
Millie The Holy Necromancer

He's the one, I know it." I whisper to Staffen. Staffen's eyes glow white," Tall, Blonde, Light, and yet where is the purple mark Millie?" I grip Staffen tighter for support to gaze at the man. His chiseled looks are on point with who I am looking for, he just needs to turn around. He bows his head to the woman he is talking with and turns to the street. There just below his left eye, a jagged purple mark to ruin that perfect face and it just lights my heart on fire. "Staffen he's the one, number one hundred, and his sacrifice will get me a familiar after all these years!" My heart roars as I come out of the alley onto the cobbled street. Milliezandra is an apprentice necromancer trying to finish her 100th sacrifice and become an official necromancer. Problem is in a nation of necromancers where making zombies is a capital crime Milliezandra turned her parents into zombies accidentally. on top of that she's the reincarnation of the cities founder Millerxanda and has duties to the Holy church as the leader of the religion. Can she reverse her parents zombification before city officials find out? Will she be able to keep her duty to her people? Find out in The Holy Necromancer.

Daoistoftea · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Save them

The Necropolis is the tallest building in Celiphos, and where the majority of magic is done. Its a towering structure of black and white where necromancers from round the world go to study and improve their skills. I stop at the marble gate to eavesdrop on a group of Necromancers.

"The Necropolis was constructed from a single deposit of Obsidian here and imported marble from Vishna. It took 150 years of labor to finish construction. Now it is home to the largest burial catacomb serving five countries and housing hundreds of Necromancers." The Teacher turns to face her students.

"Acolytes the Holy Necromancer has graced us with her presence. Reliving your days as my student Mille?"Lady Inara smiles. Her blue dress ruffles in the breeze.

I smile," I was just eavesdropping. Its been years since I was on this tour." Lady Inara opens wide for a hug and I embrace my Teacher.

"Look how much you've grown Millie. Tell my class how close you are to being a full fledged Necromancer." I face the acolytes, all pale and sickly looking.

"I am one sacrifice away. Pardon me Teacher i really must be getting to Necros Taliy." I bow to Lady Inara and move my cart to a recess in the building. A small cove by the right of the marble door, my cart fits snug inside and is dragged away. A small pale hand gives me a slip of yellow paper. I place it inside my robe and open the door. The handle lays inside the door with a sideways pull used to open the door. My magic coats my hands as I pull back on the handle and the door scrapes open.

The rush of air brings a surge of scents,oak, cinnamon, lavender, and the sweet taint of decay. I walk into the dimmly lit greeting room and start down the white hallway leading left from the entrance while Inara and her class follow straight ahead to the obsidian stair way at the back of the room. Our footsteps echo away.

The halls are silent save for my steps and the gentle drips of wax from the candles on the walls. At the end of the hall is a white door adorned with red butterflies and a copper door handle. I enter Necros Taliy's room. She is sitting in her wooden chair shuffling through scrolls and pieces of parchement. Taliy is young for a Necros, a prodigy of sorts. Her hair is long and curly, bleached white from embalming fluids, cat like eyes dart around, her face soft and serene, and when shes not focused on work her posture is noble and proud. Right now she looks like a goblin fighting swallows.

"Excuse me Necros. I am here. Sorry i am late got stopped during the walk." I bow my head as I speak.

"The Council is driving nails into my skin to get your promotion started and when you miss your sign up I get stuck with the paperwork on why you missed it. Now tell me Millezandra what kept you." She looks at me with green bloodshot eyes.

"Well a Ghoul found its way into the walk and attacked me. Captain Gale interrogated me before that." I rub a lock of hair with my fingers.

"You should have been here before the walk started. What was so important that you missed The Keeper.",She grips the scroll in her hands.

"Research. For my parents. Stayed up all night.",I chuckle softly.

"You are on Clinic duty until the next Keeper shows up.",Deadpan eyes lower.

"Fourteen days! Can you show mercy on me?Please?"

Her eyebrows curl,"You have crypt duty on the holy days."

I open my mouth to protest but her hand points to the door,"Clinic duty. Now."

I bow and leave her to the scrolls and parchment.

Bright, clean, and soothing describes the clinic best, a place for healing, and hope. It's large and wide, ten beds, five on each side, a staircase on the far right leads to the hospital.We have a desk, staff rack, and a washing basin by our door. There are two stained windows by the patients door to allow light in. In the back a double door to allow patients in and hopefully out. My mood lightens when I see Tak washing his hands dressed in white robes. His pale skin glows in the sunlight.I grab a towel from the desk, handing it to Tak.

"Here." He grabs it.

His blue eyes light up when he sees me.

"Millie it's been a year hasn't it?" He hugs me without touching me.

I wrap my arms around him and snuggle his chest.

"It's great to see you again. How's the life of a healer?" I let go and walk to the staff rack.

"Necros Taliy is my teacher. Weeks of torment. So much cleaning." His voice trails off.

I place Staffen next to Taks staff, a gold staff with two living snakes coiled on top. Cervena the twin serpents extend their black and white heads towards me. Hugging my arm I gently rub their bodies.

"Tak they missed me." I pull away kissing each snake.

"Cervena only misses you. I could fall into a ditch and they wouldn't care." His tired chuckle fills the room.

"I am positive they would miss you so muchso they would come to me to find you." I poke his chest.

He shrugs walking away to get the rooms ready for patients. I dunk my hands into the sink, warm soapy water fills the copper basin. Vigorously washing my hands my eyes drift to the polished glass above the sink. Blury reflections stare back, my hair is a twisted mess instead of braids, suken dark circles enhance my gold eyes. I look terrible. My hands still wet I try to fix my hair, twisting strands, wetting it, anything to fix it,and with a frustrated splash I am defeated. I dry my hands and help Tak setup.

The beds are made,soft yellow linens, straw and cotton stuffed pillows, and the mattresses are moss and dirt packed. We are ready for the day. Save for a burning desire to ask him for more Linuem. Taks walking to unlock the door, his footsteps echo my urges, with a child tone I ask," Tak?", He stops and turns. His ocean eyes crash on me.

"Yes Millie?"

"Can I have more of my special friend?" I pull my bottle out.

"By Mozo's light Milliezandra! That was a weeks worth. What did you, what drove,how!?" He shout whispers at me. Waspy words.

"I can't lie to you. It's been stressful trying to hide my parents, keep my patrols,and balance sacrifices and "dinners". I swear Tak, I'll kick the habit, soon. Just until I get my parents normal again. I promise." My body bends with each word.

"Millie. You need to stop. Its going to kill you, and I know you think they help your fits but you and I both know thats not true."

"Please just one dose for today and we wean me off ok?" I try to smile.

He sighs, " Answer me this Millie. Can you see my face?" His eyes lock onto mine.

I take a step back.

"Your face. Im looking at it."

"Whats my expression Millie?" He steps forward and grabs my shoulders pulling me close.

My eyes dart around. It hurts to look at him. I see his short dusty hair, his blue eyes, eyebrows set, and nothing. A chill shoots up my spine as I struggle to make out his nose, mouth, ears, anything.

"Millie you can't see that im smiling. Or the scar across my cheek. The Linuem is hurting you." He hands me a small blue vial.

Hot streams burn down my face as I chug the small vial. I wish he knew how much this helps. I couldn't handle my life without this. Just a little longer. Just endure a little longer.

The taste of honey and rotten fruit assaults my senses, cutting my thoughts short. A rush of hot needles prick my skin as my brain starts to itch. The unpleasant feeling gives way quickly, exposing a soft nugget of,serenity.

I start giggling and huggin Tak.

"I promise. I will stop Tak. Just let me feel good today. No judgment." His robes feel so soft. Honey and Ginger tickle my nose.

"As long as you keep that promise Millie." He hugs me back.

"We have to wash our hands again." I giggle.

The bells ring starting the day for the thousands of citizens of Celiphos, and nows time to open the doors. Tak removes the magical lock and pushes the doors open. Morning light bursts into the room as do the two DoorGuards Palin,and Meylok dressed in heavy steel armour.

"What's the problem?"Tak asks softly hiding annoyance.

"Meylok's voice it's been stolen!" Palin yells holding onto Meylok.

"Bring her inside. We will take a look." I guide Palin and Meylock inside.

I lay Meylock on the bed and remove her helmet. Red hair tied in a bun, green eyes burn with fear, and a rash creeping out from her collar.

"I need to remove your breastplate." I nod my head at Tak.

He helps me unbuckle the leather straps and lift the heavy metal off. We give it to Palin who holds it like a book. His brown eyes look worried. A plush cotton shirt hides underneath along with the rash, its spread from her neck down possibly covering her torso.

"Is it bad your Holiness?",small and formal.

"I dont know yet and please call me Millie, Palin."

The rash feels hot. "Open." I order.

Her mouth is covered in white sores and her throat is dark red. The breath smells of infection. Tak notices the symptoms, grabs several bottles from the cabinet hidden beneath the bed.

"She has Corpse Throat. Just a small infection from the winter air. Take two of these, and drink this." Tak hands her two small white pills and a glass of blue liquid that smells of mint.

"If she eats only liquids for a few days and rests her voice will come back. It wasn't stolen." Tak places the bottles back and begins writing on the parchment.

"I'll handle the rash so it doesnt get infected." I place my hands on the rash.

Bright purple light flashes and in a instant the rash is gone replaced with smooth cream skin.

Meylock and Palin get sorted and leave while I change the sheets and Tak marks down the treatment record. A shadow blocks the daylight. I look and see a man carrying a pregnant woman wearing a white blood stained dress.

"Please save them!" His voice grips my heart.