

Ling Tian was a professional player in the game "Age of Chaos," which was the first MMORPG virtual reality game that is created by Great Cosmos. He was titled as the strongest player in the championship. As the winner, he got a reward which was worth millions of dollars. But what he didn't know was his rewards were... ============= Made by: ForsakenWriter and MysteriousWriter Editor: None Proofreaders: None Discord: Streaming Channel: Every Sunday, we will be streaming with the content of us creating a chapter 1-3 chapters every week.

ForsakenWriter · Games
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Chapter 24: Quest (2)

According to Anna, the beautiful elf, if he wanted to pry more information about his quest, then he have to go to the one who issued the quest and there he will get the information he wanted.

Then according to the quest information, the scouts were the one to see the Goblin Squadron, so the one who issued the quest must be a scout, no, a scout commander.

Therefore, he must go and see the scout who issued this quest. But how can he find the scout who issued the quest?

'If I remember correctly, like those in the medieval ages, army camps was usually found near the castle of a kingdom. There I will find the scout who sent this quest out...'

Ling Tian thought again,

'Usually, the castle of a king would usually be situated in the middle of his kingdom. Or usually at the far straight of the kingdom entrance. They would be usually over protected.'

Ling Tian started to walk to the elevator. The elevator took him at the top of the disguise of the Adventurerer's Guild. He started to walk in the middle.



After a few minutes of walking, he finally found himself in the center of the city of Azure Dragon City.

At the center was a huge open grass field, which in the middle was a huge mansion. Ling Tian knew that it was the mansion of the Azure Dragon City Mayor.

He saw many buildings surrounding the mansion of the Mayor. Ling Tian assumed it was the camp of the army of Azure Dragon City.

Around them was a tall steel grills surrounding the grass field, which protected them, even by a little bit.

In the middle of the steel grills in the north, west, south, and east was a huge steel gate with atleast 8 guards with strong physical bodies.

The outfit they wore definitely stunned Ling Tian. They wore modern army outfits, a green camouflage suit. But how could they know about modern army outfits!?

Ling Tian scanned for many possible hypothesis for this to happen but can't find any answers. Maybe the 'creator' of the system was the one that created the outfits. This 'creator' of the system was hiding too many secrets for him to unravel...

But the main problem is how is he going to get in, there are two, no, three options he had to consider,

The first option is showing them the quest that their scout commander gave. If the guards refused then he have to go to the second option, the second option was to sneak in. If he was found then he will have to go to the hard way, he will go and raid the camp, but there are hardly and chance for him to do that as he will be banished forever from the four main cities if word got out.

But before that, he wanted to see the weapons of those guards. Unexpectedly, they have swords hanging in their waists, Ling Tian expected them to have guns.

So, Ling Tian tried to test the waters, Ling Tian carefully walked to one of the gates, this gate has guards which had the least strong physical body. So if things go wrong, he could beat them quite easily.