

MIMI BOOK I & II Disowned and deemed useless by her family, Mimi Hirogori is a teasing mischievous girl whose only care and importance in the world lie with her beloved eldest sister. However, what Mimi didn't expect was the sudden occurrence of her sister's death. Alone with no one to support her, Mimi decides to step up her game and prove herself towards her deceased sister. In order to do all this while seeking revenge the young girl...disguises herself as a man?!

paramyis · Urban
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291 Chs

Happy Family

Staring up at her older half-brother Mimi could only feel non-existent emotions. It was the kind of feeling someone feels when looking at a stranger for the first time. The two of them were never really close, in fact, Mimi couldn't recall a moment where they actually spoke to one another.

Thinking more into it Mimi never really spoke to any of her family members growing up beside her sister who visited her time to time to talk with her.

Pretty sad huh?

Looking at the little girl in front of him gazing at him with her big violet eyes, he couldn't help but feel contempt. Sucking in a deep breath through his nostrils, he slowly calms down the itchy feeling in his heart when looking at the girl.

"Father wishes to speak to you," Hearing his harsh tone others would have never expected he was talking to a small seven-year-old girl but instead an evil nemesis.

A cold smile raises on the girl's lips.

"Really? Father wishes to see me?" Feeling indifferent towards his tone, the girl sips her bitter tea.

"Yes," He says through gritted teeth.

Letting out a hidden giggle through her childish voice, her violet eyes stare up at her angered half-brother - a teasing expression clearly is shown on her face. In Mimi's eyes, he was an immature older teenage brother whose bad temper always seemed to let loose whenever he saw her.

Finding clear amusement from this observation, Mimi couldn't help but tease him.

"Well then, let's not keep him waiting much longer. Don't want to anger him." Placing the teacup down on the table next to her, Mimi hops off the wooden chair landing softly on the hardwood floors.

Walking in front of the teenager, her vintage black sailor dress flutters behind her, many of the guests couldn't help but think the little girl had a mature almost adult-like feel to her. Mimi, of course, noticed these stares, but thought nothing of them.

Being born in the Hirogori family this was a natural trait, so Mimi really didn't think much of their impressed glances.

Led away from the dining room, Mimi walks into a study room where she sees the rest of her so-called "family members." Standing out the most amongst the bunch was a tall, built man with dark, almost grayish wavy brown hair and light brown eyes. The aura surrounding him was strong and opposing.

Her father. Henry Hirogori, a successful multi-billionaire businessman owner of the world's largest trading company. Creating the company when he was merely in college, he rose to the top becoming one of the top wealthiest men in the country, a boy thriving off the need for knowledge and success.

At twenty-four, he impregnated his first wife Harper Davidson, a simple young waitress at a well-established café, moreover known as Emily's mother - who was now deceased.

To those who'd look at the pair of father and daughter, they would have never thought that this was their third encounter since Mimi was born.

Moving her gaze to the woman next to him, stood his second wife Lillian Hirogori. A true goddess, with her smooth curves, midnight black hair, porcelain skin, and a plump chest, looks that could make any man tend to her every need with the snap of her elegant fingers. A real fox.

Behind the couple, sitting quietly in leather red chairs was Mimi's other half-older brother, Kenji, and her adopted older brother, Alec. The four all look at Mimi with empty eyes as she enters the room with Seth behind her. Even with the intimidating looks she was receiving, Mimi smiled calmly at her "joyous" family.

"Sit," Her father commands pointing his slim finger at the seat next to Alec.

Without a word, Mimi silently walks towards the large leather chair. Lifting her small body up, she sits in the seat trying to find a comfortable area for her bottom.

They should really get new chairs, although they have a nice appearance Mimi couldn't help but find them uncomfortable to sit on.