
Minami no hanashi : Yume

A simple yet complex world in which the destinies of each character ultimately collide. A past and forgotten memories that influence the present. Your past actions may be someone else's present, and your present is certainly someone else's past. Step into the middle of this world, where simple feelings with good intentions end up creating disasters, where Happiness and Unhappiness are long-time neighbours, where each person is legitimate, where the innocence and cheerfulness of everyday life make you forget your troubles. Isn't that what a beautiful world is all about? Discover Katayama Minami's world and live in the present without forgetting the past that gave it life. French version: https://www.wattpad.com/user/MinamiNoHanashi

linali_k · Urban
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28 Chs

Brother and Sister

Minami no hanashi : Yume - Prelude

Minami simply confirmed, "It's me."

-(?) Wait, Jun... Is she really your girlfriend? I was just kidding...

Jun, slightly panicked, stammered, "Wh-what are you talking about? You're out of it, Kenichi!" He glanced anxiously at Minami, then quickly clarified, "She's my little sister, obviously!"

-(Kenichi) Hahaha Alright, no more jokes! Well, I'm off to eat! He said as he left.

Jun grabbed Minami's hand and led her away. He hadn't expected to see her here at all, and it showed in his voice. "What are you doing here, Minami?!"

As for Minami, she was calm. A calmness that seemed to hide a hint of sadness. Despite this, she extended her frail hands holding a snack. "It's for this morning," she said weakly.

-(Jun) Ah... I see... Is it for me?

-(Minami) Yes.

"Thank you." As he took the snack, he quickly added while handing her a box in return, "Here, take mine, let's eat."

-(Minami) Oh! No need for batteries after all! Thank you.

Jun was staring at the box. Suddenly, thoughts of Minami's bad cooking overwhelmed him.

-(Jun) Uh... But by the way...

-(Minami) Don't worry, I didn't prepare it.

-(Jun) Haha... Sorry...

-(Minami) No, no, don't worry, I wouldn't eat my own cooking either. She assured him while looking down.

-(Jun) Quite honest. Come on, it's this way.

Upstairs, on the terrace

-(Minami) I didn't think there was a terrace upstairs.

-(Jun) The first time I came, I had the same reaction as you.

An awkward silence ensued, with Minami avoiding Jun's gaze. After a few moments, they each opened their respective snacks and began to eat. After a few bites, Minami broke the silence. "I understand why you've been angry since this morning..."

While eating, he asked her, "Oh, really? Tell me."

Jun was also quite uncomfortable, but he thought to himself: If I start showing that I'm uncomfortable, it won't help Minami, and she'll stress out even more. I'm an adult, I have to act like one.

Despite the fear, Shinsuke's words seemed to have an effect on Jun.

-(Minami) Well, I keep asking you for favors all the time without considering your mood or opinion, and then you end up in uncomfortable situations... She said, looking down.

-(Jun) That's not entirely untrue...

Seeing that Jun didn't refute any of her statements, Minami became worried and started to feel guilty.

-(Jun) But that's not why I yelled this morning.

-(Minami) Then why?

-(Jun) I'm irresponsible with you, that's all. Actually, I'm angry with myself. He said as he ate.

-(Minami) But you didn't do anything wrong! On the contrary, you're always there when needed, and I can always count on you!

"That's the problem." he replied firmly, looking at Minami. Then he added, "I'm always there when needed, and unfortunately, also when you go too far. I indulge you in your nonsense."

Minami lowered her gaze.

-(Jun) But don't worry, once again, it's mostly a reproach to myself. You're only 16, it's perfectly normal to mess up sometimes. I did the same... And again... this morning it came from a good intention.

-(Jun) But that's exactly where the parent, the big brother, the big sister plays their role. A role that I haven't fulfilled until now.

Minami, increasingly worried, tried to intervene, but Jun immediately interrupted her and continued: "Don't worry, I'm not going to disappear overnight - ... To be honest, I thought about it but it was completely stupid-"

Suddenly, Minami stood up abruptly, interrupting Jun with a sharp tone, "What?" Her gaze expressed deep concern and her heart beat anxiously.

Jun was surprised to see Minami in this state. "Mrs. Katayama was right all along, but I reacted badly. Sit down, it's all in the past now, I ran into your mother and she brought me back to earth." Minami, still worried and perplexed, sat down. "What did she tell you?"

-(Jun) Nothing extraordinary, what matters is that I had an awakening at that moment.

-(Minami) All of a sudden?

-(Jun) Let's say yes... But it's when Narumi mentioned your father that I realized I was totally irresponsible with you.

-(Jun) I'm your friend, but I'm 21, I have to be a big brother to you in a way.

-(Minami) I see...

-(Jun) Why do you look so glum?

Minami feared that she had just lost the Jun she knew. She ate without saying a word.

-(Jun) She seems down despite my explanations... I haven't forgotten anything yet... You don't seem convinced. But I assure you, I'm not angry with you.

Jun tried to tease her to get a reaction: "Your calls at 7 in the morning are much more annoying, come on!"

However, his attempt ended in a resounding failure. Minami felt even more guilty, her eyes fixed on her shoes as she scratched her elbow. The high school girl seemed almost inconsolable.

-(Jun) WHAT? To this extent?! Damn, she's really not herself today, Mrs. Katayama warned me but it's not like Minami at this level!

-(Minami) I-I'll change then... I'll avoid calling you so early, sorry... She replied with a trembling voice.

-(Jun) W-well, it's true that those calls are not the most pleasant, but if you really need me, call me!

Seeing that Minami still didn't show a positive reaction, Jun let out a nervous laugh: "I feel like you think I'm never going to talk to you again."

Suddenly, Minami finally had a reaction. But not the one expected. She lifted her head and looked Jun in the eyes. Her gaze explicitly showed her fear; the fear that Jun would stop talking to her.

-(Jun) Seriously?

-(Minami) Well... You were really angry this morning...

Jun, exasperated, exclaimed, "Oh Minami, I'm only human, it happens!"

Being misunderstood by his friend frustrated him. He scratched his head accordingly and added, "You worry too much, I don't know how many times I have to repeat it..."

Minami abruptly interrupted him, "No, it's okay, I understand..."

-(Jun) Really?

The look from Minami that Jun was used to seeing seemed to have returned.

-(Minami) Yes!

-(Minami) And you know, even if you say it's all your fault, I still think you had reason to be angry with me, I have my share of blame in this story so don't entirely blame yourself.

-(Jun) HAHA Of course! Sure, you're also pretty much to blame!

In response to this jab, Minami had a neutral look.

-(Minami) Haha, great! Thanks, that's nice.

-(Jun) No joke aside, we just need to be more responsible, the both of us, and things will go well. He said while eating.

-(Minami) Yeah.

-(Jun) But remember, don't put pressure on yourself, I'm the older one so let me handle it!

Minami's face had regained its brightness.

-(Minami) Yeah yeah, we'll see, I'll do as I please.

-(Jun) Ahh, there she is! Our dear Minami is back!

Worried that Jun was drawing attention, Minami looked around and whispered, "Shh! Stop shouting, people will think you're crazy!"

They talked about this and that... But it was soon time for Minami to return to school.

20 minutes later...

-(Jun) Well, I think that—

-(Minami) Hmm?

-(Jun) Wait... Something's missing... I feel like something's really missing...

-(Minami) Hey, what's going on?

-(Jun) AH! I know, hehe... The problem is, it's really childish... After that long lecture of being the big brother... he thought, furrowing his brow. I'm compelled, it's now or never! I have to take advantage of this opportunity, it won't come again! I have to do it!!!

Seeing Jun becoming more and more lost in his thoughts, Minami tapped his shoulder insistently. Just as she was about to shout at him to wake him up, Jun interrupted her with a serious look.

-(Jun) Minami... I've thought about everything we said, and I think taking some distance would be good for both of us.

-(Minami) Huh? But what are you talking about? You told me earlier that nothing was going to change!

-(Jun) Sorry, but—

-(Minami) Hey Jun! I don't agree! You're saying one thing and its opposite, don't take me for a fool!

-(Jun) Arghh! Darn it, she's too quick, I can't even deliver the comeback I prepared! But... "Shinsuke mode activated!" Do I look like I'm joking?

-(Minami) Huh?

The 'Shinsuke mode' was created by Jun himself. It consists of exuding an imposing and serious aura.

-(Jun) Minami, you mustn't be angry with me, but it's better for now.

Jun's tone was unwavering. Minami, who knew Jun perfectly, had never seen this 'Shinsuke mode' before, she didn't suspect that he was just playing a role. The cover-up was flawless. This panicked Minami, who was expecting the worst.

-(Minami) W-What are you talking about Jun... You're talking as if you're leaving for a long time... She stammered, her voice trembling.

Jun thought, with a certain satisfaction, "Hehehe Perfect! Now the finishing blow! Take that, Minami! It's for all the times you've pushed me to the limit!" He continued, explaining, "I have training abroad... I don't know if your mother told you about it, but apparently not. It's a golden opportunity, I can't miss it."

Minami's panic rose a notch. "No... You can't tell me this just now. You should have told me earlier..."

-(Jun) Sniff... Sorry Minami! But I have to! ...

Suddenly, Minami jumped up abruptly, shouting his name, "JUN!" What made Jun strong at this moment was that he was imperturbable. "I'm leaving for two months." He declared emotionlessly.

Minami, wide-eyed, sat in silence. She stared at him intently. "Did you accept this training to distance yourself from me?"

Jun, standing up calmly, replied, "Not just that. I told you, it's mostly a golden opportunity for me."

Minami, sad and helpless, pleaded, "'Not just that'?... I don't recognize you anymore... You usually refuse to leave the city, to stay close to your family... I can't believe it..."

-(Jun) Are you coming? You'll be late if we stay here any longer.

Minami replied with teary eyes, "No!"

A silence fell, the eyes of the people around them focusing on this dramatic scene.

Jun, wondering how he had come to this, felt overwhelmed by guilt. "Wow, I didn't expect that! What do I do now? People will look at us strangely!"

Minami, her eyes shining with tears, responded spontaneously: "I don't care! I'll change if I have to!"

The silence persisted, and Jun remained speechless, torn between the guilt gnawing at him and the emotion welling up inside him. The curious looks of the people around them seemed to weigh on him, but he couldn't look away from Minami.

On her side, Minami, distraught, clumsily tried to wipe her tears with the sleeves of her uniform. Her voice, trembling with emotion, barely rose above a whisper, almost inaudible. "I don't want to lose you..."

This moment evoked distant memories for Jun, harking back to a time when he helped Minami with her homework. He remembered the last time he had seen her cry like this, when, similarly, he had announced to the Katayama family that he wouldn't have time to help the sisters with their homework anymore. That day, Minami had struggled to accept this new reality and had resisted the idea of letting him go. But she remained powerless, just like now.

As you can imagine, this scene didn't go unnoticed... A high school girl who suddenly comes to the garage to eat with her "big brother" and ends up crying in sadness. All eyes were on them.

The young man had hoped that his little charade would remain light and only cause momentary concern for Minami, but it had spiraled far more than expected. In an effort to calm the situation, Jun grabbed the snacks and then Minami's hand, leading her away from the curious audience.

In the quieter surroundings, Jun, out of breath, took a deep breath to face Minami. In a calm and dry tone, he revealed the deception. A silence followed, Minami looking at Jun with a neutral expression, almost accusing him of the trick he had just played on her.

"A joke?" she asked, her gaze piercing.


"You're not going abroad?"

"No, no."

So Jun admitted his deception, and before he could react, a bag flew straight into his stomach. He bent over in pain. "ARGHH WHY DID I FEEL SOMETHING HARD LIKE IRON??"

-(Minami) Pick up my bag and drop me off at school.

-(Jun) Hey, but that hurts like hell!!

-(Minami) Probably my calculator.

As Jun tried to get up slowly, Minami headed towards his car without waiting for him. "Hey wait!" Jun shouted, "I remind you it's my car and I have the keys!" No response. So he picked up his bag and followed her with difficulty.

As they took their seats, Jun slumped in the seat, taking a breath of relief. Minami, glaring at him, didn't hide her contempt.

-(Jun) Well, come on, I had to get back at you at some point, right? And you really overreact—

Jun stopped automatically, thinking about what Azumi had told him. He made the connection between what had been said to him and Minami's reaction. He thought for a moment, then sighed, lowering his head slightly. "Yeah, okay, sorry... I thought I'd act childish one last time. I thought it would nicely wrap up our conversation and we'd laugh about it but haha..."

-(Minami) Hmph.

Jun rummaged through a bag left in the back. He pulled out a huge pack of cereal bars with a small booklet that she had never seen before.

-(Jun) Here. That's how I wanted to end the original discussion.

The spoiled Minami's face lit up again, her eyes widening at this surprise gift. She quickly took them and hid them. "Not bad, I admit." At the same time, Jun finally started the car. "Alright, buckle up, let's go."

15 minutes later

As usual, Minami ate a cereal bar before heading to school.

-(Jun) Alright, you're there!

Minami put her hand on the handle, but just before opening the door, she turned to Jun, sporting a confident smile. "I'd better warn you." Her tone hinting at a threat. "This is the first and last time you'll ever fool me like this."

Jun wasn't intimidated, and even decided, despite his position, to continue teasing her with an arrogant tone.

-(Jun) Hmpf! It's the first time, yes—

But he didn't dare go all the way with his insolence, and resigned himself. "And the last time indeed..." But it was too strong for him unfortunately. So he quickly became provocative again. "But don't worry! Your reaction was more than enough for me!" he continued, chuckling.

Perplexed, Minami scrutinized him with intrigue. "You seem pretty confident, don't you?" She let her words linger in Jun's ears and added with a sly smile: "I wonder how my dad will react when he finds out." Barely finishing her sentence, she got out and closed the door behind her.

Jun's eyes widened in disbelief as Minami walked away from the car.

Just as they arrived at the school entrance, Sanae spotted her friend. "Oh, Minami!"

-(Minami) It's me~

-(Sanae) Did Jun drop you off?

-(Minami) Yeah.

While Minami enjoyed her cereal bar, Sanae looked her up and down. "You seem to be in a good mood."

-(Minami) Oh really?

-(Sanae) Oh yeah, definitely!

As Minami rummaged through her bag, she saw her calculator. "Maybe yeah." she said with a gentle smile on her lips. Upon seeing her friend who seemed much happier, a warm atmosphere began to emerge. But it was abruptly interrupted by Taiya's appearance. "Are you in love!?" she exclaimed.

"No." she replied, playfully tapping her friend's head.

The bell rang, it was time for the students to head to their classrooms. In the classroom, students who hadn't found clubs yet chatted among themselves. Others tried to recruit members. While Minami and her friends stayed together and resumed where they had left off.

-(Minami) Alright. Let's continue the search.

-(Taiya) Didn't you opt for the cooking club?

-(Minami) Yeah, but it's not on the list, so whatever.

-(Tsuka) But it exists! It might just be a mistake!

-(Minami) Nah, I don't believe it.

As a hubbub dominated the room, Mrs. Kobanocchi drew attention to herself. All the students present became attentive.

-(Kobanocchi) Who among you still have absolutely no idea which club to join?

Two hands went up. It was Sanae's and Ryo's hands. For Ryo, few people were surprised. But as for Sanae...

Minami turned to her best friend and whispered words to her: "————— - - - -"

Sanae, who couldn't understand or hear what Minami was trying to say, looked at her smiling, "You know I can't hear you, Minami?"

-(Kobanocchi) Okay... And do you plan on joining one?

-(Sanae) Yes!

-(Kobanocchi) And you?

-(Ryo) No.

-(Kobanocchi) Of course... Can you come see me afterwards? I'm going to get something first.

-(Ryo) If you want.