
Where are you?

Wake up Miki, Wake up. It's time for your school.

Miki lives in a small town in America. He is a cute little boy, 8 years old. His father died when he was born. His mother's name is Olivia (Her nickname is Hanni), and she is 35 years old.

"Mom, I don't want to go to school today."

"Look, Miki, I am in a hurry. I have to go to my office."

Suddenly, Miki despairs.

"Miki, where are you? Hurry up."

"Miki, don't play with me. I don't have time to play with you."

But Olivia couldn't find Miki in the house.

His mother Olivia became very nervous and called her sister Niko on the phone to say that she could not find Miki in the house. But Niko said that Olivia gave her the responsibility to send Miki to school. So, her sister Niko took Miki to school. Miki's mother Olivia was shocked and told her sister Niko that she didn't know when Niko came to her house and took Miki to school herself. She also mentioned that Niko didn't inform her about taking Miki to school. Suddenly the phone cut off, and she tried to call her sister Niko again, but there was no call, and the phone was not working. So, she got very nervous and went out to look for Miki. But there was no car outside, so she started walking to the school.

While walking on the road, she suddenly saw a girl lying on the road as if a car had hit her. The girl was lying on the ground, covered in blood. People around were coming and looking at her, but no one was helping. What she saw was unspeakable. She realized that it was her sister Niko lying there in a lot of blood after being hit by a car. She started crying for seeing her sister's condition, and a few minutes later, she started crying louder. However, the people around were looking at her silently, and no one was helping or moving. In the end, she asked people for help to pick up her sister and take her to a hospital, but it was very sad how no one looked at her, helped her, or uttered a single word. Miki's mom Olivia didn't understand why people were not helping them. After some time, suddenly people came and helped her. They told Miki's mom Olivia that there is a hospital nearby where she can take her sister Niko, and she will be okay.

At that moment, Olivia noticed that there was no such hospital in their area. It was the first time she saw any hospital where her sister Niko was being taken by those people. Soon after being taken to the hospital, the doctor came and took her to the emergency section. The doctor told Olivia that she had to wait. While Olivia had forgotten about her little son Miki, suddenly she remembered him. She spoke to the doctor and prepared to leave to find her son. She mentioned that she would come to the hospital again to check on her sister Niko's condition.

The doctor said yes with a mysterious smile.

Soon Olivia reached Miki's school and saw her son there. She was shocked to see Miki at school and asked her son who took him to school that time. Miki said his aunt Niko took him to school, meaning his mother's sister took him to school. Olivia questioned, "When my sister Niko took you to school, where was I? How did Niko come to our house without telling anyone?" Olivia asked a lot of questions to Miki, but Miki's teacher saw it and said to Olivia that Miki is a little scared to answer so many questions. She advised Olivia to be patient and said it's better to ask him later.