
Chapter 2

I entered the living room, having cleaned myself just roughly five minutes ago. I sat on the floor, not having anything to sit on, and started doing my homework. I didn't have my own room, but that was normal for people at my age. I was nine. We didn't have a chair to sit on, or a carpet to attain warmth. My mother's gambling addiction had seen to that.

I started with my English essay. I wasn't too much of a geek or a nerd myself, but this was exactly what I did every time my mother was too hungover to make me a meal. I rubbed my empty stomach. I hadn't eaten since breakfast, and that too wasn't able to fill in my appetite. I was a skinny boy, so I didn't have a big appetite. But this wasn't sufficient enough. All I had was a slice of bread and some water.

The essay wasn't too much of a problem. I finished it in about half an hour and checked on how mother was doing. She was still where she fell down. Today was a friday, which meant father went wherever he liked, no questions asked. He could cheat on mother and she wouldn't care. I went back to the living room.

I thanked my school for granting us loads of homework this holidays. At least I had something to do, without playing on my non existential phone. A few minutes later, I started to curse my school for giving me all the boring homeowork. Why would I spend all my time caring for a beetle, when I had to protect my house from any sorts of potential threat.

I got up and started looking around. I searched if any thing was malfunctioning in the house, so that I could try to fix it. After an hour of combing through a very small one-bedroom house, I found out nothing. I again went out and checked on my mother. She still hadn't woken up.

"What did she tell me not to look at, again?" I muttered and started looking around the house once again. I had seen some books that I have never seen before, and so I didn't touch it that time. Now that she wasn't there, I could do as I pleased. So, I made my way to the place I had thought I saw them. Not there.

"Where would she keep it?" I softly mutter and I went to the bedroom. As expected, the books were kept there, lying beside the only mattress we had. Mother always slept on it, so it wasn't abnormal to see the books there.

I rushed to the books. They looked quite nice on the cover, at least. Inside of the book, on the first page was a small girl playing with water. She didn't look too bothered about gettimn her articles of clothing wet, so she didn't seem to stop. Her hair was curled into a small bun, but I could tell it went long if it was free. Her hair was almost exactly as the same colour as mine. It was raven-black. I couldn't recognise why this book was here, and why I shouldn't touch it, but I didn't care. At least I had something to do.

I started scrolling through the pages. After seeing through out, I couldn't really find out why she had told me not to touch it. All it had was a few comics of people fighting using the earth and fire to their advantage. They controlled it, but I dismissed it. It was just a comic and comics like that were usually always like that.

I heard a thud on the doorstep and I put the book away, rushing to see who it was. What if it was a robbery?