
Mikazuki reborn

Mikazuki Augus, a skilled warrior who was disabled and killed in battle, finds himself transported to a strange new world.

Dead_Terist · Games
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: Curious encounters

Mikazuki lay in his hospital bed, feeling restless. The strange vision he had experienced continued to haunt him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about his current situation.

He looked around the hospital room, taking in the sterile walls and medical equipment. It was a far cry from the familiar surroundings of the Tekkadan ship, where he had spent so much of his life.

As he lay there, lost in thought, he suddenly felt a presence in the room. He looked up and saw a young boy standing in the doorway, looking at him curiously.

"Hey, who are you?" Mikazuki asked, curious about the boy's sudden appearance.

The boy shrugged. "I'm just a kid. My name's Yuuma."

Mikazuki nodded, not sure what to make of the boy's cryptic response. "What are you doing here?"

Yuuma smiled mischievously. "I heard there was a new patient in the hospital, so I thought I'd come say hi."

Mikazuki raised an eyebrow. "How did you know I was here?"

Yuuma's smile grew wider. "I have my ways. Plus, I saw the doctors and nurses running around like crazy, so I figured something big must be happening."

Mikazuki chuckled, amused by the boy's antics. "You're quite the curious one, aren't you?"

Yuuma nodded. "Yep, I like to keep my eyes and ears open. You never know what you might discover."

Mikazuki couldn't help but feel a kinship with the young boy. Despite their different backgrounds, they shared a sense of restlessness and a desire to uncover the truth about their respective situations.

As the day wore on, Mikazuki and Yuuma spent more time together, exploring the hospital and sharing stories about their lives. Mikazuki found himself opening up to the boy, telling him about his past and the friends he had left behind.

Yuuma listened intently, nodding along as Mikazuki spoke. "It sounds like you've been through a lot," he said.

Mikazuki shrugged. "It's just life. You have to take the good with the bad."

Yuuma smiled. "I like your attitude. You're tough, just like me."

Mikazuki chuckled. "Yeah, I guess we're a couple of tough guys, huh?"

The two of them continued to talk and laugh, enjoying each other's company in the sterile hospital environment. Mikazuki couldn't help but feel a sense of hope for the first time since he had woken up in this strange new world.

Perhaps he wasn't alone after all.