
Chapter 12: On The Journey With The Crown Prince


So far the journey went smooth with only a beast and small fry monsters like slime, boar, and wolves. But the only thing that forces us to stop and camp is the heavy rain that pouring down like a waterfall.

The rain then finally stops but the night is near and we decided to set a camp for the night because it's dangerous to wander around at night. We camped near the road on the forest side since the forest has a river beside it. The other side is full of a colorful flower which has very beautiful scenery in the morning.

My clothes are soaked wet by the heavy rain and I decide to have a bath at the river when everyone is sleeping. I packed my towel and clothes in a small bag and walk my way through to the river.

"Who's there?", Gilbert asked with caution since he is the night guard watching over our camp.

" Hehe, it's me Gilbert, no need to worry", I answered him and he finally turns relaxed and calm.

"Where are you going during this late hour with that bag?", he asked out of suspicion.

" I'm going to have a bath in the river after my clothes are drenched by the rain. Don't you dare to take a peek or I'll kill you", I told him my objective and warn him if he dares to spy on me.

He then blushes like a strawberry while thinking about it and turned away hastily. I smiled and proceed with my plan to take a shower.

Gilbert then looked at the tent after hearing that I'll be having a bath and tries to stop anyone if someone tries to do anything suspicious. However, he only sees Alfred lying on his sleeping bed soundly.

"Hey, you lowly mage!", Gilbert wakes him.

" Who are you calling low huh?", he wakes up immediately with anger because of Gilbert's words.

"Where's your friend?", He asked Alfred.

" *Yawn* he said he wanted to take a shower since he feels uncomfortable", he replied to Gilbert while feeling so lethargic.

Gilbert then alerted and his blood started boiling inside him. He wanted to go to the river but he can't because he have to guard the camp while Alfred is still sleeping since he is a 10 years old kid.

"If he dares to peek or do anything to her, I'll kill him", he holds his anger and sharpens his sword furiously.


The prince was showering in the river while relaxing under the moonlight. Then he hears a rustling sound from the forest and hid behind the huge boulder.

" Wow, the moon is so beautiful tonight! I can have a bath peacefully then", I said as I strip my clothes and dipped myself into the river.

The crown prince is still wondering who is the person that disturbs his bath. As take a peek a little he then saw my slim and curve body figure with pale skin and turns around quickly while blushing nervously after he sees me.


"Fufu, that was refreshing", I then wear my dry clothes and go back to the camp.

The prince was still hiding behind the boulder with guilt and embarrassment because of that time and goes to the camp quietly and goes to sleep.

Gilbert was relieved because he thought the prince and I have a bathed far away since we went back to the camp differently.


As we head to the city, the crown prince keeps blushing along the road and can't look at me in the eye. We finally arrived at the capital city, the royal guards then rushed to the prince out of surprise.

" Your Highness, you're alright! I thought The Legendary Basilisk had you in your journey", they said.

"Your Highness?", I said with confusion and fear.