
Mika's journey in Tensei shitara slime datta ken (FanFic)

Mitou Akagi, a 16-year-old boy who spent 8 years of his life in the hospital due to an accident, died and was reincarnated in the world of Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken. Follow his journey as he discovers the real reason behind his reincarnation. (I am still a beginner at writing, and english is not my original language, so expect grammatical errors, even so, I hope you enjoy the story!!)

M3duS4p · Others
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10 Chs

Orc Disaster (Part 2)

On my way to the swamp I ran into a problem, I didn't have a plan in case the Orc Lord was stronger than in the original story. This thought popped into my head because the Great Erudite had mentioned the large amount of magicules coming from the swamp, and I knew it was neither Rimuru nor Gelmudo.

There was only one person left who could have that level of power, and that would be the Orc Lord.

This thought was making me very worried, I really had no plans for this.

But I decided to leave it aside for now, if he is stronger than he should be I will just beat the crap out of him.

Along the way the Great Erudite integrated with the Seer, now acquiring the sub-skill of Clairvoyance and Prediction of the Future.

And as if the world didn't want to give me any more good news, the closer I got to the swamp, the stronger a demonic aura became. At that moment I froze for a second, a chilling sight was in front of me and a notification from the world appeared to make matters worse.

<<<Confirmed. The individual Geld is beginning to evolve into a Demon Lord.>>>

At the same moment that this notification was released, a terrible aura was being emanated from the place where Geld was, it was a huge aura, it appeared to be as powerful as me. It was simply an unstoppable beast.

After a few seconds, the Disaster Orc had emerged from that frightening aura that was surrounding him, successfully completing his evolution into a Demon Lord.

<<<Success. Individual Geld has successfully evolved into [Orc Disaster]>>>

The only difference apart from his now immense Demon Lord aura, was a purple flame surrounding his body, that did not exist in the original story.

And apparently he had awakened a new unique skill, according to the Great Erudite.

"-My name is Geld!" He would begin his sentence. "From this day forward, I will be feared as Orc Disaster, Geld!!!"

That sentence really made sense now, this time he really was a walking Disaster. Likewise in the original story, the kijins started to attack Geld, however something clearly wasn't right there, they weren't even managing to scratch that same Demon Lord who should have lost his head due to Hakurou's attack.

In short...

"... None of you will be able to hurt me, give up, you will just be our snack, and then we will satiate our hunger using the Great Forest of Jura!"

The Orc Disaster repeated with a tone filled with malice, that one was now a Demon Lord, and even his way of speaking showed that.

'Tch... I really didn't want to interfere in this battle but if it goes on like this even Rimuru won't be able to do anything.'

I jumped towards the Orc Disaster with everything I could and hit him with my fist. That attack made a big impact on the surrounding environment, and the Orc Disaster stumbled a bit to the side due to that blow.

<<Warning. The Unique skill " Starved" has been copied.>>

At that moment I was standing in front of that creature that possessed a power probably comparable to that of Clayman awakened. And due to the copying of the " Starved " skill I started to feel a huge hunger, of course I already had something planned for that.

Taking advantage of that moment when Geld was disoriented due to my blow, I go towards Rimuru, I was staggering a bit due to hunger, but I managed to communicate with Rimuru via telepathy.


'!' Surprised, Rimuru starts looking in my direction.

(This guy is a tough one, he's going to be very difficult to defeat. What I'm going to tell you now is between you and me okay?)

'Right... Do you have a plan Mika?' Rimuru thought while looking at that beast slowly recovering.

(Yes, first activate the thought acceleration of your skill, our communication will be much more practical this way.)

'!!!' Again looking at me, probably wondering how I knew that.

(Don't worry about the details, we'll talk about it later).

After activating our skills, an instant had passed and I had already shared my plan with Rimuru. In that same instant I touch his shoulder and start the first part.

<<Warning. The Unique Skill "Predator" and "Shapeshifter" have been copied. The Extra Skills were copied: Black Flame; Magic Aura; Shadow Movement; Ranged Barrier; Molecular Manipulation. Resistances were copied: Thermal Fluctuations Nullification; Electric Current Nullification; Physical Attack Resistance; Paralysis Resistance. >>

With everything going according to my plan, I use the copier skill again to copy Rimuru's sword. With that the whole stage was set, now it was time to finish the show and close the curtains on this act. However, to my surprise I had received an announcement right after the copying of the sword, and that was the voice of the world, not the "Great Erudite".

<<<The Unique Skill 'Great Erudite' is merging with 'Shapeshifter'>>>

'Did it have to be now?!?!!' I shout in my thoughts.

This was really bad, my plan was to use the automatic mode of the "Great Erudite" to fight, but apparently I'm going to have to fight being myself until the evolution is over!

<<<Completed. "Great Erudite" has evolved into the Unique Skill "Great Alchemist.">>>

Ignoring the announcements of the voice of the world, I head towards the Orc Disaster who had already recovered. That was it, now was my time to fight, I trained for it, I know I can do it.

15 meters...

<<<Warning. Unique Skill "Great Alchemist" is merging with "Starved.">>>

10 meters...

<<<Warning. Unique Skill "Great Alchemist" is merging with "Predator".>>>

5 meters...


2 meters, at this point I jump towards Geld, who was moving his machete towards me with surprising mastery. Our weapons collided, mine covered in black flames, and his, covered in purple flames. The heat was incredible, simply too hot.

The impact of our attacks colliding at that speed that was breaking the sound barrier was simply absurd. Fortunately I was able to keep up with it due to Thought Acceleration.

"Muahahaha!!! Alright, my snack!!! You wouldn't be tasty if you just gave yourself to me!!!" Geld was shouting at me during our fight, apparently he wasn't giving it his all yet, it was making me worried.

The moment I hit the ground after our exchange of blows, he closed his mouth, hit one of his feet on the ground, raising a huge pillar of flame where I was standing.

Thanks to my luck I was able to use Shadow Movement to get out of there and get behind him, hitting him with a heavy top-down move with everything I had.

<<<Completed. The Unique Skill "Great Alchemist" evolved into Unique Skill "Reader.">>>

Unfortunately for me, that hadn't been enough-

Wait... Wait, wait, wait?!?!?!?!

During my entire fight the voice of the world was processing an evolution to "Great Erudite"?!?!?!

Okay, okay, calm down, let's take advantage of this gap where the Orc Disaster has let his guard down a bit due to my surprise attack and let's use the "Divider" to get it over with right away-

<<Suggestion. At the moment splitting the "Pyromaniac" Unique Skill of the individual Geld using the " Divider" may be the best option, the Orc Disaster skills will be limited when the operation is completed.>>

<<Do you want to start the operation in automatic mode?>>


'So this is the Unique Skill that Geld has awakened...'

I was confused, I didn't know it was possible to separate someone's abilities with the 'Divider', this might end up being very useful in the future... Anyway, I'll confirm with the Great Erud-... the 'Reader'.

<<Confirmed. Initiating operation...>>

Upon initiating the operation I lost control over my body, that was the Reader's automatic mode.

Apparently he had merged with "Starved" and "Predator", which made his powers quite similar to "Gluttony".

When the Reader approached Geld who was already ready to fend off the attack and start another blade fight, the Reader dodged his attack with ease, using Shadow Movement to go after the Disaster Orc while distracting his attention with the corrosion of 'Starved', completing with a powerful attack from the 'Divider'

Fortunately the Reader knew that we shouldn't defeat the Disaster Orc, but that Rimuru should do it. That move had separated Geld's ability from his soul, stopping all the fire in the swamp that had been caused by the "Pyromaniac".

By the time the Orc Disaster was weakened it was time for the second part of the plan.




I used my telepathy to alert Rimuru to go towards Geld and absorb him, just like in the original story. Of course this time it will be much more difficult, but with my help and Shiro's help, who was nullifying the "Starved" skill of the Disaster Orc since the beginning of the fight, the absorption of Geld will be much easier.

Now all I had to do was have faith in Rimuru, I know he will be able to do it, after all he is that same Rimuru I met in the Novel. But something was bothering me about that absorption, his body was blending with a purple coloration, much like the fire from "Pyromaniac".

<<Notice. The Unique Skill 'Pyromaniac' is returning to the individual Geld.>>


'Wait Reader, hadn't Geld's skill been separated from him?'

<<Affirmative. However, separating an individual's Skills permanently is beyond the scope of the 'Divider'.>>

'Damn... So Rimuru might not be able to complete the absorption?'

<<Negative. The absorption of the individual Geld has just been completed.>>

'Wait, so it wasn't a problem that Geld had regained his Skill?'

<<Negative. From the beginning the absorption of the individual Geld was already within my calculations, as was the acquisition of the unique skill 'Pyromaniac' by the individual Rimuru.>>

'... 'That's good?'

'So now Rimuru has one more skill than he should...'

'Not that this is bad, since if the enemies are even stronger this will be of great help.'

When Rimuru returned to his human form, dawn was already in the sky, just like the original story.

I could notice something different in Rimuru's appearance at that moment, after all some of the strands of his hair had taken on a more purple coloring, probably a consequence of the "Pyromaniac".

And another thing I couldn't help noticing was that he was much stronger. Not yet stronger than Orc Disaster, but definitely stronger than he should be.

At the end of that battle, Shiro gave me a firm hug while crying with emotion and happiness. She was probably afraid that something would go wrong, which fortunately did not happen.

The orcs on the other hand, were crying their eyes out, they were filled with regrets, considering that just as in the original story they fed on their brothers.

I hope that Rimuru has made the same decision that he made during the absorption of Geld in the original story, that being the matter of taking on all the sins of the orcs for himself. But this is something to worry about later during the first meeting for the formation of the "Great Alliance of the Forest of Jura".

((Great Erudite's Notes: Finally another chapter!!! I was having a lot of trouble due to lack of creativity, but the second part of the Orc Disaster is here.))