
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: The Fortress at the Border

As expected, I ended up joining the war as a Marshal.

To avoid being a hindrance on the battlefield, the new recruits who were in the middle of training or had just finished were left behind in various locations. In case the border fortress was breached, they were prepared to assist in the evacuation of the people along with the reserve forces.

The three people I met at the training grounds were also ordered to defend the royal castle and were currently on guard duty with the king's knights.

Therefore, out of the five hundred regular soldiers, only about four hundred would be stationed at the fortress.

"It feels like we have a small number of troops, but it's the best this country can do, I guess."

As I murmured while walking at the front of the formation, I was laughed at by Alectem.

"No need to worry. We have the achievement of repelling two thousand weak soldiers from the Mendashium Kingdom with just a hundred soldiers!"

"Even though it was a defensive battle utilizing the fortress and the valley, it's hard to believe that we could overcome such a twentyfold difference in numbers..."

However, this world is a world where magic and sacred arts exist.

If there are knights from the Holy Knight Nation of Mudo Beniornatal or magical machines like those of the Magic Empire Majistri=Prumburu, it might be possible to overcome the difference in numbers.

"Speaking of which, has the research department studying the Empire's armaments made any progress?"

"They have finally understood the mechanism, but it seems they haven't reached the point of creating something usable for this war."

"Hmm. If we could gather a sufficient number of inferior replicas of the Empire's weapons, they would be reliable assets..."

There's no point in wishing for what we don't have. Let's change our thinking and move forward.

"When we enter the fortress, where do you think the Mendashium Kingdom's army will be?"

"Their capital is located near the Nounette Kingdom. They might be entering the buffer zone between the two countries."

"They consider Nounette Kingdom an enemy, don't they? Yet their capital is close by?"

"It seems they relocated there during my childhood. Even though it's technically a subordinate country, they probably thought it would be safer to remain closer to the Empire."

In an empire that could annihilate a small country with just one unit, even a child can understand which is the greater threat between the empire and a small mountainous country with fewer troops.

"If we go into the mountains, we can conduct reconnaissance with wooden bird's-eye views."

"It is possible within the range of reconnaissance. Once we determine the detailed types and numbers of the enemy forces, it will be easier to plan our operations."

"When we enter the mountains, we should also engage in harassment with our guerrilla units."

Unlike the people of Mendashium who live in the plains, the people of Nonette have a high degree of freedom in their activities in the mountains. They climb places that appear as cliffs and call them slopes, and they even slide down cliffs that not even four-legged animals can descend, calling it a shortcut. They also utilize steep ridges as paths.

By the way, even I can do similar things in my natural state, and if I enhance my body with sacred arts, I can overcome any mountain path.

While feeling sorry for the Mendashium soldiers who are being attacked by guerrilla fighters on the narrow mountain path in the gorge, I received a warning from Alectem.

"Lord Milimos is a Marshal. Please refrain from participating in guerrilla activities with the soldiers."

"Oh come on. I think I'm the strongest in terms of individual combat power, though."

"No matter how strong you are, your loss would be too costly. Please stay quiet in the rear."

"Tch. Well, fine. I have to conduct reconnaissance with the wooden bird anyway."

While we were discussing that, we also entered the mountain path.

From here to the fortress, there are many steep paths—a delightful hiking experience.

As soon as we entered the border fortress, I released the wooden bird into the air.

"Move, move. Temporary life. Fly, spread your wings. False wings. Look, reflect. Project the view of the cave's eye onto the crystal. Obey my will and maneuver. Invia Muvmei."

The owl-like wooden bird obediently flew through the air without making any sound, following my guidance.

The path in the gorge twists and turns along the mountain slope and has significant changes in altitude, so the distance is quite long.

However, since the straight-line distance through the air is not that great, the wooden bird quickly entered the buffer zone on the Mendashium side, beyond the mountain.

Just before entering the mountain path, the camp of the Mendashium army appears. It seems they are having a meal to gather their spirits before entering the challenging mountain path.

While projecting the scene onto the wall using the light of the crystal, I watched it together with Alectem and a few experienced soldiers stationed at the fortress.

The soldiers who saw the bird's-eye view for the first time were amazed by the images projected on the wall.

"Is this showing the current landscape?"

"Yes, it's a recorded video."

"Hmm... Should I be glad that there's no need for reconnaissance, or should I feel threatened by the empire's tool that it's based on?"

The soldier begins to agonize.

I understand their feelings, but there's no need to be so pessimistic.

"This magical device won't function properly unless someone handles it as well as an empire's mage. Besides, if we know that there are eyes in the sky, there are various ways to deceive them. I don't think there's no longer a need for reconnaissance with direct visual confirmation by human eyes."

"I see. After all, a tool is just a tool. In the end, it's the skill of a person that proves useful."

The soldier's spirit seems to have lifted, so we decided to analyze the video in detail.

"These two storage areas here and there seem to be for food. It looks like they have prepared plenty of mules and donkeys to transport supplies along the mountain trails."

Starting with my analysis, opinions are voiced by Alektem and the other soldiers.

"The number of soldiers is around two to three thousand, I suppose. Even though the numbers are impressive, relying solely on poorly equipped peasant soldiers in thin leather armor will burden them as they traverse unfamiliar mountain paths."

"If they have armor like that, we can easily make them fodder by raining arrows upon them. It seems like we can easily repel them this time too."

"What bothers me a little is that the soldiers from the Kingdom of Mendashium have cheerful expressions. They're smiling while eating."

We actively exchange opinions.

While feeling that it's a good thing, I also focus on the video, preparing to say something.

And then I notice it.

"No way! This can't be happening!"

I shout out loud, slightly changing the wooden bird's flight route to bring it back to the place it passed by.

Continuously flying it to the place where the scene I was concerned about is clearly captured.

As the movement of the scene reflected on the wall changes distinctly, the soldiers cast curious glances in my direction.

"Marshal, is there something wrong?"

"It seems like you've been continuously capturing a place where the soldiers have gathered?"

Before answering the questioning voice, I point at a specific spot.

"Alektem, what does this look like to you?"

As I ask, I point at the staff held by one of the soldiers from the Kingdom of Mendashium among a few others.

Alektem narrows his eyes and gazes at the image of the staff.

"From their hushed actions at the edge of the camp, it's clear that they're gathering secretly to avoid being discovered by their superiors. And what they're holding is a staff. In that case, it means a mage is accompanying them—"

Alectem approached so closely to the wall that it stuck to it when he paused between words, carefully examining the staff.

"This staff is strikingly similar to the one the Imperial soldiers had and the one Milimos-sama retrieved!"

"Yeah, it sure looks like it."

With our opinions aligned, a change appeared in the scene reflected by the crystal.

The soldiers who had been hiding together were discovered by another soldier who appeared to be their superior. They received a severe scolding and had their staffs confiscated, accompanied by iron-fisted retribution.

As for the confiscated staffs, they were transported to a storage area separate from the provisions and covered up.

"When the cover was lifted, I caught a glimpse of the inside, and there were several similar staffs. This is a major issue."

As I unconsciously recoiled in despair, the soldiers asked curiously,

"We understand that those staffs seem to belong to the Empire, but is it something that surprises you both so much?"

"No matter how powerful magic may be, it can only scorch the outer walls of this fortress, right?"

"Milimos-sama even evaluated before that it's difficult to break the fortress walls with the power of a magician alone, right?"

The soldiers' opinions were correct.

Magic in this world is not particularly powerful.

Even the most powerful magic I can use has difficulty demolishing the thick walls of a fortress.

However, that is a discussion excluding the Empire's magical technology.

And Alectem, who knows well the dreadfulness of that magical technology, having repeatedly taken my older siblings to witness the war between the Empire and the Knightly Kingdom, was the one who brought me here.

"If that staff is a magic device that causes explosive flames, the outer walls of the fortress won't last a day! Can't you feel a sense of crisis?"

Seeing Alektem's face filled with anxiety, the soldiers seemed to perceive the threat as well.

"If we can't fight while holed up in the fortress, then our only option is to strike back, isn't it?"

"Consider the difference in numbers. We have four hundred people; they have three thousand."

"So, should we strengthen the fortress defenses even just a little until they arrive?"

As I watched the soldiers vigorously exchanging opinions, I pondered what to do.

The current issue at hand and the victory conditions of the Nonette Kingdom. I arranged them in my mind, trying to find some glimmer of hope.

As I thought in silence, organizing the possible options, the soldiers turned their gaze towards me.

"What's the matter?"

"Well, if it pleases the Marshal, I would like to hear your opinion as well."

"Milimos-sama is reputed to be a military genius. We are expecting you to come up with a brilliant move to turn the tide of the battle."

Under the pressure of excessive expectations, my cheek twitched uncomfortably.

"I can't afford to be expected to come up with some outrageous plan. All I can propose are ordinary tactics and their combinations."

As I verbalized the strategy I had in mind, Alektem and the soldiers wore expressions of partial agreement and partial confusion.

"If explained, it certainly sounds like a well-targeted strategy, but..."

"But is it really enough to rely on such an obvious method?"

Seeing the soldiers' uneasy expressions, I deliberately spoke cheerfully.

"It will work out fine, don't worry. Or if you have any other strategy suggestions, please let me know."

I extended the offer for alternative plans, but both Alektem and the soldiers seemed unable to propose a strategy beyond mine.

With a somewhat resigned attitude, as if there were no other way to fight, my plan was reluctantly accepted.

"Now, let's start with organizing a guerrilla squad for a night raid. Prepare the personnel, and let the war begin."

As I clapped my hands urgingly, the soldiers remained sluggish in their movements.