
Minami no hanashi : Yume

A simple yet complex world in which the destinies of each character ultimately collide. A past and forgotten memories that influence the present. Your past actions may be someone else's present, and your present is certainly someone else's past. Step into the middle of this world, where simple feelings with good intentions end up creating disasters, where Happiness and Unhappiness are long-time neighbours, where each person is legitimate, where the innocence and cheerfulness of everyday life make you forget your troubles. Isn't that what a beautiful world is all about? Discover Katayama Minami's world and live in the present without forgetting the past that gave it life. French version: https://www.wattpad.com/user/MinamiNoHanashi

linali_k · Urban
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38 Chs

Dog and Cat (1)

Minami no Hanashi : Yume - Prelude

Here's what happened:

-(Kobanocchi) Alright! Now, come on, Minami. Ayemi too.

As they walked towards Mrs. Kobanocchi's desk, a staring contest ensued.

-(Kobanocchi) Ahem.

Interrupted in their tracks, they finally paid attention to their teacher's voice.

-(Kobanocchi) So, since yesterday, I've noticed that you two don't get along. One can't stand the other.

-(Minami) I'm constantly putting up with her!

-(Kobanocchi) Furthermore, I believe I told you yesterday to come see me at the end of class.

-(Minami, Ayemi) Oh no...

-(Ayemi) Seeing Minami leave, I thought you had changed your mind! So, I left too!

-(Minami) You little...

-(Kobanocchi) Silence!

-(Ayemi, Minami) ...

-(Kobanocchi) I don't care for your excuses, Ayemi. So today, you'll do as I say. And it'll surely help you get along better. Any objections?

-(Ayemi, Minami) None.

-(Kobanocchi) Good!! We start with a handshake!

A shiver ran down Minami's spine as Ayemi eyed her hand.

-(Ayemi) Oh, not my hand... This brute is going to crush it!

-(Kobanocchi) You do nothing of the sort, Minami. Come on, shake hands and let's get this over with!

The two girls extended their hands towards each other. Once their hands touched, Ayemi's nail scratched Minami. What Minami didn't know was that it was an accident. Minami then squeezed Ayemi's hand very tightly.

-(Ayemi) OUCH!!! What's wrong with you!?

-(Minami) Ma'am, she scratched me.

-(Kobanocchi) Unbelievable. Minami? What did we say? Do you want me to call your parents?

-(Minami) See for yourself. She said, showing her hand.

-(Kobanocchi) You're both hopeless. If you don't give me a REAL handshake, I'll assign you weekend chores.

With those words, they looked at each other, trying to read each other's thoughts.

-(Ayemi) Hahaha Minami? Cleaning the toilets... I'd love to see that!

Minami managed to read her classmate's thoughts, so a disgusted expression formed on her face.

-(Minami) I'm sure this idiot forgets she's in the same boat as me. She thought as she extended her hand.

Understanding that her wish was a double-edged sword, Ayemi resigned herself and shook Minami's hand.

-(Kobanocchi) With a big smile!

They tried their best. But their smiles were nervous. And in the back of the room, the sound of a camera echoed. So the girls immediately turned towards Tsuka and Taiya. The threatening aura emanating from the two girls frightened the twins, who immediately hid.

-(Kobanocchi) So! After recess, you two will tour the clubs together. And just the two of you. Tomorrow morning, in my locker, I want a report listing all the activities offered by the clubs, as well as the list of clubs visited with the first and last name of their leader. And finally, as a little assessment, I want your opinion on each club, and—

-(Minami) Hold on, that's a lot!

-(Kobanocchi) I'm not done. And what you've learned about each other. You'll give pros and cons. That's it!

-(Minami, Ayemi) ...

-(Ayemi) Got it memorized?

-(Minami) Just the beginning.

-(Ayemi) I have the end. She said, sighing.

-(Kobanocchi) You two already make a great team!!

End of Minami's narrative.

-(Tsuka) For the 100th time, we didn't take your picture!

-(Ayemi) Shut up. We saw you.

-(Taiya) Yes, but—

-(Minami) We made you delete the photo. So don't lie!

-(Taiya) Well... Yes, we did take a photo of that, we don't deny it!

-(Tsuka) But my phone didn't click!

-(Ayemi) Yeah, right.

Sanae stared at Minami and Ayemi for a long moment. Then she said sarcastically, "You make quite the team, huh?"

-(Ayemi) No.

-(Minami) Anyway, I'm stuck here with her. You all have clubs, you can leave.

-(Sanae) I plan on touring the clubs too.

-(Ayemi) If Sanae follows us, I'll bring my friends.

-(Minami) She won't follow us.

-(Sanae) I'm not going to follow you??

-(Minami) Yeah. Don't worry! I won't lose my temper. I'll control myself. As best I can. She said, looking at Ayemi.

-(Sanae) I hope so! Otherwise, you'll have real problems with the principal! And he doesn't joke around!

-(Minami) I know!

-(Haru) Personally, I plan on going home. It was— What are you doing?

-(Tsuka, Taiya) Show us what you were doing earlier in the workshop!

Haru had a small smile on her face and handed them a card. On it, she had written all her contact information like a pro.

-(Tsuka, Taiya) Wow!

-(Tsuka) A real pro!

-(Haru) So, as I was saying... I plan on going home, and this little escapade was very fun! I wish you success, Sanae!

-(Sanae) Thank you!

The awkward feeling in Sanae's presence and Minami's seemed to dissipate in Haru's heart. So she left the girls with a smile.

-(Sanae) Shall we go visit some clubs, girls?

-(Tsuka, Taiya) Yes!!

-(Ayemi) Haven't you already done that...

-(Sanae) See you later, you two. Should I waiting for you, Minami?

-(Minami) No, no, don't worry. I'll go home with Jun.

-(Sanae) Okay!

The girls walked away, leaving Minami and Ayemi alone.

-(Ayemi, Minami) ...

-(Ayemi) Where do we start? She asked with a cold tone.

-(Minami) The athletics club.

Ayemi felt dejected by this predictable answer.

-(Ayemi) Oh yeah... Makes sense.

-(Minami) Well... Shall we?

-(Ayemi) Yeah, yeah...

Once they arrived at the athletics club

-(Asayoshi) Out of breath Ah! There you are, Minami! So you didn't chicken out after all! Now that you're here, I can use 50% of my strength!

-(Ayemi) Ugh, is he really going to come closer to us like that?

-(Minami) I'm just here for the registration, calm down.

-(Asayoshi) Sure, sure! Come on, put on your gear and bring—

-(Minami) Come on, it's this way.

So the two girls headed towards the gym.

Faced with this total lack of respect, Asayoshi was speechless, then became angry.

-(Asayoshi) Argh... Minami!!

-(Ayemi) Since you remembered the beginning of the teacher's instructions, what do we have to do again?

-(Minami) She wants a report listing all the activities offered by the clubs.

-(Ayemi) Ugh... Such a pain—


-(Ayemi) But this guy is completely nuts! She replied with disgust. Anyway, you must enjoy being in the company of your own kind.

Minami then looked Ayemi up and down.

-(Minami) I wonder what yours is.

-(Ayemi) A species far too lofty for you to even—

-(Minami) Shut up.

-(Ayemi) Anyway.

Ayemi opened the gym door.

-(Minami) Alright, get ready to take notes. Here, initially, we do aptitude tests. Then, the main activity is obviously running. After that, there are variations. Like relay races and such. But for today's club activities, they offer aptitude tests and the 100 meters. Note down everything I've told you, I'll grab a registration form. She said, moving away.

Ayemi took notes on her phone, glancing at the members of the athletics club.

-(Ayemi) Done... Is this club really... repulsive?

A few minutes later

Minami returned to Ayemi with the registration form.

-(Ayemi) Finished?

-(Minami) Yes, I'm registered. She said, putting away her form.

-(Ayemi) Now we need to give our opinions on the club.

Minami carefully looked at Ayemi's phone and calmly said, "Your phone is ugly."

-(Ayemi) Shut up, you're bothering me.

-(Minami) What's the point of putting all those stickers on your case?

-(Ayemi) Clearly, fashion isn't your forte... She retorted while tapping on her keyboard.

Minami laughed.

-(Minami) Fashion?? That? Alright, what do you think of the club?

-(Ayemi) Do I really need to say it? Isn't it obvious enough?

-(Minami) You're not going to write 'repulsive club', so give a real opinion?

-(Ayemi) Obviously, I'm not stupid, I'll just write in a correct manner my first impression of this club, that's all.

-(Minami) Okay, then for me—

-(Ayemi) Write it yourself. She said, handing her phone to Minami. And wash your hands before taking it.

Minami answers, taking Ayemi's phone, "Uh... okay. And my hands are clean.

-(Ayemi) And hurry up!

A few minutes later...

-(Minami) Alright, your turn. Which club are we going to next?

-(Ayemi) Hmm... The theater club.

-(Minami) Okay, let's go.

Outside the theater room...

-(Ayemi) A huge amphitheater for the theater.

-(Minami) Yeah... And why did you choose the theater?

-(Ayemi) I wanted to see the inside of the room. I was forbidden access last year.

-(Minami) Why doesn't that surprise me... what did you do?

-(Ayemi) I argued with the club representative. It was about... uh... I forgot.

-(Minami) Ah... I hope I won't get in trouble hanging out with you. You better stay calm.

Ayemi opened the amphitheater doors and invited Minami to enter first. As Minami passed, thanking Ayemi, the latter abruptly closed the door on her classmate.

-(Ayemi) Oops!

Minami held her shoulder while staggering, feeling the pain.

-(Minami) Ouch!! This is where I hurt myself!

-(Ayemi) You're tough as a rock, stop pretending.

-(Minami) You'll see what it feels like.

With these words, Minami grabbed Ayemi's shoulder.

-(Ayemi) N-No, let go of me!

Taking pity on her, Minami let go, then removed her own jacket to better assess the state of her shoulder.

-(Minami) Damn...

-(Ayemi) But... you have a bruise!

-(Minami) Ha-ha, I told you that's where it hurts.

Ayemi slowly approached Minami's shoulder. Seeing her getting closer and closer, Minami clenched her fist.

-(Minami) If you hurt me, I swear I'll hit you.

Ayemi pulled out a metal object from her pocket.

-(Ayemi) Here, put this on it.

-(Minami) What is it?

-(Ayemi) A big magnet. It's always cold, I like having it with me. Put it on.

-(Minami) Thanks.

-(Ayemi) Ugh. Keep your thanks. And don't tell anyone about this. I only helped you because it's Unmei policy.

-(Minami) What are you talking about? Would it kill you to be nice for once in your life?

-(Ayemi) Sigh Clearly, you've never been punished. I have, and I had to read the school rules. And one rule clearly states that if we don't assist an injured student when we have the ability to do so and even report it, we can be expelled from the school for non-assistance.

-(Minami) Oh really? I didn't know...

-(Ayemi) Being punished has its benefits.

-(Minami) If you learn from your mistakes, yes. Anyway, let's go in for real now.