
Chapter 3: Lilia

The next day, my best friend Lilia came over to my house. She's bisexual. I don't have a crush on her though. It's funny, how I have a crush on my straight best friend instead of my bisexual best friend. I guess life works that way. She doesn't have a crush on me either. I mean, we're just friends. We are more closer to each other than me and Sadie are, despite the fact that I've known Sadie longer. I guess... I just see Lilia more. We hold hands, say I love you, call each other beautiful and gorgeous and an angel, kiss each other on the cheek, I remember when I was still straight I once tried to kiss Lilia on the cheek but I accidentally kissed her on the lips. It was on Instagram and people were freaking out. Also, whenever I get tired, I say "Spoon time" and Lilia has to spoon me until I fall asleep. I just feel so comfortable with her. She has long blond hair and green eyes. I remember one funny time when I was sitting on the floor and Lilia was behind me and we were talking and I turned around and then I felt her kiss my neck but she left before I could ask her why. I didn't make a big deal about it though because she probably accidentally kissed my neck when she was getting up.

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