
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

Encountering Zombie Dogs in the Factory

A low level of superfunction that would often be exhausted in a short time was a nuisance to almost everyone, especially Yun Che who had a fighting capacity. Luckily, when he no longer consumed his strength, he recovered quickly. In one hour or two, he got back around 70% to 80% of his power. It was ten o'clock in the morning. The steel factory of Wei City was a little way ahead. After confirming Yun Che was all right, the team started the car and headed for their destination without delays.

The steel factory of Wei City was one of the few state enterprises before the doomsday. After the doomsday came, military forces, somewhat prepared, would take over stocks from state enterprises before everybody else. Fortunately, as it hadn't been long since the doomsday and steel wasn't the most important material in early days, seemed like no military forces had come yet. As they drove all the way into the factory, there was no sign of bodies of zombies. They saw only stumps, skeletons and dried blood.

"How big is your space?" asked Xing Feng, turning to Yun Che as they reached the gate of the factory.

"Mm, it's pretty big. At least a thousand square meters, I guess."

His space, as a matter of fact, was far bigger than that. So as not to make himself conspicuous, Yun Che gave a number that sounded more acceptable.

"Oh, Che. Aren't you the lucky star? You not only have super combat effectiveness, but also a much larger space!"

Even if Yun Che made up a smaller number to keep a low profile, others still complained out of jealousy. At the very beginning, a man with space superfunction usually had a space of different sizes. Mostly ranging from dozens of square meters to a hundred square meters at most. As their superfunction improved, they could have two or three hundred square meters at level-2. Surprisingly, Yun Che had a space of a thousand square meters! He was certainly the lucky star!


Yun Che couldn't reply, or he would make all the other guys angry. He rubbed his rose with an innocent look and giggled to them. In his previous life, he had thunder superfunction and space superfunction. He was quite sure about his space size. He told them it was nearly a thousand square meters because he wanted to collect more things, in addition to steel. A small space wouldn't hold them. And people would even suspect. He'd rather give a larger number. Anyway, to be complained about was better than to be exposed.

"I don't think we can still be friends," sighed Chu Haoling as he shook his head. He also had space superfunction, but what Yun Che had truly frustrated him! Whoever made friends with Yun Che could be jealous.

"Huaien, Shen Rui, Haoling, Zeyu, go collect the steel piled in the open space. Wenqing, Haixuan, go to the workshop with me. Che, Yehan, Yafei, you'll go to the warehouses. Let's meet here in an hour, no matter how much steel you collect," ordered Xing Feng.

He wasn't too shocked by the size of Yun Che's space, though. He had already estimated it in his mind. Clearly, a thousand was within his forecast. In every place, a warehouse always had the highest storage capacity. The squad of ten was then divided into three teams, each with a man having space superfunction. After confirming the size of each space, they headed for different directions to collect the steel.

Everyone else agreed on such an assignment. Xing Feng then took out ten wireless headsets and distributed them. "Put it on," said he, "Contact each other in case of any emergency."

A headset transmitted voice signals through radio waves instead of network switches. It functioned in a one-to-one mode, when a headset emitted a signal, the other received it. Two headsets (or more) at the same frequency and within the transmitting range would function. The higher capacity it had, the farther it transmitted, along with a better penetrating power. It was, however, too close to the head. The maximum capacity didn't go beyond 5W, or it would be harmful to human body. It wasn't fit for a long-term use. That was why Xing Feng didn't give them the headset until now. On missions, the headsets were also kept by the captain and wouldn't be assigned to team members until they arrived at the task area.

"Mm, do you copy?" asked Yun Che, looking at them. Such people were very experienced in battles. He didn't need to explain the details.

"Roger that," replied everyone else as they nodded, of one accord. Yun Che snapped his fingers, and the air membrane disappeared, for a split second.


The moment the wandering zombies smelt the human beings, they trotted over from all quarters. In the light of their speed, they were generally zombies above level-1. In the meantime, Xing Feng and other members slipped out of the Cruiser rapidly. Without any unnecessary moves, they brandished their weapons at the zombies' heads.

"We're going to the back," said Yun Che. He, who was supposed to search the warehouses, killed the zombies and collected crystal nuclei with air superfunction at the same time. He collected the crystal nuclei fallen in his range and also the crystal nuclei popped out of zombies Leng Yehan and Zhan Yafei killed. Speaking of velocity, their team was the best. With the help of variant earth superfunction Zhan Yafei mastered, they broke through the siege of zombies in a twinkling and headed for the warehouses at the back.

"Take care of this."

Seeing this, Xing Feng also asked Yu Wenqing and Lu Haixuan to break through from where there were the fewest zombies. Theoretically, gold superfunction and ice superfunction could do long-range multitasking attack. Their team wasn't slow, breaking through the zombies.

"This isn't gonna work. Zeyu, stop killing zombies. Focus on collecting crystal nuclei with wind superfunction," roared Yang Huaien.

Six partners had left and most zombies had been killed. But the factory was so big that zombies poured in one after another. The longer they fought, the worse they would suffer. Hearing what Yang Huaien roared, Chu Haoling took out a backpack with a big opening and tossed it to Zhou Zeyu. Three of them stood in a row, fighting the zombies and every time, they split the heads of zombies at one stroke. Zhou Zeyu, left behind, rolled up the crystal nuclei from the blood and threw them into the backpack with his multitasking wind superfunction.

"This is where we're looking for, I guess."

At the back of the factory stood rows of houses made of color steel. There was only a shutter door for each row. With a lightening, Yun Che crashed a big whole on the door, while Leng Yehan and Zhan Yafei guarded his back, killing zombies who rushed up.


With another more terrible lightening, the shutter door was half crushed. Yun Che looked in, and it turned out to be the warehouse where steel to be processed was piled. Yun Che waved and all the steel was collected in his space.

"If I had known, I would have asked them to come to the warehouses. What's inside is far enough for us," murmured Yun Che, as he moved on to the next warehouse. Moments later, he had collected a great deal of raw steel, many semi-finished steel products as well as pots and pans. Dead zombies, at the same time, lay along their route.

"Che, I found level-3 zombies in the workshop."

"Damn it! Zombie dogs! One, two, three, four, five… There are eight of them! Fuck it!"

In the headsets came the curses of Lu Haixuan and Chu Haoling. Yun Che's team, who had already collected enough material, exchanged looks with each other and then doubled back.


"Level-2 zombie dogs. Attack them with our superfunctions."

In the open ground of the factory, Chu Haoling and three other partners were fighting against zombie dogs. Some zombies joined the fight, too. They were all wounded. Without a second thought, Yun Che's team rushed with a flying tackle. Yun Che brandished the broadsword with thunderous power, and directly cut a zombie dog into halves. Having taken away the crystal nucleus in this dog, he brandished at another dog. Dogs, swifter than human beings, moved more weirdly and savagely after they turned. They wouldn't fight a way out, unless they annihilated the zombie dogs first.




Seven of them struck zombies and zombie dogs with their fabulous superfunctions. Back to back, they attacked repeatedly, forcing back the zombies who didn't feel any pain. The zombies and zombie dogs roared, giving shrill cries! Three of the team had fire superfunction while Zhou Zeyu could highly intensify the power of fire with his wind superfunction. Zombies and zombie dogs around them were almost burning. The air was filled with the smell of scorching and rotting.


Seeing the battle nearly come to an end, Yun Che stopped the attack with superfunctions. He took out two guns Xing Feng gave him before and aimed at the zombie dogs!

Alone, Yun Che couldn't shoot too precisely. Zombies, as far as they could see, were sandwiched among crowded zombies, and they moved rather swiftly. Yun Che triggered a few times, but only shot zombies. Not even one zombie dog was targeted. Seeing that, Yang Huaien yelled while he was defending against the zombies.

"Shen Rui, go help Che. We'll take care of the rest."



Without any hesitation, Shen Rui turned around and condensed the gold superfunction into two guns. He jumped and turned, shooting aimlessly. A larger number of zombies were shot to death.

"Keep shooting like that," said Yun Che, "Leave the zombie dogs to me."

Upon seeing that, Yun Che backed away behind Shen Rui decisively. Within seconds, he threw into his space the guns with no more bullets, and then took out the gun on Shen Rui's waist. This time, however, he no longer shot aimlessly. Instead, he held up the gun and waited patiently.



It was the first time Yun Che operated with Shen Rui. Yet masters like them could cooperate as well as old partners. Under the instruction of Yun Che, Shen Rui didn't bother to aim at anything. He kept shooting around at the most zombies. Yun Che, on the other hand, was highly concentrated. Moments later, he finally saw a zombie dog appear. With a crack of the gunshot, the zombie dog fell to the ground, whimpering. The flame on its body was still burning and its bones were already dark.

The other guys, who were fighting to keep the formation, also had a difficult time. They had to use superfunctions and meanwhile prevent the zombies from rushing over. "We have zombie dogs here," yelled Chu Haoling sharply, who had his back towards Yun Che and Shen Rui. He then pulled a gun and shot the zombie dog approaching him rapidly. Unfortunately, the level-2 zombie dog was so agile that it dodged the deadly shot with a roar.

"Let's switch our position."

Seeing Chu Haoling miss the shot, Yun Che and Shen Rui quickly turned around when Yang HUaien rushed up and took their place. After they switched position repeatedly, most of the eight zombie dogs had been killed. So had the zombies. Leng Yehan, Yang Huaien and Zhou Zeyu kept maintaining the formation while the rest of them got out of the formation and made up shooting teams in pairs. Precisely, they shot those zombies, who were burning while still wanted to rush over.


After zombies were cleared up, the last three zombie dogs, mixed in such zombies, yelled at them with malicious sounds. Saliva dropped along their sharp canine teeth. Looked like they could pounce on the humans and bite their heads off at any time!

"Shen, Yang, fight with me," said Yun Che, "The rest of you, put out the flame and collect the crystal nuclei."

Yun Che stared at the zombie dogs calmly. After giving a simple order, he was the first to rush out with two guns in his hands, closely followed by Shen Rui and Yang Huaien. In the meantime, the last three zombie dogs rushed at them of one accord. Three men versus three zombie dogs! They put up one-to-one fights. Yun Che shot at one dog, but missed. For the sake of close distance, he kicked the dog and sent it flying high over! And then, he simply took out the broadsword. With it, he pounced on the dog again!