
Ch2: The first ability, what should I choose?

Mike sat cross-legged on his bed, flipping through the pages of the thick book "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them". The book contained information on a vast array of magical creatures, their habitats, behaviors, and abilities.

As he read, he couldn't help but marvel at the extraordinary abilities possessed by some of the creatures. The Acromantula's strength and venom, the Hippogriff's speed and flight, and the Nundu's deadly breath were just a few examples.

But as he turned to the page on the Phoenix, he felt a shiver run down his spine. The legendary bird was said to have the power of immortality - the ability to burst into flames and then be reborn from its own ashes.

Mike couldn't imagine a more useful ability in the magical world, where danger lurked around every corner. The thought of being able to cheat death was irresistible, and he couldn't help but feel drawn to the Phoenix.

He closed the book and leaned back against the pillows, deep in thought. The idea of etching the outline image of a Phoenix on one of the blank canvases floating in the dark void occurred to him. It seemed like a simple enough idea, and he was eager to try it out.

He got up from the bed, his mind made up. He was determined to acquire the power of immortality.

Knowing that he was just a orphan with no money, Mike set his sight on the notebooks he had. He was going to practice drawing phoenix on a notebook before moving to the blank canvas that was floating in the dark void.

Mike spent hours every day practicing his drawing skills, starting with basic shapes and gradually moving on to more complex forms. He studied every detail of the phoenix, from its flaming feathers to the sharp talons on its feet. He wanted to be sure that he could capture every detail when he finally etched the image onto the canvas.

At first, Mike struggled with the task of drawing. He found it difficult to get the proportions right and to make the phoenix look like the one in the book. But he persevered, and after many hours of practice, he began to see progress.

He practiced sketching the phoenix from different angles, studying the way its wings and tail moved. He experimented with different color schemes and shading techniques, trying to find the perfect combination that would bring the phoenix to life.

Finally, after weeks of practice, Mike felt confident enough to etch the image of the phoenix onto the canvas in the void.

As Mike opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of the empty canvas floating before him. Without wasting any time, he reached out and grasped it firmly.

In that moment, he sensed a subtle change in his surroundings, as if something had accompanied him into this void. Upon further investigation, he discovered that his wand had also found its way into this mysterious realm without his knowledge.

Realizing that the wand was the necessary instrument to create the image on the enchanted canvas, he proceeded with his task.

Mike closed his eyes and focused his mind on the image of a Phoenix. He visualized its fiery wings and majestic form, and slowly but surely, he began to etch its outline onto the canvas using his wand. The lines glowed with a brilliant light as he worked, and he knew that he was creating something extraordinary.

As Mike finished drawing the outline of the Phoenix on the canvas, it started glowing even brighter and emitting a burst of energy that surrounded him with warmth. Even though he couldn't feel his body, he could sense the warmth around him like a mother's embrace, and it made him feel at peace.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that the canvas had transformed, and the outline of the Phoenix was now glowing brilliantly. He realized that he had created something that would give him the power of immortality.

However, his moment of peace was brief as he was reminded of the impending war and the difficulties that lay ahead. Despite that, the ability to be reborn from the ashes gave him some confidence.

As Mike delved deeper into the potential ramifications of possessing the ability to be reborn from the ashes, he became increasingly aware of the risks involved. Although the gift of immortality was undeniably a powerful one, it came with its own set of unique challenges that could potentially compromise his safety and wellbeing.

One of the primary concerns that weighed heavily on his mind was the fact that during his weakened state, he would be exceptionally vulnerable to attack. The process of being reborn from the ashes would leave him in a weakened state, making him an easy target for any potential foes who might seek to do him harm. This meant that he would need to be especially careful and vigilant during these times, ensuring that he was adequately protected and shielded from any potential threats.

Another issue that Mike had to contend with was the need to find a secure location to avoid being sealed away. His ability to be reborn from the ashes become known to others in the wizarding world could potentially make him a prime target of Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

As one of the most feared and powerful wizards of his time, Voldemort would undoubtedly view someone with the gift of immortality as a threat to his own power and authority. This meant that Mike would need to be extra careful and strategic in his movements, avoiding drawing unnecessary attention to himself and always remaining one step ahead of those who might seek to bring him down.

Despite these concerns, however, Mike remained undeterred. He knew that possessing the gift of immortality was a rare and powerful ability, one that would help him survive in the treacherous world.


After some trials, Mike was disappointed to discover that he couldn't reproduce the image of the phoenix on another blank canvas that he found floating in the void. It dawned on him that he could only imbue a single ability of a specific creature on one canvas.

However, as he gazed at the sketch of the phoenix and the rough drawing of the truck, he sensed that there was more to the canvas than just a mere depiction of a creature. He had a hunch that he would be able to unlock another aspect of its power if he filled the remaining blank canvases with other images.

Nonetheless, he knew that he had to be cautious and meticulous in his selection of the objects to be etched on the canvas. Choosing the wrong image could result in undesirable consequences.



Mike contemplated his choice for the next creature to be etched on the canvas. If asked what power he desired other than immortality, he would undoubtedly choose the teleportation ability of the Phoenix. However, since he couldn't draw the same creature twice, he had to make a different choice.

After careful consideration, he settled on the teleportation ability of house elves. Though not as powerful as that of the Phoenix, it still offered many advantages. One of them was the fact that there were no enchantments that could prevent it. With this ability, he could teleport to heavily guarded places like Hogwarts, where he might find important information or artifacts that could aid him in his quest.

The thought of having such an incredible power at his fingertips filled Mike with excitement and a sense of responsibility. He knew that he had to be careful with how he used it, as it could have severe consequences if used recklessly. Nonetheless, he felt that it was a risk worth taking in the dangerous world of Harry Potter.

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