
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

Heiyu’s Messages, Clear at Designated Spots

Not only Meng Gang and his mates but every squad had been attacked by the mutant humans in different degrees. Some mutant humans had escaped from the institute center and some were originally from the outside. These mutant humans had low intelligence rather than none of that. Especially, those who looked and behaved more like human beings were even more intelligent. On the other hand, the instinct of wild beasts was horribly acute.



Yun Che and Fei Ye were also attacked by the mutant humans halfway up the mountain. As Yun Che jumped up into the sky, a long dark blade cut through the sky. Consequently, the mutant human confronting Yun Che lost an arm and yelled in anguish. In the meantime, a gust of toxic smoke sneaked into the mutant human's body. The giant mutant human then fell down heavily. He huddled up on the ground, sobbing and twitching, with plenty of dark blood trickling down from the broken arm.

"What did you do? He seems to feel more than pain."

Yun Che killed another mutant human the next second. Holding the blade, he took a glance at the monster whose pupils were dilating.

"Well, the toxic will decompose him from his inner body until his bones and flesh turn into blood and bleed out."

Fei Ye put on an evil smile. They had been attacked several times, but there was not a single spot of blood all over Fei Ye's body. On the contrary, Yun Che was partially died with the blood.

"Uh… Just kill him directly. That's so torturing."

With the corner of his mouth twitched, Yun Che couldn't help but wipe his cold sweats. Strictly speaking, those mutant humans were actually pathetic. No one was willing to become a mutant human.

"Seems they still want to challenge me subconsciously even though they are mutant humans now."

The crueler Fei Ye's method was, the more unique the status of his opponent was. If Fei Ye was to attack an ordinary person, he wouldn't bother to use his brain. He would simply kill the guy with a gust of toxic smoke, leaving no chance for the guy to fight back.

"Fine. As you said, they might prefer this way."

If Yun Che had become a mutant human, he would rather turn into blood rather than remain a half-ghost and half-human person.

"There's one more. I'm not sure if he'll come for us."

"Quite many mutant humans escaped to the mountain. We'll take time to clear them later when we're free. There are many alive in the institute center down there."

Yun Che could see clearly where the mutant humans were with the air panel. But he couldn't eliminate all before he received Heiyu's replay.

"Master, calling master."

As Yun Che thought about that, Heiyu's voice suddenly rang in his mind. Yun Che fixed his eyes and immediately showed a gesture to Fei Ye.

"What are you doing? Why didn't you answer me?

Yun Che was worried that Heiyu had been caught. Who knew whether Heiyu would be attacked again?

"Why didn't I answer you until now? A guarding beast can't talk to the space master as he wishes. It's not easy for the old man to suppress him for so many years. You don't want even his soul to come out to stir up trouble. That's not easy. I have to cooperate with him."

Heiyu replied in a long paragraph, giving a terrible headache to Yun Che.

"So, you nailed it?"

That was the point, okay?

"Yeah, but the old man suppresses Xuan Tian by consuming his own cultivation. And Xuan Tian seems to find a way and is about to break the limits. His cultivation is consumed faster and faster. You should hurry. Tell me when it's over. I may have to wait and make sure he's fine before I go back."

Heiyu's voice sounded anxious as well as upset. In fact, Xuan Tian was far more capable than that. As the head of water qilin clan, he was definitely not weak. But their cultivation would be suppressed again and again in case the guarding beast killed the space master at his will. Only when they came back to the divine world would they recover. What was more, they had the right and methods to kill the space master though, they would be swallowed back, which was for the sake of holding back the proud character and the ability of beasts.

"Sorry. Tell Xuan Po to hang on a little longer. We'll be done soon."

Apparently, Yun Che didn't expect that Xuan Po would help him in that way. Yun Che tightened his eyebrows and squinted at Fei Ye. Fei Ye should have known that. No wonder he had put on such an evil smile. Seemingly, they couldn't merely resort to explosion.

"Master… You have to be save. Don't leave me alone. I can't have a streak of luck to wait till you come back every time…"

Yun Che thought Heiyu had finished his words. Unexpectedly, Heiyu's voice rang again apparently with a hint of horror this time. Yun Che suddenly felt acid in his nose and tears almost trickled down.

"What are you talking about? I couldn't be better. Now, we're destroying those mutant humans."

"Don't worry, Heiyu. I won't leave you this time!" thought Yun Che.

At this moment, Yun Che truly assimilated himself with Ming Che. No matter Heiyu cared about Yun Che because of Ming Che or not, as Yun Che knew at least, Heiyu had been wholehearted to him when Yun Che had no memories. In addition, Yun Che was the reincarnation of Ming Che, wasn't he? If that wasn't true, he wouldn't have the Big Chance, let alone the chance to rock the world soon after his rebirth. Yun Che should feel it an honor that he was the reincarnation of Ming Che.

"Hmm. You seem capable even without me."

The emotional Heiyu turned to be a piece of work in just a few seconds.

"Up yours. End of conversation. Keep in touch. I've got to clear the mutant humans."

With that said, Yun Che cut the connection directly.

"Ready to go?"

Fei Ye's voice rang at the same time. Yun Che nodded, "Let's go together. Kill the ones in the forest first."

It should be a lot faster to kill the mutant humans with the help of the list on the air panel.


Fei Ye nodded and set a few layers of arrays in the core position in case other people carelessly touched them and ruined their plans. Yun Che also raised his arms and released the mutant pandas and golden eagles from the space. He had distributed all his people to the squads so he only had the beasts as helpers. But the beasts had already reached level 9 and were reaching level 10, nurtured by the spirit and spring water in the space. It was a piece of cake for them to deal with the mutant humans.

"Hmm… Master…"

The level-5 mutant beasts had learned to speak human being's language. They often attracted the superfunction possessor to enter their attacking zone with human being's language, let alone the level-9 mutant beasts. The mutant pandas which always liked to play cute approached him together upon seeing Yun Che and called him incessantly. On the contrary, the four mutant golden eagles were much more reserved though they called Yun Che once too.

"Good boy, go get the mutant humans, the combination of the mutant beasts and humans. Let's see who hunts the most."

Yun Che said smilingly as he stretched out to caress the head of the mutant panda closest to him. In the last three years, Yun Che had built a special bond with his mutant beasts. But certainly, he was not as close with them as Chenchen who had grown up with them. It was said that Chenchen had the three babies make friends with the mutant beasts recently in the space.

Recalling Chenchen, Yun Che raised his arm and released Chenchen from the space.

"Uncle Che!"

Chenchen who was already over 1 meter tall jumped onto Yun Che with a spiritual fox. Even if Chenchen had grown up, he was still the most adorable and considerate nephew of Yun Che.

"Huh… We're about to kill the mutant humans. Would you like to join us with Xiaobai?"

Hugging him dotingly, Yun Che wouldn't make decisions for Chenchen any more and let Chenchen do it himself to build his independence. Even if Chenchen did something wrong, Yun Che wouldn't correct him in the middle of the thing but would find a chance to teach him afterwards. Gu Mingxuan quite agreed with Yun Che's education and left it to him so that Gu Mingxuan could focus on other aspects with Yun Yao. The couple never interfered Chenchen's education.


Chenchen had dared to kill zombies with his uncle when he was just over 2 years old. How would Chenchen be afraid of anything? He agreed even without thinking. Meanwhile, the spiritual fox beside him turned large in an instant, in which way it told them that it would join them in the fight.

"Good. You and the pandas take care of that side. Me and golden eagles this side. Let's take actions separately and see who hunts the most mutant humans."

Beasts had good noses for them to spot preys precisely even without an air panel. Xiaobai couldn't fight with demon force like Heiyu, but its body became extraordinarily strong under Heiyu's training and the nurturing of the good stuff in the space. Heiyu had even once told Xiaobai that chances were Xiaobai would become a demon king in the space, which proved how strong Xiaobai was. So Yun Che wasn't worried at all since Xiaobai would be there with Chenchen in the fight.

"Okay. I'm sure I can hunt more than you do. Uncle panda, let's go."

Chenchen mounted on Xiaobai's back happily. After Chenchen's order, the mutant pandas ran out after Xiaobai.

"Chenchen, wait up."

The mutant pandas yelled at Chenchen as they transformed into the mutant shape and pursued them. Yun Che saw their backs receding, so did Fei Ye. "The kid should make a remarkable achievement in the future."

If Chenchen was in the upper plane, he might have become a demon talent of some big power. Being a cultivator of overall spiritual root was enough to make him stand out from the crowd and qualified to be a great god.

"It doesn't matter whether he makes an achievement or not. I just hope he can have the ability to protect himself and won't be bullied easily. In the future, if he wants to ascend, I'll convince my sister and her husband to let him do so. He has the ability to be on a larger war field. And he should go experience the sweetness and bitterness of life. So will my sons. I won't keep them in the space and let them grow up under my protection."

A doting smile climbed onto Yun Che's face. His education might not be right, but so what? Everyone had his own way of educating. That was Yun Che's own way.

"You're right. To let go is a kind of love sometimes. One will not grow up until he has some experience."

Fei Ye agreed with a nod. Even though he didn't have parents or a wife or a child, he had a rich life. He agreed with Yun Che's education from the bottom of his heart.

"Huh… It is true."

Yun Che smiled happily at him. He took a look at the direction where nothing could be seen for the last time. The moment he turned around, his eyes instantly turned solemn. "You guys will kill the mutant humans in the sky."


The four golden eagles standing in line responded at the same time. Although they hadn't signed any contracts with Yun Che, they still respected him as if he were their master. But they were composed and wouldn't call him master as the way the pandas did. Lord Beast had beaten the pandas up many times for that but they just never remembered the bad thing.


As soon as Yun Che issued an order, the four mutant golden eagles opened out their wings and flew into the sky. In no time, they transformed into the mutant shape. Looking at them, Yun Che couldn't help but get distracted for a second. He recalled Eagle King and Eagle Queen and Xing Feng. This time, Xing Feng and Yun Che took actions separately. Yun Che had released Eagle King and Eagle Queen and left them to Xing Feng, which were originally his pets.

"It's our turn."

The distraction stopped in a second. Yun Che turned around and looked Fei Ye in the eye. After Yun Che took out his air panel, the two men rushed out simultaneously.