
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

The Most Gluttonous Guy

Yun Che didn't tell his sister about the notices for missing people. Xing Feng, without letting anyone else now, contacted friends in the capital, asking them to restrain the notices within the capital base as far as they could. Neither of them realized that Yun Yao had already heard them. All of them knew that Yun Yao looked more relaxed the next day, as if free of a heavy burden, which made her look ever more beautiful.

"Che, have you got any vegetable seeds?" asked Yun Yao, "The fields have been farmed. I don't want them to lie waste. So, I think I can sow some seeds during the days when you are away."

After breakfast, Yun Che was going to discuss about the detailed trip to the provincial capital. Before he left, Yun Yao drew him aside and asked. With little strength, she knew she couldn't help his brother much in battles. And she had to stay at home, taking care of her son. She made up her mind to take care of the family business so as to free her brother and his men from worrying. She was good at that, anyway.

"Mm, I've got a lot." replied Yun Che.

Having stared at her with curiosity for seconds, he took out a few bags of vegetable seeds out of the void and said, "Grow more cabbages. They can be harvested within twenty days. As for other vegetables, grow whatever you like."

In his space, cabbages could be harvested in ten days at most. Yun Che had grown them for three rounds, with many other green vegetables. With enough reserve, no more vegetables were grown. Instead, he cropped something with a long growth period like wheat, potatoes and sweet potatoes. When building the greenhouse, he got the soil from his space. He didn't know if it could still shorten the growth period as it did in the space.

"Mm, you're right. We should grow vegetables with a shorter growth period. Haoling is so big-mouthed! Yesterday, he told a lot of people we had fresh vegetables. You know what? This morning when I went to the canteen, Chef Qin asked me for vegetables. Hmm… we only had potatoes or meat these days. No wonder everyone was fed up. When we harvest more cabbages, I'll give some to Chef Qin so that everyone can enjoy."

Yun Yao collected the vegetable seeds and murmured, half annoyed and half amused. Luckily, her brother had prepared some seeds, or none of them could enjoy vegetables or fruits.

"Oh, I see," replied Yun Che. Most people in Chaoyang Community were nice. Chef Qin, a squat man, was also kindhearted. Yun Che thought about it and waved his hand. For a spilt second, several big baskets of green vegetables appeared in the living room, two of which were filled with cabbages. Another basket held cucumbers and one for eggplants and lettuces. The last one was full of red tomatoes, on which dews gathered, as fresh as one could imagine.

"Wow! Che, have you robbed a supermarket? Wow, such fresh vegetables! Hmm, and it tastes great! Why don't we keep the tomatoes to ourselves?"

When such unexpected vegetables cropped up, Chu Haoling took up a fist-sized tomato and took a bite. In the twinkling of an eye, his eyes shone with excitement! With a swish of his hand, thanks to his space superfunction, a whole basket of tomatoes disappeared. Then, he walked to the basket with cucumbers.


"Hmm, the cucumber tastes great, too!" said he, as he took up a cucumber and took a big bite of it! Mm, immediately the sweet smell filled his mouth, and he looked as if the happiness had drowned him.

"Mm, you're right. Much better than the cucumbers we used to have. I didn't feel the difference yesterday when the cucumbers were dressed in sauce. Now, there's a sharp contrast."

Somehow, nobody knew when, Gu Mingxuan also had a cucumber with a bite in his hand.

"Sure, they're organic vegetables! I've done a lot to get them," said Yun Che hurriedly, in case Gu Mingxuan might arouse more suspicion. Well, the organic vegetable wasn't a bad excuse. Grown in this space, the vegetables were free from pollution. And he only watered them once after they were sowed and before the harvest. Such were real environmental-friendly, pesticide-free and pollution-free vegetables.

"How many of them are left in your space?" asked Xing Feng, who walked up and glanced at the vegetables. He was, without doubt, quite satisfied with such fresh vegetables. When he was collecting rations, he mostly chose food with a longer quality guarantee period. Vegetables or fruits were barely stored. Most people did the same thing as him.

"I robbed the entire organic vegetable base. So what do you think?" asked Yun Che.

In case people might suspect when he took out more vegetables, Yun Che was exaggerating. After vegetables could be grown in the field next door, he didn't need to worry that he would be exposed.

"Mm, give me two more baskets of vegetables for my aunt as an apology for Wenyang," said Xing Feng.

"Come on, what do you mean by apology? He didn't tell us who he was! Besides, I gave him a bag of fruits before he left," complained Yun Che, but he still took out a basket of cabbages and two more baskets of tomatoes.

In the meantime, he turned and threatened Chu Haoling, "You! If you dare to put them into your space again, you'll have nothing to eat!"

What the fuck! Such a gluttonous boy was always troubling!

"Fine, I won't. Why are you so rude to me?" said Chu Haoling, pretending to be so scared. He turned around and hugged Yun Yao, head rubbing to her armpit like a spoiled large dog. He played cute and pouted, "Yao, look at him! How rude he is! Humph, you must cook some more dishes for lunch to please me."

Yun Che watched him and blue veins stood out on his temples! He restrained himself from punching Chu Haoling with Lightning! What the fuck! Why did a young man like him always act coquettishly?! Shame on him!

Xing Feng was rendered speechless. They were embarrassed at Chu Haoling, for he had no sense of shame at all when it comes to food.

"All right," replied Yun Yao, "I'll make you some more dishes. But could you let me go?"

As she spoke, her face flushed. Chu Haoling was in his twenties, anyway. What he did seemed probably inappropriate, as Yun Yao always cared for him as if he were a little brother.

"Enough! Haoling! If you still fool around, you'll have to give back the tomatoes you just took without permission," said Gu Mingxuan, who was too fed up with the naïve boy. He seized Chu Haoling by the scruff of the neck and pulled him away from Yun Yao.

Somehow, nobody knew why, Chu Haoling pounced back on Yun Yao and shouted, "Yao, I love you! I want to enjoy the dishes you make all my life! Oh, I see. Yao, why don't you marry me? Marry me, will you? Will you?"


Yun Yao looked stunned. So did Yun Che. So did Xing Feng, Leng Yehan and all the other guys. None of them responded for a moment. Such a reason to make a proposal… Would Yun Yao say yes? Come on, for something to eat, Chu Haoling even sacrificed his marriage without even thinking about it. If there was a ranking for gluttonous guys, he would be among the highest level! The most gluttonous guy they had ever met.

"Mom! Uncle! Uncle…"

They didn't regain consciousness for quite a long while until Chenchen ran into the room, out of breath. Yun Yao blushed with shyness. Even if she knew Chu Haoling only wanted cuisines, she still felt embarrassed.

"What's up, Chenchen? Aren't you riding your bike out there?" asked Yun Che.

After eye contact with Xing Feng, signaling to him to deal with Chu Haoling, Yun Che turned around and picked Chenchen up. Chenchen wrapped his arms around Yun Che's neck as he used to do, leaned over and kissed Yun Che's cheek. "Uncle," he said in his childish voice, "I saw many kids. I want to play with them."

As he said cutely, he sounded so lonely and jealous. Adults had their own business to do, and he stayed alone every day. It was a dull life, though he didn't ever complain.

"Oh, that's the kindergarten, I think. Many people live in Chaoyang Community, and there are some children. Wenqing's sister-in-law proposed to run a kindergarten to raise the children together. Manpower can be saved, and adults who are sent for mission don't need to worry about their kids. I'm just too busy to remember that. If Chenchen wants to go, why don't you take him there? Yun Yao, you can go ask about the detailed rules." said Gu Mingxuan, patted his forehead upon hearing what Chenchen said.

Because of his unreliable brother, Gu Mingxuan had to take care of a lot of things. He was, therefore, too busy to remember such trifles.

"All right, then," said Yun Che, "Yao, why don't you take Chenchen there?"

He was just worrying about how he could stop his little nephew from feeling bored. This was exactly what he needed.

"Mm, I'm taking Chenchen there later," replied Yun Yao.

Knowing how lonely her son was, Yun Yao didn't hesitate at all. Yun Che drew out one hand and waved. A small basket of cherry tomatoes appeared out of nowhere. He said, "Don't go empty-handed. Take the cherry tomatoes for the teachers and kids. I'll go get Chenchen changed."

As he spoke, he went upstairs with Chenchen in his arms, totally forgetting they should have been discussing about the trip to the provincial capital.

"Uncle, I love you most," said Chenchen sweetly.

"You little toadeater, you're so honey-mouthed!"

"Heh, heh…" giggled Chenchen.

They talked and talked until they could no longer be seen on the stairs. Xing Feng turned around and ordered, "Haoling, send the vegetables to the canteen and my aunt's house. Mingxuan, call Wenqing's sister-in-law and tell her about Chenchen. We'll be waiting in the study."

"Mm, okay."

Within minutes, they left for their own business. None of them remembered how Chu Haoling fooled around as if nothing had happened.

In Yun Che's home upstairs.

"Chenchen, you can go to the kindergarten. You must remember what I've told you. Don't let anyone know you live in a big house or you have many superfunctions. Understand?"

Getting Chenchen changed was only an excuse. Yun Che, as a matter of fact, wanted to exhort Chenchen to be careful. He was a kid after all. If he was too open to his friends at his age or expose his superfunctions, there would be consequences.

People who lived in Zhaoyang Community were mostly nice guys and they could hang together. Chenchen, however, was a special case. It was always wise to play safe.

"Mm, I know," replied Chenchen, "I can't tell anyone about it. Bad guys will try to take me away. If they do, I can no longer stay with mummy and you."

Young as Chenchen was, he had been a clever boy as well, and he remembered whatever Yun Che told him. Yun Che rubbed his hair gently, and dressed him in a pink suit with a piggy on it. Before Chenchen tried to put on the little waist pack Yun Che gave him, Yun Che stopped him.

"You don't need to take it with you today," said Yun Che, "This suit has a big pocket. And when you go to kindergarten, you'll wear a backpack, won't you? If you want to take something out, pretend to take it out of the backpack."

In the pink suit, Chenchen looked rosy with delicate skin. He looked really like a lovely pink piggy.

"Mm," replied Chenchen.

"Chenchen, I'll be away for days. Put these candies, snacks and toys into your space. Take something out if you want to eat or play. But remember, you can only do it when no one else is around."

The king-size bed was suddenly covered with all kinds of snacks and toys like hills. Yun Che, without doubt, had prepared quite a lot for his nephew.

"Okay," replied Chenchen with a sweet smile, "Thank you, Uncle."

He crept to the little toy hills and for a split second, he put them into his own space. After that, Yun Che picked him up and went downstairs. In this way, he could finally start his trip without concern.