
Milf Princess

warning : NTR !! Genre: Netorare, cheating, r@pe, tragedy, gore, action, dual cultivation, cultivation, gangbang, incest, mindbreak, milf. Preface: Xiao, a princess gets tangled with Deodomus, a perverted mercenary and they fall in love. But this is a world of cultivation where they go through many battles and not always do they make it out safely. Xiao goes through tragedies, defeat, r@pes, gangbangs, manipulation & brainwashing. Enraged against the world she vows to get stronger and take her revenge against those who have harmed her. But will she succeed? Or will she succumb to her carnal desires and turn into a cumdump? Find out in Milf Princess!

Inkyug · Fantasy
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129 Chs

After-Battle Sex

"How do you know it's my child?" Deodomus asked, feeling more confident as he heard himself. There was no guarantee that he was the one who had impregnated Luna.

Luna sneered, closing in on him and jabbed her forefinger on his chest; her narrowed eyes stared deeply at him.

"You are the one who used that 'Motherfucker technique' on me, with 100% pregnancy guarantee." Luna said. She had possibly learned about it from Skird at some point.

"There was another man with me, named Theo, who had filled you up at the same time." Deodomus tried to extricate himself.

"But you were the one with a higher cultivation base. His sperms couldn't possibly beat yours to the race." Luna exerted. There was no scientific evidence but she said it with such great confidence that Deodomus had to sigh and contemplate the consequences of giving in.

"Xiao is going to be very upset!" Deodomus thought. "Why does this woman suddenly want to marry me anyway? We are not remotely in love. I even raped her and ruined her life. So, what is she getting at?"

"I'll be fine being your second wife." Luna added with a meaningful smile.

"Oh?" Deodomus finally realized. "This bitch wants a stake in Carny! Nobility isn't enough; she wants to be a Mistress or Queen. She wants her children to be the next rulers. To think she'd be so ambitious..." Deodomus thought, narrowing his eyes.

"Just so you know…" Deodomus smirked, playing a last card. "I'm a cuckold who enjoys sharing his women."

"Hmm-hmm!" Luna smiled, patting his cheek. It looked more like slapping. "I figured that much. I don't like the idea of restricting my sexual needs to one man either so it'll work out just fine."

"…" Deodomus had no counters left. Luna had it all planned out. She didn't press him to marry her first because then he might have a fall-out with Xiao and wouldn't become the Lord of Carny. What'd be the point in marrying him then?

"Very well..." Deodomus forced a smile and grabbed Luna's metallic hand which was pointing at his chest. "But you'll have to prove that you can fulfill a wife's role. Especially 'my' wife's role." His left arm slung around Luna's waist, pulling her closer until her ample breasts were pressing against his chest.

"Hmph." Luna snorted while smiling viciously. "And so what if I can't fulfill the role? You cannot reject me!"

"Oh I won't reject any beautiful woman wanting to be my cumslut." Deodomus smiled.

"Wife, you mean…?" Luna revealed her pearly teeth, wanting to bite Deodomus' face off.

"Ah yes, same thing." Deodomus said casually. "I will not reject you; but I'll make you my first wife instead."

"…" Luna stared hard at Deodomus and vice versa. If Deodomus married her first, he might never become Lord of Carny and Luna's ambitions will collapse. But if he were to fulfill her wish, she'd have to satisfy his perverted fetishes.

"Give and take?" Deodomus asked, smiling cunningly.

"Hmph, fine!" Luna snarled before Deodomus pressed his lips against hers abruptly and kissed her.

"Ummh..!" Luna moaned and instinctively tried to step back but Deodomus pressed on, grabbing her big hips and squeezing them hard while his tongue forced its way into her mouth. Their heartbeats escalated and heat built up in their bodies.

"Oh wow! I want to join too!" Hailey, who had been gawking at the two all this while, suddenly exclaimed.

"Go and…mmch~cultivate..huff..." Dudeomus said in between the kiss. Hailey's face contorted.

"It's not fair! I've been cultivating all this time!" Hailey protested but Deodomus didn't reply as Luna was kissing him back heatedly now.

Their hands started running on each other's bodies and then Deodomus led Luna to the bed before falling onto it with her. Their clothes vanished into their spatial rings and they clung to each other butt naked.

Hailey's face was burning red with anger and lust. She was horny! She flicked her neck to the side, glaring at the only other man available.

"Gyoro…!" She pleaded.

"Forget it. You're too young for me." Gyoro said, frowning.

"Gyoro, come join us." Deodomus said while kissing Luna's neck.

"Hah…you bastard…huff…" Luna cussed but didn't object. This is what it meant to be Deodomus' woman. She'd be shared with multiple men!

Although Gyoro wasn't initially in the mood, he thought he could use some compensation for the recent fight. Plus, Luna's body was smoking hot. Gyoro's manhood stood erect as he ogled her large round hips and sexy back. Her lewd moans stirred up his lust and he sauntered toward the bed with big strides, walking past Hailey.

"Ahh...you meanie bastards! I want to fuck too!" Hailey stomped her foot and walked away angrily, barging into Muchen's room. She halted at the door momentarily, seeing the scene unfolding before her eyes.

Xiao was having a raunching hot sex with Muchen on the bed. She was spread eagle with the sides of her thighs touching the mattress while Muchen fucked her in missionary position at a moderate pace.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Meaty sounds occurred continuously. Xiao's huge breasts were moving back and forth with each thrust; her nipples spurting out milk while an expression of ecstasy was plastered on her beautiful face.

"Ahh! Ahhn..! Ohh..! A...hhhn!" Xiao moaned erotically, enjoying the sex. Hailey tiptoed towards them, taking off her clothes along the way. Muchen looked over with an amused expression.

"Hey, I want to join!" Hailey said excitedly. Her vagina was craving a good fuck.

"Huff…huff… Aren't you supposed to avoid sex and dual cultivation for a while?" Muchen asked. He didn't want to get on Deodomus' bad side who had oddly been rather protective of Hailey lately.

"Ahh, I'm so sick of that! Why can't I have sex when everyone else is going at it every single day?!" Hailey stomped her foot in frustration.

"Hahaha…ahhhn…" Xiao giggled and moaned, looking at Hailey. She could see her wet vagina from below. "Don't worry Hailey, you might not be allowed to have sex with men, but mommy can take care of you." She sneered. "You'll lose your yin but gain mine instead. It will not affect your cultivation at all."

"Oh? Thank you, mommy!" Hailey jumped happily.

"Heheh, come now, sit on my face." Xiao licked her luscious red lips lustfully while smiling.


In the other room, Deodomus was banging Luna speedily on the bed keeping her on all-fours, while Gyoro fucked Luna's mouth.

Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Meaty clapping sounds occurred continuously. Luna had big hips which were an evidence of the ample sex she had had in her life. Currently Deodmous was making sure to beat his name onto her lovely buns, turning her white skin red. He reached out and yanked her hair, making her squeal and her back arched. Gyoro moved along, continuing to fuck Luna's lewd mouth. He was gripping her head with both large hands and pounding strongly. Luna was choking with each thrust as the large penis rammed against the back of her throat. Saliva and precum were dangling down her lips while her eyes had turned teary red.

"Ugh, these bastards are being overly rough with me!" Luna thought. 'They are taking advantage of my deal!"

"Heheh." Deodomus chuckled inwardly & a big smirk rolled on his lips. "This bitch thought she could have her way through blackmailing? She's dared to mess with the wrong man! Though truly she's formidable…but haven't I tamed women like her before? Xiao is the best example! She was even feistier than Luna but look at her now!"

Deodomus smirked, hearing Xiao's moans coming from the other room. The milf princess was willingly getting fucked by one of her ex-rapists. How far she had fallen into the depraved depths of lust!

Deodomus' hands squeezed Luna's hips tightly; his fingers digging into her soft flesh as he spread her hips apart and spat on her tight brown asshole.

Luna's eyes widened. She groaned in a muffled voice but choked and coughed as Gyoro wasn't giving her any chance!

"Hehe, I'll beat pleasure into her brain so much, she'll become just another cumdump!" Deodomus thought as he pulled his penis out and forcibly shoved it into Luna's asshole.

"Hnnngg! Ohok!" Luna made a choking moan. Her asshole hadn't been fucked enough and was thus quite tight. Deodomus' thick penis was stretching it to the limits, giving her much pain.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwoop-fwap! Deodomus started plowing the future fuckdoll. His bulging penis was pushing and pulling the skin around the asshole with each thrust.

"Hnng! Unng! Hnnng!" Luna made grunting voices and struggled futilely.

Sstak! Sstak! Two loud slaps landed on her hips, making them jiggle lewdly.

"Hahaha! Enjoying yourself Luna?" Deodomus mocked. "I bet you didn't have this much fun when Moon Gang raped you every other night! It feels much greater with us doesn't it?"

"Hnnn! Hnng!" Luna grunted loudly. One could easily guess that she was trying to cuss Deodomus. Unfortunately, the hot hard penis in her mouth was now fucking her throat as it was pushed deeper into her food pipe! Luna's eyes rolled up. She wanted to puke but there was no space left in her mouth to even leak a drop. Gyoro had pushed even his hairy balls inside her mouth, clogging it up fully. The balls slid comfortably on Luna's warm wet tongue; the pubic hair prickling her tastebuds; a thick stream of precum flowing down her throat. Unknowingly, Luna started to weep. Her asshole was burning hot as Deodomus rampaged inside it.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Clap-clap-clap-clap! Deodomus' thighs and balls slapped against Luna's reddened hips; his meaty penis churning her insides.

Deodomus reached down and grabbed for her big bouncy breasts, squeezing them and pulling on her nipples as though he was milking a cow.

"Ah, such a nice ass you have, Luna. I wish you had milk in these lovely udders too, but oh well…not long now, hehe." Deodomus chuckled and picked up the pace.

"Huff..huff… Ahh she's so good!" Gyoro managed to praise Luna. "She still can't compare to Xiao though."

"I know right?" Deodomus sneered. "There's no way an ordinary wench like Luna could match that milf princess Xiao hehehe. Their holes react entirely differently! Xiao is a real woman who can satisfy any man! To think that Luna wants to compete with her haha, what a joke!"

"You bastards…!" Luna growled in her mind while choking on her own spit. "I can't match Xiao? I?? I will show you…!" Suddenly she felt incensed. Women had always competed with each other in every sense possible. This applied to Luna as well. She immediately clenched her big hips, tightening her grip on Deodomus' shaft. At the same time she started sucking on Gyoro's penis like a thirsty whore.

"Ohh! Her ass suddenly tightened!" Deodomus exclaimed.

"Ohh, she's sucking me in!" Gyoro moaned.

"Haha, alright Luna, now you're showing some potential! You might actually defeat Xiao! Keep it up!" Deodomus praised, slapping her hips repeatedly.

Stak! Sstak! Plap-plap-plap-plap! Meaty slapping sounds continued to pour.

"Fuck, I will prove it that I'm better than Xiao!" Luna promised herself.

"Good-good. Now move your ass. You can't beat Xiao in sex if you don't put your back to it!" Deodomus egged on. Luna, although flustered, continued to fall prey to the subtle brainwashing that Deodomus was doing on her. From the initially dominant woman who demanded a marriage, to a subservient woman, taking two penises in her holes and moving her hips while following all the other orders from her ex-rapist; Luna was already showing great progress!


Slurp-slurp…chu~smooch! Wet slurping and kissing sounds could be heard in the other room as Xiao feasted on Hailey's wet vagina. Hailey was sitting on Xiao's face, moaning erotically while her eyes shut close. Luna had experienced cunnilingus only once and it didn't feel so great compared to now. Needless to say, Xiao was really great with her mouth!

Muchen was still fucking Xiao, albeit slowly but enjoying himself still. Xiao's warm vagina wrapped snuggly tight around his bugling shaft.

Contrary to the heated sex in the other room, there was an air of amorous pleasure in this one.

"Ahhn… Ummhh…" Hailey moaned, resting her hands on Xiao's humongous breasts, squeezing them to relieve a bit of frustration as the pleasure in her vagina just kept increasing without a break. It was a slow burning stimulation that left her craving penetration but she wasn't going to get any penis.

Slish…! Suddenly Xiao shoved her tongue to it full length inside Hailey's wet vagina, slurping the yin fluids inside it.

"Ahhn…! Oh mommy…!" Hailey screamed.

Xiao chuckled oddly while she gripped Hailey's cute hips and continued to lick her vaginal cavity.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Muchen picked up the pace. He was close to climaxing. Sensing his urge, Xiao moved her long legs and spread them even wider to give him more access. Muchen grabbed her hips and lifted her bottom up a bit, making her body bend from the belly; and then he started pounding her in a position that could be called impregnation-pistoning!

Plap! Plap! Plap! Fwap! Fwap! Fwap! Lewd sounds grew louder.

"Ahhn! Ahhn!" "Ummh! Hyannh!" Xiao and Hailey screamed and moaned; their voices rising steadily.

Before long, they all reached their limits.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-spurt! Spurt! "Uhh..!" Muchen groaned as he emptied his load inside Xiao's vagina, filling up even her womb. He kept his flaccid penis lodged inside her and panted while Xiao's big hips rested on his lap.

"Ahhn! Ahnn…!" Squirt! Squirt! Spurt! Hailey ejaculated her yin fluids on Xiao's mouth and face, trembling heavily before she collapsed onto Xiao's body.

"Huff…huff.." Xiao panted, catching her breath and proceeded to lick Hailey's bottom clean.

"Wah…you're quite delicious, Hailey. Your vagina is so cutely tight too haha!" Xiao praised.

"Huff…mmmh…" Hailey just moaned, unable to say anything. She slowly lifted her face off of Xiao's abs and stared at Xiao's wet vagina which had a penis lodged deep inside. She lifted her eyes, looking at Muchen heatedly for a moment before she drew her mouth close and started licking on his shaft and Xiao's clitoris.

Muchen smiled, slowly pulling his penis out and letting Hailey lick the semen clean before Hailey started munching on Xiao's vagina, lapping up the semen from inside it through the tongue.

"Ahh…hahaha." Xiao couldn't help but chuckle. "You're learning so quickly Hailey. Mommy is proud of you!" She said, slapping her butt and kneading her soft hips.

Hailey smiled, continuing to feed off of Xiao's vagina.


In the other room, sex was nearing its end too.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-clap-clap-clap! Loud sounds occurred as Deodomus fucked Luna speedily. At the same time, Luna was bringing her hips back in sync with his thrusts. Each time her large hips jiggled lewdly, turning Deodomus on even more. He had to admit, Luna was getting good at sex! Unfortunately her assets could never match Xiao's but he could use that fact to goad her into giving hotter sex each time. He was also planning all the other ways through which he could tame Luna and turn her into a cumslut like Xiao. In the heat of the moment, apparently his recent desire to change his ways had faded into the background.

Slosh-slosh-slosh-slosh! Gyoro was still pounding Luna's mouth, groaning louder with each thrust. Luna's face had turned red. Her eyes were still rolled up, her cheeks had dried up tear stains while her nostrils were flared, trying to catch every bit of air that they could in between the thrusts when Gyoro's bushy crotch wasn't suffocating her.

Clap-clap-clap-plap! Deodomus thrusted faster and faster, grunting heavily while his hands clutched Luna's hips tightly.

Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! Both men ejaculated nearly at the same time, groaning in pleasure as they filled Luna's insides with their hot semen.

Deodomus suddenly pulled out and continued his ejaculation to cover Luna's red hips with white slimy ropes of semen. He then panted, admiring his work of art on Luna's behind.

"Huff…huff…" Gyoro did the same. He pulled his penis out and while Luna choked and coughed, spitting out much of the semen, Gyoro ejaculated more on her reddened face, covering it entirely.

And then, he raised his large hand up and brought it down, landing a loud slap on Luna's cum-laden face.

Ssstak!! Luna's head spun as she fell sideways, seeing stars.

"Fuck! That felt great!" Gyoro exclaimed happily. Deodomus raised an eyebrow.

"Err.." Gyoro scratched his beard. "Xiao asked to be slapped the last time. I just wanted to try the same again, hehe." He explained. Apparently, he had a sadistic side that he hadn't discovered until the masochist Xiao begged him to get rough with her. Deodomus merely chuckled and looked at Luna who was sprawled wasted on the bed.

"Well, this woman can take more than a slap hehe. But I think she passed out because we made her feel too good!" Deodomus chuckled.

"Hahaha! Definitely so!" Gyoro laughed too.

"…" Deodomus continued to stare at Luna, musing a thought. "Remove her prosthetics and stow them away." He said.

"Oh?" Gyoro was surprised.

"It'd be a shame to not take advantage of her amputated fuckdoll body." Deodomus smirked. "Like I said, she can handle more than a slap." Then he leaned on Luna and spoke in her ears. "It's okay, right Luna? Afterall Xiao did her fair share of being a fuckdoll and honestly, she was so much better than you. How could you ever compare to her without making the same sacrifices?" Deodomus said smilingly.

Luna could not reply as she drifted into unconsciousness. One by one, her limbs were removed and she was at the men's mercy again. Deodomus didn't feel bad because this was just a sexual kink. He was going to return her prosthetics in the morning anyway.

The two men's hands roamed on Luna's body as the darkness of the night continued to deepen. Sexual sounds and moans poured out of their rooms all night long.