
MILF Harem Of Legends

Story Droped

EverStone · Fantasy
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109 Chs

Sir Cut-n-Run

Ruby liked the term that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. This logic was never more true than now.

Because thanks to Shadow's suggestion of turning the Hell Plain that Ruby took control of into a deadly magical paradise that the Faithful of Phoenix Rising can use as their own territory, was a truly brilliant, inspired, and original idea.

After only a few days, this desolate place was quickly turned into a paradise. Ruby was not satisfied with simply using water and earth magicians as crop and agriculture growers.

She had a vision of a new form of magic, one that would prove as deadly as it is beautiful, just like Ruby and her sisters.

So Ruby spent time with Amara to devise a truly new and wicked type of magic that had never before been seen on the continent of Vale.