
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Diplomatic Negotiations

After spending a night at the inn and freshening up, we headed towards the castle in the capital of Rocha Kingdom. I walked on foot while Princess Parvera and Knight Famiris rode on horseback.

As we approached, the building looked more like a fortress, a defensive stronghold, than a castle, with the scent of life.

Is this where Rocha Kingdom's decisions are made?

Lost in thought, I looked up, and the castle's gatekeeper approached with a spear in hand.

"Who goes there? If you have no business, leave immediately!"

An intimidating stance, but her behavior was appropriate for a gatekeeper tasked with repelling potential threats.

While I was about to calmly address her and explain, Famiris, mounted on Neroteora, shouted loudly,

"I am Famiris Terestajired! A knight of the sacred knight nation, Mudo Veniolnatar! And before us is Her Highness Parvera Elegiamanya Mudo, the second daughter of the current Knight King Terepututos Elegiamanya Mudo! We seek an audience with the leaders of this place at once!"

Famiris declared in a knightly manner, drawing her sword and swinging it wide. A gust of wind blew, knocking the gatekeeper who was approaching off balance and towards the gate.

The gatekeeper, flustered, hastily got up, "I didn't know you were knights of the knight nation! My apologies! Please wait here for a moment!"

The guard scurried into the castle, visibly distressed.

After about a minute, sounds of commotion echoed from within the castle.

Likely, those who received the message from the gatekeeper were running around inside, informing various parties.

"By the way, they didn't even mention my presence," I thought.

The title of a prince from Nonette Kingdom is quite insignificant compared to the names of these two.

As I waited with a mixture of resignation and realization, about ten elegantly dressed individuals emerged. They all wore forced smiles that didn't quite reach their eyes.

"Princess and Knight of the Knight Nation, welcome. Please, come inside the castle. We would be honored to hear your intentions in a warm setting."

In response to their overly ingratiating words, Famiris let out an annoyed snort.

"Hmph. Villains who invaded other countries with false pretenses have audacity to stand united like this! I would normally behead you all on the spot, but that's the only mercy I'll show!"


The Rocha Kingdom representatives paled at Famiris's intimidation.

Unfazed, Famiris continued, "However, it would be unseemly to show the likes of you to the lovely Second Princess and tarnish her eyes with your despicable blood. Show gratitude to Princess Parvera for sparing your lives, even if briefly!"

"Yes, thank you, Second Princess Parvera!"

"I will convey everyone's gratitude," Parvera said, calmly accepting the flattery.

The Rocha representatives begrudgingly thanked them under duress, while Famiris and Parvera took it in stride.

Watching this surreal scene unfold, it almost felt like a scene from a play.

Amidst this situation, Famiris turned to me and tried to involve me in their conversation.

"Here, we've brought the victim of your unjust invasion, Prince Milimos of Nonette Kingdom. We will negotiate for a peace treaty or ceasefire in his presence. Should your sinister motives be revealed during this negotiation..."

Famiris trailed off without saying it outright, but she directed the sunlight reflecting off her sword towards the Rocha representatives, causing a glint of light to shine on them.

Understanding the implication, another wave of gasps followed.

"We understand fully that we are at fault in this matter. We sincerely wish to negotiate with the Nonette Kingdom representatives."

"Please, Prince Milimos, let us have a discussion within the castle."


With mixed emotions, I followed the Rocha representatives, led by Famiris. Parvera and Famiris followed us, and we entered the castle.

The room they led us to could easily fit fifty people. It had a rectangular table and around thirty round chairs arranged within.

I chose a seat near the entrance both for strategic reasons and to ensure an exit. The Rocha representatives naturally took seats across from us.

Parvera and Famiris sat beside us.

"Now, let the negotiations begin," Famiris declared, taking on the role of a moderator or chairperson.

Asked to speak suddenly, I was unsure where to start. The Rocha side seemed wary of Famiris, waiting for our move. It appeared I would have to take the initiative.

I thought, "It can't be helped. Let's first make our position clear."

"Regarding the unjust and deeply unpleasant false accusations laid upon His Highness Futteero Nonette, the rightful heir to the Nonette royal throne, by your esteemed nation, and your country's invasion based on false pretenses, as the representative of the Nonette Kingdom, I express profound regret. Along with the damages incurred from this irrational war, we expect substantial reparations."

The one of the representative of Rocha declared in a formal tone.

"We understand the opinions and requests from the Nonette Kingdom's side as reasonable. However, our country is facing economic difficulties. Even if substantial reparations are demanded, we must consider whether we have the means to pay…"

I also understand that point. After all, Rocha invaded Nonette to implement measures to stabilize their economy.

Nevertheless, the Nonette Kingdom still needed to demand reparations.

If we didn't ensure compensation for the wounded soldiers, and penalties for the deceitful invasion, other countries might think, "Invading is worthwhile for such a level of reparations," which could pose a problem.

Now then, what can the Nonette Kingdom gain from Rocha? What holds value?

The Nonette Kingdom has no need for Rocha's land or agricultural products. The presence of mineral toxins flowing in the rivers could potentially harm them.

Mineral resources are also unnecessary. The Nonette Kingdom can source what it needs from its own territory.

Money is an option, but considering Rocha's struggling economy, the chances are slim. Even if they agreed to pay in installments, Rocha's economy might collapse before completing the payments.

In that case, the target would be Rocha's ironworking technology.

Combining the Nonette Kingdom's analyzed imperial magical technology with Rocha's ironworking technology could potentially match the Empire's standards—it might be challenging, but they could at least acquire inferior equipment.

Now, once the goal is determined, let's outline the path.

"Although the people of Rocha are likely aware, the Nonette Kingdom does not harbor territorial ambitions, just as it did not desire the land of the former Mendashium Kingdom. Economically, our country is self-sufficient and does not have strong monetary desires. In other words, we do not seek land or money."

As I explained the situation, the Rocha representatives wore expressions of puzzlement, as if finding it hard to comprehend.

Well, even though we're demanding reparations, saying we don't want land or money is indeed confusing.

"However, that doesn't mean we lack ambition. We have a strong desire for technological advancement."

When I delivered those cryptic words, the Rocha representatives seemed to understand what we were implying.

"Could it be that you're asking for our technology? To compensate for the damages caused by the invasion under false pretenses and the harm inflicted upon your country, you're requesting payment in the form of technology?"

"Exactly. But isn't this demand also something you would hope for?"

Although we're asking for technology, we're not asking for land or money. Rocha can simply provide the skilled technicians who were left jobless due to the failed Empire transactions. There's little for Rocha to lose in this demand.

As I prepared to receive their response, a voice chimed in from the side.

Turning my gaze, it was Famiris.

"Substituting people for monetary compensation is tantamount to human trafficking, a barbaric act. As a representative of the Knight Nation, I must voice my concern over this unethical proposition."

"Rest assured, that's not our intention. When we speak of compensation, we intend to bring them to our country. We won't enslave them; we plan to hire them as technical advisors, providing them with proper salaries based on Nonette Kingdom standards. I pledge that we won't engage in any inhumane actions."

"If that's the case, we will understand. Princess Palbera, do you have anything to say?"

"Prince Milimos's proposal, though coming from a party wronged in this unnecessary conflict, is a compassionate decision that I support."

Alright, we have the approval of the Knight Nation.

If Rocha accepts our proposal, everything will be resolved.

As I awaited their response, it took an unexpected turn.

"Prince Milimos's request. As the representatives of the Knight Nation have stated, we recognize it as an exceedingly considerate offer."

"However, if we were to take advantage of this proposal, wouldn't it fall short of atoning for the grave sin of accusing another country's prince falsely and starting a war based on that, as well as the subsequent damages?"

The flow of the conversation seemed to have taken an odd turn.

Given that we've made a gentle request, Rocha should have accepted it as a welcome solution.

But Rocha seems to have a "hidden agenda" to "add to their own debt."

As I puzzled over their motives, the Rocha representatives continued speaking.

"Having committed a great sin, we believe we should withdraw from governing the country. We should make way for the next generation."

"However, those next-generation individuals have learned and grown under our guidance. They may possess similar mindsets to ours. It's possible that they might repeat the same mistakes. Therefore, we've considered an alternative. As compensation for the unjust actions that led to this war, we are prepared to offer everything Rocha possesses to the Nonette Kingdom."

"Land, economy, citizens, soldiers, and technology. Everything."

The idea of selling the entire country left me utterly astonished.

"Though your proposal is appreciated, didn't Nonette Kingdom state that it has no territorial ambitions?"

"I understand. Therefore, after it's handed over, you can do as you please. Even if it's sold to the Empire, I won't hold a grudge."

Mentioning the Empire's name, a faint understanding of Rocha Kingdom's intentions became clear.

The key players here are the third parties present, Princess Parvela and Familis, representatives of the Knight Nation.

The Knight Nation upholds righteous actions and is antagonistic to the Empire.

Imagine I decide, whether opportunistically or later, to sell Rocha Kingdom to the Empire. At that moment, both of them would raise objections. As representatives of the Knight Nation, they wouldn't allow the transfer of the technologically skilled Rocha Kingdom to the Empire, and a humanitarian perspective would argue against easily selling off a nation acquired through reparations.

In essence, the moment Rocha Kingdom becomes property of Nonette Kingdom, it would be burdened with its debts.

Furthermore, if Rocha Kingdom becomes a vassal or territory of Nonette Kingdom, the Empire's certificate of parity would extend to this land. With its influence, negotiations with the Empire could be reconsidered.

The more I think, the more I realize this move to surrender the country has many advantages for Rocha Kingdom. Though selling a country means the representatives might be pelted with stones by the citizens, leaving that aside.

Unthinkable as it is, I'll handle it promptly.

"We've understood Rocha Kingdom's sense of guilt towards Nonette Kingdom. We acknowledge those sentiments. Therefore, if you provide only Rocha Kingdom's engineers, we shall reaffirm that it suffices as compensation."

"No, no. This is the best atonement we can offer. Please take all of Rocha Kingdom."

"Our country is a fraction, perhaps even a tenth, of your esteemed nation. Just as one cannot bear a great burden, we cannot handle all of Rocha Kingdom. We'll accept your sentiments and take only the engineers."

"We will hand over all of Rocha Kingdom. If there is an excess, those currently managing the country will support it. There's no problem at all."

Opposing my refusal, they persistently press on.

The side supposed to receive reparations claims they're not needed, while the side to compensate demands to take everything.

From an outsider's view, it's quite a peculiar situation.

However, I won't let them impose on a country burdened with so many debts.

Furthermore, as I try to decline once again, another interruption, this time from Familis, comes in.

"Having heard both parties' arguments, I still believe Prince Milimos' demands are too lenient in light of the sins Rocha Kingdom has committed. Invading under a false righteous cause, it's a brutal act that wouldn't even spare a country from destruction. As Rocha Kingdom asserts, it's best to hand over the entirety of the country as the sole compensation."

Speaking without knowing the internal affairs of Nonette Kingdom, offering unnecessary opinions!

Look! Rocha Kingdom's side is beaming with joy, as if their world has blossomed!

While gritting my teeth, I protest to Familis.

"Considering the emotions of the people living in Rocha Kingdom, isn't demanding they sell their entire country a bit tactless? The land they were born and raised in might vanish due to the outcome of this meeting."

Hearing my assertion, Parvela lowers her eyelids in sadness, rather than Familis.

"Imagining one's country becoming another is quite lonely. Demanding the sale of the entire nation as compensation might not be the right course of action, after all."

Alright. Princess Parvela has taken my side.

Just as I start to feel relieved, Familis addresses Princess Parvela.

"Princess Parvela. People are like wildflowers. Even if the pinnacle of power shifts, they will live on with strength and resilience."

"Is that so?"

"And you mentioned feeling lonely about your country becoming another—"

Familis begins a hushed conversation, and with each word, Parvela's expression changes.

From confusion to understanding, and then to elation.

With a sinking feeling, I decide to intervene and stop their conversation, but it seems I'm a bit too late.

"I see. In that case, it would be best for Nonette Kingdom to accept all of Rocha Kingdom. Truly, Familis, you excel at this."

"Thank you for your praise."

I have no idea what they talked about, but Princess Parvela's opinion has shifted in favor of Rocha Kingdom.

No, I wonder what kind of persuasion was used. Familis seems to have employed an unsavory tactic judging from the bitter expression, but it seems they used their last resort.

However, the tide has been definitively turned.

While I could resist on my own, Rocha Kingdom won't change its stance since this is its only way to rebuild its economy. With Princess Parvela's gaze signaling 'this is final,' there's no point in trying.

In terms of the negotiation's content, it could be said that Nonette Kingdom emerged as the clear victor, but in reality, I've suffered a negotiation defeat. Despite feeling downhearted, I have no choice but to accept the proposal.

But, I won't be the one burdened with the troubles of the handed-over Rocha Kingdom. After all, I am the Marshal of Nonette Kingdom. I cannot distance myself from my homeland.

I feel sorry for the person who's being handed this incredibly challenging role, but now that it's come to this, there's no other choice but for them to do their best.

Yes, that's how I thought of it, as if it were someone else's problem.

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