

"' Nora, Vince, we called the both of you to tell you that Tony and I are going on a vacation to Texas tomorrow ". Helen announced.

" Can we come ? " Vince her youngest child asked anxiously.

" Sorry Vince but it's an adult night out only " She replied and judging from Vince's countenance she soon knew that he wasn't happy.

" Nora , Why aren't you responding ? "

" Mom it's fine. You can do whatever you want, it's your life "

Nora responded almost quickly and left the room.


" Nora are you still mad at mom "

Vince asked.

" Yeah I am. And she keeps giving me the reason to stay mad at her. She only thinks about herself. She's gonna leave the both of us with Nanny Martha for weeks all in the name of vacation. "

Nora replied shouting at her brother.

She heard Vince crying and she hugged him saying " I didn't mean to scream at you "

"I know but can't you forgive mom ? "

He mumbled in tears.

" Okay I promise I'll forgive mom. "

" Really ? "

" Yeah I promise"

"Thank you Nora "

Vince said as he ran to his mother's room.

" Mommy ! Mommy ! Nora has finally forgiven you ! ". He screamed at the top of his voice.

" Really ? where is she ? " Helen asked joyfully.

" In her room "


Helen walked into Nora's room and said

" Nora I am sorry... "

she barely got to chance to complete her statement before Nora hugged her.

" I love you mum "

Nora replied

" I love you too kids " Helen said as she cuddled both of them.

" Let's make dinner, shall we ? " Helen asked.

" Yes Mom , Yes "


They had dinner a little earlier that night considering it as a send off dinner and they all went to bed.

Helen had raised her children herself after she parted ways with their father. And since the she's been devoted to her kids only. And she never had another lover until now .......

" Wake up kids "

Helen said walking into their rooms and getting them ready for breakfast.

" Mom give two more minutes"

Vince mumbled with his eyes closed.

" Vince ! get up "


They sat at the dining table to eat when Helen started " I've decided to reduce my vacation to a week. So I can be back earlier to spend more time with my kids . "

" Yay ! " Vince screamed.


" I'll be leaving now. Call me when you're back from school. " Helen said while she was about to leave.