
Mimic demon king becomes a teacher

A mimic, who managed to become a demon king, has reigned for over a millenia, but now he has become old. To combat his age, he goes to deep sleep in order to regain his former vitality. Low and behold, he spends more time sleeping than he had immagined, and now the world has changed from what he knew. In trying to find if any of his old friends survived, he ends up becoming a teacher in prestigious academy. During his teaching career, he finds out that the one person he truly loved still exist. His secret wife on his secret life. Turns out his life is centered around helping his wife in her grand plan. He might be, what cultured people call, a SIMP for his wife to the point of wanting to kill anyone who ridicules her. After working as a teacher for a while to a quite talent filled class, he finally sees his wife and soon after, the grand plan will be finalized and all will become clear to this once great mimic.

SanderTomson · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Chapter 26: Millennia in h#**… paradise

(Content warning)

(Rape, NTR, mindbreak, incests)

The long sleep has begun and Legul wonders what kind of dreams he will have. For a while there is darkness, but eventually he appears in a white room. He looks around for a while and sees nothing else there, until suddenly he hears a familiar voice coming from his blindspot. "Hello darling."

Legul looks at the source of the voice, and sees a figure that looks almost exactly like Sylvi, but she has long black hair and dark skin with black markings on her. The left eye of this person is blood red and the right dark violet. The person is naked, but has no private parts.

The person says "Don't be so startled. While this is our first time meeting in person, I have been watching you from a distance for a long time. And finally I managed to snatch your consciousness into this pocket realm. I have long waited for this to happen, you know. Be grateful for me to have an eye on you."

Legul asks "But pray tell, who exactly are you?" The person smiles and says "Well I'm of course the guiding light of all demons in the world. The god named Naga." Legul asks "And why should I believe that you are Naga herself?" Naga answers "You don't have to since that doesn't matter now. All that you need to do is become my apostle and I will be happy. Be grateful, I wouldn't offer this position to just anyone."

Legul says "Thanks for the offer, but I refuse." Naga says "Yes yes, let's start the… wait, you said no?" Legul answered "That is correct."

Naga rubs her head for a second as she mutters to herself "No that can't be right. Why would someone refuse something like this?" Then she looks at Legul and says to him "I don't think you quite understand what I'm offering you. I'm giving you the opportunity to be someone who is closest to me. A god of demon faith."

Legul says "I still refuse. I made a promise to never ask for assistance from a god and I intend to keep that promise." Naga thinks for a while and says in a frustrated voice "Is that so. Even though it is I, the great Naga, who offered this position to you, you still refused. Haha, is that so? Hahaha."

Then a silence fills their surroundings for a while. Then Naga says "Even though I went all the way to look like your beloved. I mean, I did take some liberties and give it some personal touches, but still. For someone to ridicule me, ME, of all people. Hahaha."

Legul then asks "So will you let me go?" Naga is silent for a moment before she says "It's decided, you will stay as long as I choose. You won't wake up for the longest time and stay in this dreamscape with me and our future kids." Legul get worried and tries to use his skills with no effect.

Then Naga says "I will spend my precious time with you. I will make you feel my divine body and succumb to it. By the end of the line, I… will… make… you… mine."

Then a bedroom appears around them and Legul is pushed back by Naga who gets on top of him. She gives a sinister smile and says "I will make sure you will forget your promise, forget her and make you only wish for my affection. I will make sure you will submit. I will become your god and you will obey me."

Then Naga forcibly kisses Legul, who is trying to resist, but Naga just says "You will take all of me and you will like it in the end. It's my divine juices after all." They continue to kiss while Legul tries to get out of Naga's grip, but he is weak and can't do anything.

Then Naga stops kissing for a second and says "How about we get to the main course." When Naga said that, Legul's clothes suddenly vanished and his penis was erect. Naga then proceeded to make her body have private parts and began to grind against Legul dick.

Naga said as she grinded "I have created a simulated body from your soul and because of it, we can have sex as if your body was really here. That means that we will make hundreds of girls that are like our children. And I will make sure they are all girls so that they can have sex with you. This way, part of me can always have sex with you without me needing to be constantly here. Mentally speaking the sex you will have with them is considered incest, but rest assured, since you they can't have kids without me, there is no need to worry about consequences. Well, that is when I don't make it possible."

Then Naga puts Legul's dick inside her pussy and they start to have sex. Legul tried to stop this from happening, but he soon realized that he can't move his body according to his own will, so he was basically forced to watch as his own body had sex without his permission. He had done this with the wives that Sylvi said to marry, but this time it wasn't what Sylvi wanted.

Legul's body took hold of Naga's hips and Legul was forced to watch and feel all of it happen. Naga was smiling and enjoying herself as they continued to have sex. Naga said "Even if you don't want it now, this is a pleasure you can only feel from true god. You might not think this as pleasure now, but your real body will think of this as the most pleasurable moment via the usage of this simulated body. Your soul will be engraved with the scent of my being and you can never remove it. Now cum my darling. Cum and make our first child be conceived."

Legul can't help but to cum from the pleasure his body feels, but inside all he can feel is agony of the highest degree. The humping stops and Naga looks up from the orgasm her body had. Then she starts laughing maniacally for a while.

After she calms down a little, she looks Legul in the eyes while touching her own stomach "You see? Now I will create a child born between the body of a god and a simulated body made from the soul of a most powerful mortal."

Then Naga takes her hand off her stomach and a ball of light comes out of her stomach as it follows her hand. Then she says "Your name shall be Primrose." Then she blows a bit and the ball of light gently floats to the ground. Once the ball of light touches the ground, a young girl with long white hair, yellow eyes and dark skin appears.

Naga says to the girl "Greetings my little Primrose. How are you feeling?" Primrose smiles gently and answers "I feel fine. Thanks for creating me mom." Naga says "Good, now how do you feel about having more siblings?" Primrose says "I'm happy if I have more sisters with me. Please make more." Naga says "As you wish my dear Primrose." Then Naga touched Legul's cheek and said "Let's give our first child some siblings now darling."

Then Legul's body gets on top of Naga and continues having sex in front of their child. Eventually another child was created. She had dark skin, red eyes and short black hair. Naga said "Your name shall be Nui." Nui said "Thanks for giving birth to me mom." Then Primrose and Nui interconnected their hands and started jumping in joy.

Then Naga said to Legul "Let's continue." And the two went at it for many rounds and bore many children.

Then Naga said "I have some other things to take care of. Girls, keep your dad some company." All the girls said "Yes" or "We will" and such. Then all the girls started to look at Legul and started to compete which should go first. Primrose was the first one to get on top of her father and started having sex. The other girls were disappointed that they couldn't go first and complained, but Primrose didn't care and continued doing it.

The girls took turns doing it with their father. Since there was only one room in this realm, they could do nothing else but to do what they were already doing.

When Naga came back, she saw that most of the girls were exhausted and only a few were still waiting for their turn. Naga smiled and got close to Legul and kissed him on the cheek. Then she said "How does it feel?" Legul answered "I don't want this." Naga then laughed and said "It doesn't matter what you want. What matters is what I want. Until you completely submit to me, you will experience this as your hell. But when you finally decide to submit and stop resisting, then you can see this as your personal paradise. And when you finally wake up in the mortal realm, you will crave to come back here. And when you do, I will give you certain tasks to fulfill before you can return. One of which is to kill Sylviana Inertia."

Legul says "I will never submit to you." Naga gives a sinister smile "That's it. That's it. Keep resisting all you like. It will be all the more satisfying when you finally submit."

Time went on in Legul's personal hell. Naga made some other entertainment for her and Legul's girls to enjoy their time in that pocket realm. The number of girls that Naga and Legul had made eventually reached three digits and the realm became quite lively. Naga was enjoying every moment she spent on that realm, whereas Legul was constantly suffering.

As the time went on and the girls found other entertainment in the realm as Naga made the realm much more complex than it originally was. Thanks to that, Legul didn't have to constantly have sex with others. Those moments of peace Legul took to seriously ponder and remember why he is resisting. Since his body moved on its own, he had to ponder while looking at his and Naga's girls having fun and laughing. He felt some sort of peace in him and felt at times that he should just try to enjoy the time he spends there, but he managed to pull it together and remember his one true love. Sylvi.

Legul didn't know how long time passed in that hell, but he knew that it had been a long time.

The only moment when he could speak freely was when Naga allowed him to do so. Other times, he just said words he necessarily didn't mean to the girls in that realm. He eventually started to feel stranger to this simulated body of his. As if he isn't the real Legul.

But at times, he began to connect with the actions of his body. While he didn't always agree on what it was doing, it started to feel like he was becoming part of it again little by little. It was as if he was just subconsciously becoming more attuned with the way Naga wanted him to act. He knew that this wasn't what he wanted and that he was straying aways from the path he chose to walk, but it was just something he didn't fully have control over.

Naga eventually started to show visions of Sylvi to Legul. Those visions' purpose was to break Legul's spirit even more than she was already doing. In those visions, Sylvi spoke to Legul in a way that indicated that she was disappointed in him. That Legul had done a great betrayal to Sylvi and her trust. Legul could not help but watch as these harrowing experiences went by. But he just had to endure.

One day Naga asked Legul while smiling "So will you finally become my apostle now?" Legul was silent as his mind was blank and his feelings were numb. He did not know how to answer that question. He thought "Do I want to become her apostle? What is the problem with that? Was there a reason why I didn't do it right away? Should I say yes?"

Then Naga said to Legul "Speak", a order that made legul speak what was in his mind. He didn't know anymore, so he answered "Yes."

Naga was a bit surprised and asked "To what do you say yes?" Legul answered "To me becoming your apostle." Naga smiled ear to ear and started laughing. She was overjoyed that she had finally won over that bitch of a woman Legul worshiped before. She acted like a real child as she cheered for her victory.

Once she calmed down, Naga told Legul "Kiss me" without exerting any force on him. And Legul did just that on her lips. With that kiss, the ritual of becoming Naga's apostle was complete. Naga was overjoyed that she had won and hugged Legul tightly. She says "Finally. After all this time and effort. It is finally done. You are now mine, now and forever."

The time in that realm started to become pleasant. Legul didn't care about any details and enjoyed the time there. He began to love Naga.

But eventually he had to wake up. And when he did wake up from that dream, he finally remembered why he kept fighting the will of Naga. He remembered his sole love for Sylvi. But when he used "appraisal" on himself, he saw that the title of "Naga's apostle" was branded on him. This was a stigma that he got after failing to persevere that hell. He had to now forever bear the quilt of falling in love with another woman. This was the punishment for his failure. A failure that he could never tell Sylvi. Not on his own terms anyways.

Now what he first saw regular goblins. He did not blame the little ones and he thus slithered away without them noticing.