
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 52

Chapter 52: One Hundred Days

It has already been a hundred days since I became the lord of the Rocha region.

During this time, there haven't been any significant developments.

Well, I mean, there were a few minor events though.

Firstly, Princess Parubera and the Family's organization eradicated the malevolent groups that had spread throughout the central capital, bringing peace to the commoners.

The reason for this was that if I left them alone, it could undermine my rule. However, since they seemed to serve as a refuge for outcasts and weren't as malicious as one might think, I had initially planned to leave them be. But since we've already dismantled them, those who need to be held accountable will be sent to the mines as criminals, while those with lesser charges will be offered jobs.

Next, I decided to employ the soldiers for road construction, including those minor offenders.

The number of soldiers in the Rocha region, including reserves, amounted to ten thousand. With the criminals included, it was eleven thousand.

Having such a workforce remain idle due to the absence of war would have been a waste.

Initially, the soldiers were unhappy with the decision, but I convinced them by saying, "These roads are used both for defending our land and for advancing into other countries. It's easier for us if they're well-maintained, don't you think?"

More than my persuasion, it might have been the additional rewards of money and alcohol for the labor that made them agree.

Thanks to the soldiers' efforts in road construction, the security in the Nonette region has improved. The sight of the soldiers working discouraged thieves from appearing on the roads. The thieves probably believed they could return once the roads were completed, so they're likely lurking nearby. I've instructed General Durba, who is in charge of the soldiers, to perform periodic clean-ups. We've managed to eliminate two or three of the thieves' hideouts so far.

The full-scale export of iron products has also been going well.

We're selling logging tools to the country in the eastern forest region. Initially, they were made of iron, but after receiving information from a customer who disliked iron due to its tendency to rust, we started selling both iron and bronze products. For some reason, both types have become popular. Apparently, professional workers prefer steel, while the general population opts for the rust-resistant bronze.

As for the desert country, we attempted to sell weapons they couldn't acquire in the Empire. I asked the recovered Footero to assist and gave them samples, but this approach failed.

It seems the people of the desert nation are attached to their tools and generally only buy custom-made items. However, they are willing to pay exorbitant amounts for something they find satisfactory.

Given that, I selected skilled craftsmen from the territory and introduced a method of customization, including remaking the items if needed. As a result, some individuals started placing orders.

While being resented by the blacksmiths with comments like, "Prince Monkey, how many times are you going to redo this?" I continued to fulfill each order. Eventually, there was a surge in orders.

Upon investigation, it turned out that customers were highly satisfied with the custom-made weapons' quality, and seeing this, their friends became envious and started placing orders too.

Further research revealed that people from the desert nation were so obsessed with quality that they placed too many orders, causing craftsmen from other countries to decline their requests due to their notorious reputation.

Surprised by this revelation, I went to speak with the craftsmen who fulfilled the orders and ended up being met with hearty laughter.

"Hahaha! Never heard of a prince bowing to blacksmiths."

"Don't worry about it. While we were working on the items, I was frustrated about having to redo them. But once I saw the finished products, I understood that the desert folks were right."

"As long as the items are meticulously crafted to meet their strict demands, there's no need for redos. Instead, the payment we receive is quite substantial. Thanks to your introduction, Prince, we can't stop laughing."

Since there don't seem to be any issues, I've decided to continue accepting orders from the desert nation.

Well then, in order to reduce the debt even a little, we have to sell things other than iron ore to the Empire.

I entrusted various things as sample products to the Empire's merchants, the Sushahta Trading Company, to see what would sell. And we found out what sold well.

For general households, iron knives, pots, nails, and hammers sell well. In the Empire, iron is a strategic resource used to create magical tools, so items like knives with broken blades and pots with holes in the bottom need to be recycled. Therefore, there was high demand for iron-made daily necessities.

While aiming for small profits from everyday items, art pieces sell well to the wealthy.

However, what used to be produced in the old Rocha Kingdom were at best silver plates and gold cups.

But I was a Japanese in my previous life. I had knowledge from appreciating art at school events from elementary to high school.

Based on that knowledge, I decided to create art pieces using existing things in this world.

So, I created knives with beautiful stones that are fragile yet have exquisitely beautiful patterns, using a type of gem that can be easily obtained in the Rocha region.

These sold quite well.

The customers include high-income individuals, but there are also soldiers and researchers.

"The fragile yet beautiful knife, not for practical use, but just to look at. This is art!"

"These beautiful patterns. After looking at the patterns of magical tools on the battlefield, they're quite fitting."

"Hehehe, these patterns could be used for magical circuits."

Such were the opinions of the buyers.

After coming up with various policies over a hundred days and somehow managing to get everything on track, the economy of the territory was starting to flourish.

The management team that had been working since the Rocha Kingdom era seemed quite pleased with these results, and their attitudes towards me had softened.

"As expected of Prince Milimos, who defeated armies of thousands. Managing the territory is a piece of cake for you."

"With things going like this, we should be able to repay the Empire's debt comfortably in about five years."

However, amidst their lavish praises, there was one issue that they brought up with a stern face.

"But, Prince Milimos, how is the situation with magical armaments?"

"We allocated a considerable budget, but we haven't received any good news."

I was troubled by this questioning.

"We've received new investigation results from the Nonette homeland regarding the Empire's magical tools. I believe this will further advance the technology."

"Basically, there haven't been any clear results at the moment, right?"

"At this rate, it'll be difficult to allocate a budget for the next fiscal year."

"No, no. Research takes time and money, especially with the Empire monopolizing magical technology. Moreover, economically, the Rocha region is on the rise. It would be troublesome if the budget isn't increased for next year."

"This is something I can't agree to."

"If we allocate the reduced budget to debt repayment, we can shorten the repayment period by a few months."

Hmm. While they softened their attitude toward me and showered me with praise, their rigidity remained unchanged.

"Anyway! Spring has just ended, and we're only in the beginning of summer. There's still three-quarters of the year left. We should have plenty of time to wait for results!"

"...You're right. It's a bit hasty to judge the situation based on only a quarter."

"It seems that after this hundred days, because of the unexpected improvement in the situation, we've become short-sighted."

For now, it was decided that we would keep an eye on the research progress for the coming year.

It felt like a bonus from the management team to me for achieving positive economic results.

Although I was grilled by the management team about research, I had no intention of pressuring the blacksmiths in the research and development lab.

After all, they were the ones who passionately pursued magical technology development after producing a large number of tools for export to other countries.

When I, as the lord, visited the research lab after finishing my lordly duties, I could see each group actively exchanging opinions.

"We melt and fuse alternating layers of soft iron and steel to create steel. While repeatedly striking, stretching, and folding it, the patterns begin to form."

"Merely bending it doesn't seem to create various patterns."

The team responsible for the Empire-style magical tool-making process seemed to be progressing and stalling simultaneously.

Now, how about the team working on bronze items?

"It's difficult to create patterns with alloys. Unless we make casting molds for creating intricate patterns and then cast the metal, it won't work."

"But for intricate patterns, that's not sufficient. Especially for weapons that need to fit within the handle, the precision would be compromised."

Seems like they're lost on the right path and struggling to make progress.

Lastly, turning my attention to the team working on a new alloy with just two members, they seemed to be melting and mixing various metals before cooling and solidifying them.

"Melting two metals with significantly different densities, and while shaking and mixing them, then cooling them, I thought this might create layers due to the weight difference and form patterns."

"Even when cut or stretched and pounded, patterns don't appear."

Seems like they're still in a state of stagnation.

Even I want to help in some way, but both in my past life and this one, I'm unfamiliar with manufacturing techniques, so I refrain from interfering.

Besides, the blacksmiths are researching with plenty of enthusiasm. I believe that with that enthusiasm, they can move the situation and take another step forward technologically before it's too late.

Well, I've seen the situation. I shouldn't disturb their research. I'll take my leave now.

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