenly took flight.

"Well done, you have a level head for someone your age."

"Thank you," he replied in a cold tone.

The man in the suit lit his cigar and then froze suddenly. He held his face with dismay.

"Ahhh, what a fool I am..." he said, scratching his head. "I see, in reality, this trust I feel has nothing to do with you but with the darkness we live in, and it reassures me. Because no matter what information you may get from me, your situation is such that you won't be able to make anything productive out of it."

"You think and talk a lot."

After a slight pause, the man turned back and gestured for the boy to follow him again. This time, the two characters returned to the van. The man in the suit spoke, "We'll wait here until the meeting time."

"At what time is the meeting?"

"We've spent our time talking about trivial things, I forgot to provide the context for your 'new life'. At 9 a.m."

The young boy looked at the man in the suit, sensing that there were still unspoken words lingering in the air.

"You're not telling me everything, are you? What do you mean by 'new life'? After our conversation, I find that expression poorly chosen."

The man in the suit scratched his head with an uncertain air.

"Hmm... You're quite perceptive. It's true that talking about a 'new life' in this situation seems absurd, I'll give you that. However, after the information I'm about to give you, I think you'll understand why I used that expression."

"Go on."

"You have an appointment at 9 a.m. with your 'new family,'" he said with false enthusiasm.

A awkward silence settled in the van.

"What do you mean by 'family'? If you're talking about my new colleagues, it won't be much different from my situation at Ku-."

"You don't seem to understand, but I understand you. This situation is rather unusual. I myself was quite surprised to hear this, but you're actually going to join a real family. A married couple with no apparent children. I believe the father is a renowned doctor... Hmm," he said, scratching his head.

"The profession of a doctor is a good cover; it's not the first time I've had to deal with a criminal posing as a doctor."

"Yes, that's true, but the fact that you're going to live with them is still an unprecedented situation. I wonder what kind of mission they'll entrust you with."

The boy looked the man straight in the eyes and replied, "My daily life will remain the same, so I don't care."

The man in the suit stretched and slouched in his chair. "Well, while we wait, I'll catch a little nap," he said, yawning. The young boy sat down as well, and the two slept while waiting for the time.

About five hours later.

The driver equipped the man in the suit with an earpiece, in case there were any complications. Following this, the man and the young boy were on the road to the given address.

"It's time for you to change your superior. How do you feel?"

"I don't feel anything in particular."

The man in the suit waved administrative papers in his right hand.

"Ah, what a pain! I hope they won't take all their time to fill out the adoption forms."

In front of the house

The man in the suit rang the doorbell of the house. The one belonging to the family whose name we don't know. The door opened, and the man of the house stood before them.

-(Man in the suit) Good morning, sir.

"Good morning," replied the man of the house.

The two men shook hands, and it was the beginning of drowning in the Styx. Something was amiss, and the man in the suit had noticed it right away. Indeed, the Kurokafu organization has a rather unique way of recognizing those who have a connection with them. During a handshake, if one of them doesn't raise their thumb, then the person has nothing to do with Kurokafu.

The man in the suit immediately thought: Have we got the wrong address? He discreetly checked the address, and it matched the one given on the document. The man in the suit understood that he was dealing with a delicate situation. He stealthily put away the adoption form and put on a welcoming smile.

-(Man in the suit) I see that we don't know each other! Let me introduce myself.

This seemingly normal line was actually a message directly addressed to the driver. It meant: "This man has no connection with Kurokafu."

The driver, in a cold tone, replied, "Idiot. Play the role of the orphanage supervisor."

-(Man in the suit) I am the supervisor of this young boy at the Egao no Ie orphanage (The House of Smiles).

The man of the house raised his voice and called out to his wife passionately, "Darling! Come quickly!" He seemed taken aback and troubled by the situation.

-(Man in the suit) This man really has no idea what's going on, that's clear.

-(Man of the house) Uh... Y-Yes! Excuse me, I am-

The driver continued to speak to him through the earpiece: "All the directives are written in the file. This is not just a 'delivery.' I've been ordered to eliminate you if you're exposed."

-(Man in the suit) Yes, the orphanage knows you very well; you're quite a reputable couple, if I may say so.

The man in the suit had a completely different personality. He seemed welcoming, smiling, and warm.

-(Man of the house) Oh, not that much! We're just doing our job. He said, blushing.

His wife joined him with a questioning look, "What's going on? Who are these young men?"

-(Man in the suit) Young man? Me? It's been ages since I've been called that.

-(Man of the house) They come from the orphanage, I don't know more for now.

-(Man in the suit) Excuse me for the confusion and let me clarify the situation if you allow me.

-(Wife of the house) Y-Yes, please go ahead. She said, with interest.

-(Man in the suit) I am the supervisor of this young boy at the orphanage. We have been looking for the perfect family to welcome him for several months, and we believe that you meet our criteria as well as his.

The couple looked at each other with shocked and bewildered expressions. The woman seemed to be in panic and had difficulty breathing. The man of the house supported her and gestured for the two young men to enter.

A few minutes later, inside

The woman had calmed down and asked the man in the suit to continue, "Forgive me. Please continue."

-(Man in the suit) Don't worry, take your time. I understand that this may be sudden.

-(Wife of the house) N-No, really, you can go on.

-(Man in the suit) As I was saying, we judged that you were the perfect family to welcome this young boy, and we came to meet you to make you an adoption proposal.

-(Wife of the house) W-What? She said with surprise.

-(Man in the suit) I understand that this may shock you, but of all the children in the orphanage, he is undoubtedly the one who needs a family the most. He has never known his parents, he is a reserved child but one for whom we quickly feel affection. He has changed orphanages many times and therefore does not know stability, does not know what it feels like to have a home, a family to rely on. He has suffered a lot but has never complained, as if the world were against him.

The young boy looked completely dejected. The woman looked at him with compassion, her eyes moist.

-(Man of the house) Why us?

The man of the house seemed touched by the situation but was doing his best to remain rational and fulfill his role.

-(Man in the suit) We believe that you are the family who can provide him with the stability and home that I mentioned. But above all, the love he has never known.

The woman burst into tears in her husband's arms, who barely held back his own. She exclaimed, "Lord, you are great! You who listen to my prayers!"

The young boy and the man in the suit were moved by this scene.

-(Man of the house) M-My wife is sterile, and it affects her emotionally a lot. This news is like a miracle to her.

-(Man in the suit) What?! Good grief... Who could be behind all this?

-(Man in the suit) I see, we knew we hadn't made a mistake in choosing you.

The woman and her husband wiped their tears. She looked at the young boy with so much love, her eyes half-closed, her pupils barely discernible. Her cheeks were damp, and her angelic smile, it was genuine joy.

The young boy displayed a surprised expression in front of this surreal scene.

-(Woman of the house) W-We would be delighted to welcome her here if you permit. She said with a trembling voice.

-(Man in the suit) That's precisely why we are here. He said with a smile.

-(Woman of the house) H-However, this is all too sudden for us, and we would like to meet you several times before considering anything. She said, looking at her husband.

-(Man in the suit) Of course, that's part of the procedure. It's necessary to give you some time so that you can think with a clear head. What do you say we exchange our contact information to organize a few meetings during the month?

-(Woman of the house) Y-Yes, let's do that. She said with a smile.

After exchanging their contact information and agreeing on the date of their next meeting, the young boy and the man in the suit, mesmerized by the situation, bid their farewells and gradually moved away from the house. The one belonging to the family whose name we do not know.

The boy's pseudo handler, along with the boy accompanying him, returned to the van, relieved. They were greeted by the driver, who had an imposing posture. As soon as the man in the suit reached his level, the driver, irritated, threw the file at his face. But the man in the suit avoided it, then picked it up.

-(Driver) The first step of your mission is entirely described in this damn file. I thought you had read it.

-(Man in the suit) It's not the first time I've been tasked with deliveries. I thought it was business as usual.

-(Driver) Don't think because you think wrong. Just obey orders, or die.

A heavy silence filled the air.

They all got back into the vehicle. The atmosphere was still heavy. Once settled, the driver started the engine and briefly explained the next steps: "We're going to head to a secondary hideout near the neighboring town. There, you'll receive directives for the second step of your mission."

The man in the suit carefully read the dossier provided to him at the beginning. Indeed, he quickly realized that the order placed was not like any other, and there was a whole scenario to follow. So he started to chuckle and stare at the young boy. The latter looked at him askance, thinking he had gone mad.

"You and I are truly pawns on a chessboard!" replied the man in the suit in a delirious tone.

After two hours on the road, they arrived at one of Kurokafu's hideouts.

Upon arrival, the young boy was placed under surveillance. As for the man in the suit, he hurried to report to his superiors.

When he returned, his tone was firmer. He opened the door where the young boy was supposed to wait and found a crowd of agitated people cheering on the duel taking place in the center of the room. Everyone was rooting for whoever they had bet on. One side shouted "Echo!" while the other: "Keima!" This code name was the one of the young boy we know.

The man in the suit made his way through the crowd to stand between the two combatants. He pulled Keima to take him outside. The people present were annoyed that one of their own interrupted the fight. Everyone here was at the same level in the hierarchy. People like the man in the suit were Chameleons.

Some of them didn't let them leave. So the man in the suit explained to them the mission entrusted to him by the superiors. And it was absolutely necessary that the young boy accompanying him not be harmed. With a bitter taste, they let him go.

The two then headed to a sort of bar owned by the organization. As soon as they crossed the heavy wooden door, a mysterious atmosphere welcomed them. A faint light veiled by crystal chandeliers cast dancing shadows on the dark walls. Everyone present in this bar had their reasons. Each one was wary of the other.

The two characters sat at the bar. It was made of dark wood, polished to perfection, adorned with amber mosaic inlays reminiscent of spider webs. High black leather chairs were lined up along the bar, where elegantly dressed servers hurried to satisfy demanding customers. Cut crystal glasses sparkled in the light of scented candles burning on each table.

And at the back of the main room, behind a curtain of purple velvet, was a small stage. Mysterious artists and dancers regularly performed here. Their music or routines created an enchanting atmosphere. The walls, meanwhile, were adorned with dark and provocative artworks, paintings of giant spiders weaving their webs. Creating a revealing contrast between the decor and the luxury.

As Keima observed all this, the voice of the man in the suit finally reached his ears.

"Hey ho? Aren't you having anything?" He ignored his question, thus indicating that he didn't want anything. The man in the suit continued: "If I had bet on you, would I have made a loss or a profit?" "You already know the answer."

As a silence began to take over, the bartender arrived with the requested drink. The man in the suit hurried to drink it.

"A reaper should be in control of his impulses, his emotions, and his actions. In fighting against him, I had the feeling that he let his bloodthirsty side take over."

With these words, the Chameleon put down his glass and looked at the ceiling.

"A reaper who lets his impulses take over? That must be a new one."

Keima was perplexed by this response.

The man in the suit spoke again with a serious air: "Well, let's talk about how the mission unfolded. I really didn't think it would take this long, but this month-long period is necessary for the credibility of our cover. Although we managed to adapt to this unforeseen event, we were still taken by surprise because of my inattention."

The result is, we'll need to be more credible at the next meetings to clean up the poor image we've given." "I didn't speak once, and it worked out rather well." "The superiors have informed me of the frequency of the next meetings. 'One to two meetings per week.' The assistant to the orphanage's head will accompany us for the first meeting or more. She seems to be popular in the city, which is logical for a Brown Widow . We'll gain their trust more easily."

The man in the suit took another brief sip of his drink and then continued: "Tell me, do you remember your role?" "I'm reserved, I never knew my parents, I suffered a lot, I don't know what it's like to have a home, a family to rely on, and finally, the world is against me." "Yeah, a cliché role." "Reality is cliché." 'Keima' replied.

The two individuals were in a lively bar; however, what was approaching was more of a silence that was spreading in the bar. A deafening silence cluttered with all the interferences present in this place that could throw off balance if one let themselves be carried away by them. The man in the suit broke this silence by picking up his glass and finishing it: "There's nothing more to add. See you at the meeting." He said as he left. The man in the suit waved goodbye as Keima remained seated. A few minutes later, he also got up and left the bar.

The day of the meeting

The man in the suit and the young boy were standing in front of the house of the family whose name we do not know, accompanied by the assistant to the head of the orphanage as planned.

As soon as the couple crossed the door, it was as if we were dealing with different people. Indeed, unlike the first time, this time they exuded a thoughtful and rational presence. The famous Chameleon, remaining professional, introduced the one accompanying them, a formality. They settled in, and then an avalanche of questions followed from the couple. Their goal was clear: to understand how and why their choice was made for them.

After finishing with the questions, the doctor stopped for a moment. He stared at the Chameleon, as if he had discovered something. "I can't remember her name, but there was an employee where I worked, who vaguely knew my wife, from a distance. But she knew her well enough to know that my wife... was sterile, and that she truly wanted a child. And it turns out that according to my sources..."

The doctor paused in his monologue, leaving behind an increasingly heavy atmosphere marked by suspense.

"She now works at Egao no Ie."

The man in the suit was inwardly surprised, wondering if this woman was the client behind all this maneuvering. He smiled confidently and replied: "Let's be honest with each other. We were looking for a family that would be able to adopt this young boy. He's quite unique due to his past... So we conducted very thorough analyses of the requests we received, but there was always something wrong. And when everything was fine, it was him who didn't want it." He said, looking at the young boy. He continued: "That's when a woman recommended you. Ah, and I don't know your sources, but she doesn't work for us. The manager took her recommendation into account and tasked us with researching you, criminal record, professional background, and so on. I suppose not knowing if you had adopted a child or not, she recommended us to study your profile to see if it matched with this boy. And not only are you people known for having a huge heart, but you also have the means to assume the future and potential needs of this child. You're not selfish, you're determined, you put your heart into everything you do, and you, madam, we're talking about your generous acts towards the city's orphans. We see in you the love that you need to give to children, and now, I'd like to say that it's the opportunity for you to give this child a mother's love." After this long speech, the man in the suit thought: I don't know where these sources come from, but they're completely false, I have no idea who this person is.

He paused briefly in his speech to see the emotional faces of the parents. He concluded: "I don't want to recruit you or sell you anything, and certainly not impose it on you. I simply want to find a home for this child who desperately needs one, and until today, you are the only ones he has agreed to come with."

The secretary intervened: "He had asked us not to reveal this last passage."

The young man looked slightly embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed about that!" He said, laughing. "You'll have to confide in your parents sooner or later anyway!"

The young boy glanced away slightly.

After this theatrical piece, the Chameleon and the brown widow were satisfied with their performance and noted that their act had an effect on the two potential parents. Indeed, their rational aura had vanished, giving way to the hearts of parents that slumbered within them.

The more the meetings passed, the more chemistry formed between the orphan and his prospective parents. After two weeks, Keima visited them without being accompanied by Kurokafu staff. After three weeks, he had already slept several times at their place. All that was left was to formalize the adoption.

One month later

The young boy and the man in the suit were seeing each other for the last time.

"Forget the emotional goodbyes, we really started talking just over a month ago."

The man in the suit handed him a bag.

"What's this?" "My last mission. I don't know what's inside; according to the document provided by the client, you're the only one to open it. Probably some instructions for your first mission."

"I see," he said, taking the bag.

The man in the suit and the young boy stood in front of the house of the family whose name we do not know. The couple, filled with empathy, patiently waited for the young boy to bid his final farewell to his guardian.

"Although this situation is very uncomfortable, if the client has spent so much money on you, it's because they consider you qualified to fulfill missions under these conditions."

"Are you trying to reassure me? I thought we were saying our goodbyes without emotions."

"Haha! Don't misunderstand, it's a purely professional analysis."

A silence settled in, and neither of them spoke.

Suddenly, the young boy broke the silence: "Um, I guess it would be weird if they saw us not even giving each other a hug..."

"Um, yeah, I guess so..."

The young boy and the man in the suit approached each other and hugged, and the man in the suit took the opportunity to whisper a few words to him: "Don't forget, from now on, you forget about us."

The man in the suit got into his car and drove off, leaving the young boy with his new parents.

The young boy turned to them with a slight smile.

They welcomed him with open arms: "Welcome to the family."