
Military Demon Lord

A Classic world where Humans and other kingdoms and empires allianced together to defeat the Demons in the Demon Continent This continues over a fucking 5000 YEARS! The Demon Faction cannot even win to shit! And for some reasons the "Heroes" are a problem When they die and go the Gods realm they are very arrogant and they thought they are Gods too. This enraged all of the Gods and Goddesses in the Gods realm so they needed to put some "punishment" on that world. For all the troubles they made But assigning the Goddess of punishment there is a little too extreme and a little too boring So all of the Gods and Goddesses discussed who will make them suffer for all the Arrogant and shit heroes they sent in the Gods Realm? They spread across the multiverse to find a suitable person to take up for the Job Meanwhile a Military Librarian stationed near Kyoto is at the Library reading history books Books about military history, Books about military tacticd, Books about anything that says military in them Aaand some Anime, Manga Fanfiction military His name is Kanemoto Mamoru. Age 28. Rank Captain Hobbies: Reading history books, others Dislikes: Stupidity As he finally finished the final volume of a military Novel. He then breathed in relaxation that he already finished his favorite As he closed his eyes just to relaxed he felt his entire atmosphere was cold. He thought it was the AC Until he opened his eyes and knew. He is in a different place Many more will come in later chapters --------- Pic not mine Novel is just an experiment and a practice run

Daoistmaster · War
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10 Chs

Finishing a Novel just to get into another world

In the Gods Realm

In a Certain Building many people had sat around the round table discussing about the problems that had recently appeared before them

These are the Gods and Goddesses meeting

One of the higher ranking Gods had started talking

"I know everybody has this problem quite literally now but let's start discussing about what to do with this world and their "heroes"." she had stated that many of the God and Goddesses became quiet

"I, Yelia, the Goddess of Duty. Is my duty to balance things without turning it into chaos." Yelia, The Goddess of Duty said to them and they all came quite

"Good. First things First. About this world. Our "Classic" Fantasy creation is been bugging us for over 5000 years now. It's not the world that needs fixing, No that's not it. It's not the world that needs new things even though every 100 years there would be another species and discoveries discovered, that's not it also. The only the world IS the problem is the "heroes" who is tasked to "defeat" the Demon Lord but "What's the problem with that?". Well for starters the heroes. From Horny little NEETs or Generic "Class been transported to another dimension" in stuff to Generically Arrogant people have been the problem." (Yelia)

""What's the problem with them?", Well we are God and Goddesses and we guild mortals to their "destined" and "fated" paths and so once they die and already reached their "destination" we will greet them and have them choose to rest here or reincarnation or again said reincarnated. This however, this world changes that perspective." (Yelia)

"The world, rather than guilding the heroes to a better path for them AND the country they just..... *sigh* went "evolving just backwards" in their minds and because they had the power that can go toe to toe with a Demi God they became arrogant and once they had died and come here. You all know what will happen."

Everybody looked at each other


Rhagzotl, God of Water spoke up

"It's been annoying for me and I really don't like them heroes now. They keep polluting many of my "sacred" and divine, lakes and rivers in that world and here and they say it was a "tuning"? To hell with them! It's hard for my Apostles to clean up that mess and I pity them because they had to clean someone's mess everytime they do it." (Rhagzotl) Everyone nodded in agreement

Phixone, Goddess Of Nature also spoke up

"Many of them doesn't care for nature. They keep destroying many sacred forests and sacred trees and they say it's "target practice". Why did they use magical nature to be their target practice? They should've just used a normal tree to do that!" (Phixone) everybody nodded

Every God and Goddess has confessed the wrongdoings of the heroes

Ikteus, God Of Justice and Iasis, God of Judgement had discussed themselves if this is enough evidence to "punish" the heroes and as they discussed further they had agreed, this is enough evidence to punish the heroes

"Ikteus and Iasis had discussed themselves that this is enough evidence for the heroes to be punished. Though who will do it?" (Yelia)

This had every God and Goddess looked at each other

They didn't plan who would be the one that will punish the heroes

They wanted to assign some of the Gods and Goddesses of Punishment and Desth but that will be too extreme andtoo boring. They wanted to see the hereos slowly beg for forgiveness as they slowly getting punished

Lion, God of Thunder spoke up

"How about we visit our "old" friends from "earth"? Surely they would give us some people that will do the job for us, right?"

Everybody looked at Lion as if they had forgotten about them

Yeah..... Zeus, Odin and some other Gods and Goddesses. That "old" friends

They had forgotten about them and some even facepalming themselves because they didn't know earlier

Rohara, Goddess Of Time said

"What should we do once we visit them? We all know we haven't see them since like several millennium? I think they would be angry at us because they are forgotten and missed several meetings." (Rohara)

Everybody looked at each other.

Earth's Deities haven't have much problems in their end and almost living a peaceful time while them are having problems with heroes from an annoying world

They discussed further and they all accepted to visit Zeus and the others for help

Meanwhile on Earth

In a country name Japan

Date December 24th 2030

A Military base near Kyoto. Yokota Air Base

A man name Kanemoto Momoru is at the military bases library and of course reading a book

Kanemoto Momoru

Height: 190cm

Age 28

Rank Captain

Known to have three nicknames

"The Smartass of Yokota Air Base"

"The Good Captain of Yokota Air Base"


As he finally had finished his final Volume of his favorite military novel that he did finished he then breathed in relaxation that he alresdy finished it

He dedicated on reading that book from Vol 1 to Vol 15

The ending made him happy

The Main Character was promoted to Major General at the end of World War three. He retired. Made a wonderful family. And lived a happy life

Though in comparison to Kanemoto he is still single and wanted to be promoted to Major General too but it's impossible because of his hobby

But still, being ranked captain at Age 28 is almost considered as Very Excellent to most higher ups

The library entrance door opened

"Hey, Moto! Where the fuck are yah? Why don't come with us and celebrate Christmas? Or are you ganna be lonely there all of your life? Bro, you have us!" an American voice rang out at the entrance of the library

A British voice was heard too

"Mate, You've dedicated that book over 2 years now and has no signs of you stopping. Have you done your shit novel? Or just wanking way there, innit?"

Kanemoto stands up and replied

"You two. This novel ain't shit to it's finest. You don't understand what a good story is and looked. And also I'm already done!" Kanemoto had shouted to his position to them

"Great! Fucking hell you "bookworm"!" the American said

As Kanemoto had regrouped with the American and Englishman

The American is named Makai Gardner

Age 30

Rank Captain

The Englishman is named Maximilian Moore

Age 29

Rank 1st lieutenant

As the three had arrived at the building that is the indoor basketball court. There are tables has been placed and many soldiers to each other

Germans, Japanese, British, American, Filipino, French, Italian, and Polish soldiers are in one building. Reasons why there are many soldiers in different countries there is a word called "Joint Military Training"

The party had started :D

It was total chaos that some drunkards Just went WWE one some tables

Some actually having an arm wrestling competition and one time everyone went crazy when a juggernaut of a Japanese man is arm wrestling one of the American Gunners. The American won though he clearly cheated but nobody cared no shit and it was fun

Many Many people got slightly drunk and some are totally drunk. one german got wasted by the alcohol he drank

Moore, Kanemoto, and Makai sat in one table with a German and a french soldier

The german soldier is named Arno Messerschmidt

Age 26

Rank 1st lieutenant

And the Frenchman is named Enzo Lemaître

Age 31

Rank Captain

As the five soldiers at the table saw one of the American soldiers climb up on a table

"Hey! Hey! Everyone! Let's have a burping contest! Ready? 3....2....1..-" *BURP!* The Drunk American burped

Every american in the building burped

All of them laughed

"A Bunch of Idiots." Kanemoto muttered as he drank a Cola slightly

"Americans, Masters of Immaturity." Moore said and a slightly drunk Makai argued

"It's not like.... ugh..... it's not like we do pranks and make jokes every five or ten seconds like you Brit." (Makai)

Moore laughed slightly "Touché, Yank, Touché" he drank some german beer

Enzo said "But still, You Americans are finding ways to joke around by showing immaturity even in real combat. Then again It's still comedically funny."

"And sometimes a little bit racist. One time in Afghanistan, you Yanks forgot to add a heater in one of the towers. We almost froze to death." Arno argued to Makai who looked at him with a smile

"Come it's not that cold in Stalingrad, right?" (Makai) said as he drank beer

"We're not the Wehrmacht." (Arno)

Moore, Enzo, and Kanemoto laughed at the joke

2 hours later

The party still continues

"I think I forgot something in the library. I'll be back for a minute." Kanemoto stands up

"Come on, mate. Are you still not done with that shitty book?" Moore complained

"I left my fucking bag there so don't complain. Also that book that I read, I need to return it to the librarian in Kyoto before she gets mad at me." (Kanemoto)

"Well hurry up. The fucking CO will not gonna like this if it goes for long." (Moore)

"Yeah Yeah. I'd be quicker, hold on." Kanemoto rushed towards the door and goes to the library

about a minute of walking he had arrived at the Library

He had got his bag but he wanted to relax a bit

He opened his finished book as he wanted to see anything about the end. Just make sure he had finished everything before he go

Yup it's all finished

He then smiled and leaned to the chair he is seating on

He closed his eyes..... and for some reason his entire atmosphere went cold.

He thought it was the AC that increase the temperature and he wanted to adjust it to warm so nobody would complain why the inside of the AC is frozen

He opened his eyes and saw he was in a different room

No decorations, No bookshelves, No chairs around him except the one he is seating, Nothing. Just a white blank room

He thought he was in a dream but that's impossible because he is not tired earlier and didn't drank any beer nor wine at the party

'Where the fuck am I? Huh? I can't hear, feel, see, and smell anything. Wait? I can hear, feel, smell anything. But what the fuck is this feeling?' Even though Kanemoto doesn't hear himself speak but he can talk in his mind

'Shit. I don't know what the fuck is happening but I'm sure. This ain't gonna end well.' he tried seeing his surroundings but he only sees his chair that he is seating on, his bag, and the book. Nothing else

"Well I'm fucked."


The Gods and Goddesses had arrived at earth

The Earth deities wasn't expecting their old pals to pay a visit but most importantly they are actually disappointed because it's the only time they ACTUALLY visit

Zeus and Odin who heard the news just slowly facepalmed themselves because. What do they want?

Yelia said to the Earth Deities about their problem and the Earth Deities just looked at them with a disappointed face of "Are you serious?"

Yelia told it is urgent and the Earth Deities just shrugged and agreed

The Earth Deities really doesn't like the other Gods and Goddesses there

Yelia and the other Gods and Goddesses are searching for a perfect candidate to do their job

As they found Kanemoto they had decided he is the best bet they could ever find

"Greetings Mortal." a voice rang inside Kanemoto's head

"What?" (Kanemoto)

"I have picked you here now to discuss an important word for you." as the voice said inside Kanemoto's head he asked

"Where the fuck am I? If this is a movie set up, I ain't signed up for this!" Kanemoto said as he saw many figures formed in front of him

The Gods and Goddesses and some angels showed themselves to Kanemoto

"Uhuh. This is definitely a movie set up. Hey! You girl! Tell the movie directors that they got the wrong guy! I didn't know about this? Did you guys all asked permission to the general?" Kanemoto asked literally has no idea

"No, this is not a movie set up that you mortals call." (Yelia). Though she said this is not a movie set up Kanemoto still doesn't believe her

"Yeah, Yeah, little girl. Where is your guardians or something? And As I said I'm the wrong guy you guys are searching. There are a tons of idiots at the building south of here. If you want to find your "Actor in hiding", then that's where you guys will search. Just go left of here then make a right and go straight and there. You will arrive at the basketball court. And seriously. This is very serious." Kanemoto said with a serious face

Yelia didn't believe what Kanemoto said. Little girl? I have you know that I am several million years older than you

"This is not and I mean NOT a Movie Set Up. This is real. Your inside our little "pocket Dimension" that we Gods and Goddesses made for you. And this is serious. You're the only one that we chose. You are the "chosen one". Young Mortal." Yelia said giving him some wisdom after that


"ok, ok, O-K. If I observe correctly. I'm in a Fantasy crap room? Full of nerds and chuuni's. And for some reason my body acted strange when I blink. That's it. I've seen enough. Goodbye." Kanemoto said and this made all the Gods and Goddesses quite dumfounded

He then goes to his right and wanting to see there would be a door there

*uf!* "What the fuck?" Kanemoto ran into an invisible wall. It's not made of glass or anything

He then goes to his left and same results

"OK. Can you guys let me go? I promise the idiots there to clean up some mess there before the CO arrive. And I don't like the CO's arguments and his "teachings". So please be kind people and me go?" (Kanemoto)

Yelia and the others looked at each other and looked at him

Dreva, Goddess of Magic Spoke

"Do you believe in magic?" Dreva boldy asked him who looked as if he was an idiot or not

"Do I look like the type of person who believe in magic? If people can use magic then I would believe but there's no freaking way there would be magic here? Come on hurry up. It's almost 30 minutes before the CO gets there." Kanemoto replied to Dreva who waved her right arm

For some reason Kanemoto felt his back feeling better. After the injury since training he had a very painful back pain that lasted for 3 weeks. And now it's gone

"There, I healed your back pain of your's. You should be thankful that a goddess had healed your injury." Dreva said and thinking this would totally make Kanemoto approve

"Maybe I'm hallucinating? My back pain is going fine until it was healed now. I think it went gone instantly so I think your word "magic" doesn't exist so maybe you guys are chunni's." (Kanemoto)

Dreva just smiled but hell. Veins starting to form in her forhead saying magic doesn't exist

"Come on, Show me what real magic is. And if you guys don't impress me Then I would leave." Kanemoto smiled and this made Dreva a little bit "angry"

"You want real magic? Then here." Dreva waved her hand again this time her hand glowed bright orange

Kanemoto looked everywhere expecting shitty magic and then

"Why do I smell something burning?" Kanemoto asked and made Yelia confused until she saw Kanemoto's right arm went on fire. Kanemoto also noticed this

"Sh-SHIT! FUCK!" Kanemoto waved his arms wildly just to put out the fire but no use

"D-Dreva! That is too much!" Yelia yelled at Dreva who snapped and put out the fire she just made

"I'm sorry that Dreva used her magic to you, I'm very very sorry." Yelia did a 90 degree bow as Kanemoto observe his right

"Wh-What the fuck? Why didn't I get 3rd degree burns? Can anyone explain?" (Kanemoto)

"*sigh* Good thing it's just a illusion spell." Yelia sighed in relief

"I-Illusion spell? What kind of loopy land did I just entered?" (Kanemoto)

"Nevermind that, At least you learned your lesson. Did you?" (Yelia)

"I don't know getting my arm going in flames is a punishment than doing many laps in the airfield while the scorching hot sun is firing at me. I'd say both." Kanemoto said and Yelia's eyes twitches

"Now do you believe what your into now? That you are not and NOT in a movie set up? And you believe in magic." Yelia said and Kanemoto went silent

'Don't know if this is a Lucid Dream, Hallucinations, or maybe I actually died but I think I can play smoothly here.' Kanemoto thought

"Well to think everything is real then, Maybe?" Kanemoto nervously chuckle

"R-right. Then come with me." Yelia ordered him

"Yes, ma'am." (Kanemoto)

And then suddenly they are completely in a different world and place

"As you can see, This is our home, the Gods realm that is. Where Gods and Goddesses from different universe's, different culturd, different ideas, and different worlds lived peacefully here. Well that "peacefully" part went away since 5000 years ago." Yelia said to Kanemoto who was confused

"The "peacefully" part went away since 5000 years? What the fuck happen since then?" Kanemoto questioned her

"5000 years ago, a world where the human race is supposed to defeat Demon Lords has heroes. Some otherworldly, some made." (Yelia)

"So a classic cliche and maybe generic fantasy world? Like, I think one genre called "Isekai" or something like th-" Kanemoto was cut off by Yelia

"Yeah! That's it! "Isekai"! That's what the heroes call it!" Yelia shouted at him

"What is the problem with that? What's the problem with people with 8th grade syndrome has to do with your guys problem?" (Kanemoto)

"Uhh it's just..... The world, Everytime a hero dies in that world and goes here well they start turning this place into trash and reck the place. So we had to banish them from the God realm and punish them forever by the Goddess of punishment and the God of Torture." (Yelia)

"So... that means they became from cock blocking little bratty shitheads to arrogant and reckless people? Is there a way for you Gods and Goddesses to stop them? Is there a countermeasure where the Hero is judge whether or not they should go to heaven or hell?" (Kanemoto)

"I'm not Christian nor religious but... In Christianity, A person is judged based on their actions in life. A person committing Adultery or people who are a pedophile are sent to hell because breaking the "thou shalt not commit adultery" or something along those lines, is a sin. A person sent to heaven that committed no crimes, no sin whatsoever and helped people and preached and believe Christianity are sent to heaven. While I, a fuckwit moron of a bookworm had committed many sins in the past." Kanemoto stated

"Come on. What sins did you committed?" (Yelia)

"It's already obvious of course but I will say about 3." *ahem*

"First: Since I was a teen, me and my friends found a cat that is injured. "What do I do?" you said? Well we beat the shit out of that cat and killed it. Yeah I regret killing that cat." Kanemoto is having bad memories

"Wh-what?" Yelia was shocked

"Second: Since I was a third year senior highschooler, I was very much a delinquent, a bully to the school. I create troubles non stop. Got suspended and EXPELLED many time that disappointed my parents. I supposedly bully the weak."

"Ehh?" (Yelia)

"And finally, Bullying elderly. Shit happened till I stop doing troubles since age 22." Kanemoto went gloomy for a second

"I am..... shocked that you made these hideous actions but what happened since you turned 22 that made you change?" Yelia asked and Oh No. Bad memories go brr this time

"I lost my mom because she was killed by a killer, then following my uncle who died while driving drunk, then finally Father..... my god." Kanemoto is gonna cry st this point

"What happened to yiur father?" Yelia asked

"He died in an accident. He was working in a powerplant near Hiroshima and then suddenly an earthquake directly hit the reactor. The reactor went overload and it will gonna explode within hours if everybody isn't evacuated. Refreshing the reactor or turning it off is impossible. Everybody had evacuated very far from Hiroshima, no, It was a full city wide scale evacuation. The city will be affected by the reactor if it explodes and will shower many radiation. Many people had evacuated but the reactor went overload and exploded, 50 thousand people killed including my father, 20 thousand more will die by radioactive poisoning, and 150 thousand injured. It was a gruesome sight that I had been assigned there to help the evacuated people. Everyone who obsorbed many radiation had their bodies deformed. One pregnant woman gave birth to a fully deformed baby and I saw everything. I puked and had nightmares for life until It went away because of therapy." Kanemoto told the whole story that mande Yelia pity him

"Well, Hiroshima got "nuked" twice now. That's a world record. One from World War 2, one six years ago." he laughed it off his pain but still Yelia can see the pain he had to endure

"Where here." Yelia said and Kanemoto saw a very big building

The two entered

They are at the meeting room where all the high ranking Gods and Goddesses sat around the round table

Kanemoto sat down next to Yelia and to his left of him is the Goddess of love, Ghinyja. An Onee-san

"Your a handsome man aren't you~?" Ghinyja flirted

"To think I'm handsome I really don't believe in my looks. Also that's usually my grandma or mums line when I feel bad." Kanemoto chuckled

"No really, you are indeed handsome. Your age is 28 right? How come you are still single?" (Ghinyja)

"Well I have a girlfriend.... well ex-girlfriend now because she cheated on me. Though I have the looks I am not rich. And I really don't like Golddiggers I say." (Kanemoto)

"Ohh~ Greedy woman." (Ghinyja)

"Well don't trust a person even though they are beautiful. I don't trust bitches 'cause bitches spell backwards is "sehctib"... and that makes no fucking sense. Just like them bitches." Kanemoto smiled and earned some chuckles from the Gods

"Well, You are just unlucky. Maybe there would be a perfect woman for your liking." Ghinyja assured him

"Well, I hope so. I first gonna deal with your guys problem before my "fated" woman shows up. I don't believe anything that religious fanatics say but In my years of reading novels, is there supposed to be a God or Goddess of Good Luck or something?" Kanemoto said to Ghinyja who looked at him and then into a different direction

Kanemoto looked where she was looking and there he saw a blonde man wearing white medieval Europe robe

"Wait... You serious?!" (Kanemoto)

"Nothings impossible in the Gods realm, Mr. Kanemoto. Everything here exist." (Ghinyja)

"Uhuh. So what's his name?" (Kanemoto)

"Therasil, God of Fortune and Good Luck." (Ghinyja)

"Why does he look like a cheap ripoff of an aristocrat?" he said and Therasil heard it and Ghinyja chuckled

"I have you know that this is my standard looks so don't judge a persons taste of design." Therasil stated and Kanemoto just chuckled slightly and other Gods and Goddesses followed suite

Eros, God of Life and Death stands up

"Alright everybody be quiet and settle down. The meeting is about to begin." Eros announced and everyone and Kanemoto went silent

'So this guy is a big player among these "deities". I will surely be quiet for now.' Kanemoto thought as he observed Eros

"We had gather here today to discuss our current problem about the heroes in that world. So we searched far beyond the multiverse in search of a perfect candidate and we found one. His name..... Mr. Kanemoto Momoru, soldier in the Japanese army. Rank up top in class and then rank Captain. Here he is." Eros gestured to Kanemoto and the Gods and Goddesses applaud to him

'Why the hell does it feel the same when I was promoted to captain? Many people applaud for my promotion while this? I don't know what achievement I did but still. Being applaud by Deities felt so wrong and out of place.' Kanemoto thought to himself as he waved at them saying "Of course I'm here."

"We will discuss now. I first ask Mr. Kanemoto. Do you felt as if your proud of being among the Gods and Goddesses?" Eros asked and Kanemoto breathes

"At first I thought I was in a movie set up or film but this woman named Dreva, Goddess if Magic made my right arm burn and after that I didn't suffer injuries. I say it is a Semi-permanent 3rd degree burn if the flames were real." Kanemoto answered

When he said about Dreva's angry move Everyone looked at Dreva who whistling while looking at the ceiling saying "I didn't do it"

The Deities faces say 'WTF?' but ignored it.

"Y-yes, Right. I'm sorry that Dreva had used her magic to harm you, I'm deeply sorry." Eros slightly bowed

"Nononononono. It's OK. I feel bad that an elderly man is bowing down to me. Yeah I deserve that punishment because well that is my consequences of my actions I supposed. Well "divine" question of yours."

"Right, Yes. Do you know why are you here? And what are you supposed to be here?" (Eros)

"Uhm..... I'd say... Yelia-chan already told me about the problem you guys have. I suppose you need help help?" (Kanemoto)

"Yes we need help." (Eros)

"But first, Why do Gods and Goddesses need my help? A "Lowly" mortal like me is like no use to you people. Why do you need a mortals help than assigning a God or Goddess that have the power to punish or Torture? Tell me, Why am I picked for this? What certain job that I am fitted?" Kanemoto is giving Eros several questions

"One at the time Mr. Kanemoto. But the obvious one is that we may accidentally destroy that world but we don't have plans on giving them divine disasters. No, We want to "regulate" that world. Balance the power between the Human, Elf, Beastmen/Demi-Human, and Demon races." Eros answers Kanemoto's question

"So like "Team Fix"? Like One team has many players and the other has less so the game automatically fixes the team to regulate the other teams strength and power. I like how comically ironic, why you need me? If you want to balance everyone there, you should limit the Human Race to have heroes. The Demon Race increase a little of strength to go on par with the Human Race. And about the Elf and Beastmen race Just let them be for now. All these things I said doesn't really need my help. It's very simple, CHANGE THE SETTINGS." (Kanemoto)

"BUT! There ome problem about your "Change the Settings". You see In that world, they already have what they call "Permanent Settings". The Permanent Setti-" He was cut off

"OK OK OK. I know I'm already rude but "Permanent Settings"? Who in the right mind is it a good idea to permanently not change that setting, That said world? You see, my world "earth" it needs many changes and tweaks like removing pollution and stuff and as we humans evolve and advance technologies we mortals basically change the settings of earth by randomizing it in different but absurd ways. How can I, a normal soldier, regulate and balance the power of that world if the settings cannot be changed? That is both physically and mentally impossible for me to do it." (Kanemoto)

"That's why you're here. You have a sense of knowledge of logic. You know the logic of fantasy while you also know the logic in real life. Example, a military fantasy and fictional book you read earlier." (Eros) said and Kanemoto rummaging through his bag and see what type of book he was talking about

"You mean "Meet The Soldier" or "A normal day as a Soldier"? I know I like both, the endings was great and the stuff put into it is beautifully executed but there is a difference. The story of "Meet The Soldier" takes place on a fictional world where the main character a US soldier is fighting against the Russians in new york, while the story of "A normal day as a soldier" takes place both fictional and fantasy where an Otaku soldier had to deal with all the Gate incident BS. I'm not saying they are bad ideas but you had know how good the military tactics, actions, and other stuff takes place here. And you say the worlds technology is still in the medieval era? Why am I reminiscing the first and second volume of "A normal day as a Soldier". I don't want to deal with Holy Roman Empire BS, British Empire BS, and other stuff that is BS to me." (Kanemoto)

Meanwhile a God near him

"Why does he talk too much?" he complained

"Just endure it mate."

Back at the conversation

Eros is gonna ran out of ideas but had one final question to him

"I just wanted to see if you are good for the job. but importantly we're just sending them a message." (Eros)

"What message?" (Kanemoto)

"A message saying "Quit Fighting each other"." (Eros)


"So in other words. Make them go for peace?" (Kanemoto)

"Yes. So we could finally rest and relax that the problem has been solved." (Eros)

"Well as a Japanese man that his country had a dark history *cough* WW2 *cough* I don't see why you picked an japanese person. You should've picked Makai or Moore. Them both are crazy and can make them countries sue for peace in a forceful way." he chuckled

"No we have a perfect proposal for you." (Eros)

"And which is?" (Kanemoto)

"First, what do you do when you have the power and are free to do anything in one world?" Eros asked and Kanemoto thinks

"Mhhm, maybe read books when I'm bored BUT I like to imagine things I like. Which is fictional fights. When I was teen, I like playing war and actions games in my free time so maybe. If I have the power of an RTS type game and make soldiers in a whim and have no limits and I can do whatever I want. Like destroying another base while they destroy mine. Simple RTS game." (Kanemoto)

"So, you want to summon soldiers without limit? Destroy other factions while they are gonna destroy you? Making a strong base from day one? That type of power?" Eros said and Kanemoto Smiled

"Yes, Yes, and Yes. I love RTS games. They are fun, They have no limits whatsoever, Infinite possibilities, infinite action, Good ideas, Making creative strategy, and many more. That type of power." Kanemoto smiled

"How about having that power? To have an RTS system." Eros proposed

"Wait, I can? I know that was a little bit greedy of me but I can? It's just my little stupid fantasy that I have an RTS style system and I can do what RTS games should be." (Kanemoto)

"Yes, You can. But I have to say there is a downside." (Eros)

"Tell me what downside do I have?" (Kanemoto)

"It's just one, Once you go there. Well Some people who can sense Dark Energy, that you already have, will mistake you as a Demon Lord, But I put a seal into you so you can seal and unseal freely." (Eros)

*Dun Dun Duuuuun!*

"What? There's already a Demon Lord in that world and your saying that They will see me as another Demon Lord if my "Dark Energy" leaks? Isn't that very concerning?" (Kanemoto)

"Though the upside is that we the Gods and Goddesses will give you maximum blessings. Like the God of Good luck and Fortune. He can give you a blessing that can have very large fortune and immense good luck. Goddess of Magic, Can give you unlimited potential of magic. Goddess of Love, Can give you immense charm that every women see you as hamdsome." (Eros) said everything about what Deities do

"OK, the Goddess of Love part should be limited because of every women and girls see me as handsome and cling to me, I look like a player or a playboy and I don't want that." Kanemoto said and Yelia almost chuckled

"Oof! That hurts, Ghinyja." Yelia teased Ghinyja

"Shut up, flat board." Ghinyja bullied back

"Why you-!" Yelia was angry and knows she is flat chested. maybe A cup size

"Well it's your decision to do so." (Eros)

"But I want an Exchange for my help." (Kanemoto)

"Which is?" (Eros)

"If I commit war crimes, breaking some in the Geneva convention, and many more bad things. I would go to heaven, It's just that if you want them to get the message by force you need to agree with this terms. I don't want to go to hell by helping the Deities problems. I don't want to recite everything to Satan because it's weird." (Kanemoto)

"Don't worry. We are Gods. You have our permission to do anything there." (Eros) smiled at him and so too Kanemoto

"So! I think I agree in some terms. So where is the papers or paperwork so I can fell in thw blanks?" Kanemoto asked

"There's no need for paperwork and I see you don't like paperwork also." (Eros)

"You know what I hate and it's mostly paperwork. So if there is no papers to sign. The I approve." Kanemoto approved to help the deities

Everybody just sighed and finally they can now rest in piece, literally

Gods and Goddesses that gave Kanemoto blessings

Goddess of Water

God of Fire

Goddess of healing

Goddess of Nature

God of Agriculture

God of the Wind

God of Thunder

Goddess of Earth

Goddess of Magic

God of Blacksmith

Goddess of Archery

God of the Military (Just a random guess)

Goddess of Love (Limited)

Goddess of Darkness

God of Swords

God of Combat

Goddess of Wisdom

Goddess of Light

God of Success

God of Good luck and Fortune

God of Natural Disaster

Goddess of Animals

God of Peotry

Goddess of Medicine

God of Strength

Goddess of Health

Goddess of spear

Goddess of Chance

God of Life and Death

Goddess of Creation

Goddess of Spirits

God of Mercy

God of the Underworld

God of Vitality

"OK I think this is enough. There is too many blessings. My body is feeling like It can't handle anymore." but to no avail they still give him blessings

Goddess of Youth

Goddess of fertility

Goddess of Evolution

God of Science

"How Ironic that there is a Deity that his profession is science. But no complaints here." (Kanemoto)

God of Night

Goddess of Day

God of the Tamer

God of Monsters

God of Time

"Is this enough? I'm gonna ouke in moments." too late he is gonna puked and rushed to the nearest window

"Is this a little bit too much?" Yelia asked Eros

"There is nothing enough. I wanted to rest in piece. Also are you gonna give him your blessings?"

"Ohh, I forgot." Yelia approached Kanemoto who is struggling to stnad near the window

"What?" (Kanemoto)

"I'm just going to give you my blessing." (Yelia)

"N-No! My body is full of Blessings! I'm already a walking cheat! I'm gonna puke again if there is another blessi-"

"Too late." Yelia gave her blessing to Kanemoto

"I- I'm fucking done-!" he then passed out

"Uhh.... Should we be concerned?" Yelia asked them

Pheona, Goddess of Healing said

"Don't worry. I gave him a maximum level of my blessings. So he would be fine." (Pheona)

"Should we uhh.... wait for him to wake up so we could place him in that world?" (Yelia)

"No. We just gonna place him in a safe spot in a random forest and I know just the place. I will make some Dryads to protect his body." (Phixone)

"So, We have all agreed. Let's hope the people got the message." everyone nodded

Time skip 3 hours

Kanemoto woke up in a middle of a forest. He was passed out for about 3 hours top

He wanted to move but can't. Minutes later he can finally feel anything. He must be paralyzed a bit

He checked his legs to see if they are paralyzed too and they are still paralyzed

Struggled he dragged himself to the nesrest tree and leaned to repax for a bit

'So everything was real?' though he was paralyzed everything felt so real

He closed eyes and relaxed thinking this is a dream but isn't he actually came to another world

His legs move and he can finally stretched

He checked and double checks his surroundings just to make sure he is safe

He sat down on a very large stump and looked at himself

He still wears his military uniform

'Well I'm fucked... again.' (Kanemoto) sighed and looked at the sky

"Greetings, Master. How can I assist you today-" a voice suddenly rang inside Kanemoto who was startled

"Wha! Wha? What the fuck!" he was scared shitless by the suprise

"Sorry, master, that I scared you." the System apoligized

"Oh god. It's just a long time that a system talked. Man I feel very old when I played that RTS game." Kanemoto slightly chuckled

"Do you want to test out your new powers?" the System said

"Well of course? I don't want to start, not knowing what I'm good at. Is there supposed to be a system or something?" (Kanemoto)

"Hold on, Master." (System)

[Syncing data... Complete]

[Syncing Hud... Complete]

[Syncing Player Data.... Complete]

[Syncing Map Data... Complete]

[Syncing power Data... Complete]

[Syncing Information Data... Complete]

[Syncing Required Data.... Complete]

As the system finished two more syncing (Health and Mana Data)

"Everything is synced and downloaded. Your needed Data is complete." (System)

"Good." he then looked to the sky "Now let's "Beta Test" my powers." Kanemoto said starting his new adventure

To be Continued

I sleep. My practice run complete!

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