

Spectre was running on a place full of sand, with a heat so scorching that normal people would have died of exhaustion and dehydration already just from standing here alone without even walking or moving.

Spectre had appeared in a desert when he was transported to a random location.

Due to the absurdness of his physique which was even further strengthened by the fruit he ate before, the heat couldn't even make a single sweat leave his skin pores.

Spectre started running North immediately he saw that he was in a desert.

As Spectre was running, the ground started trembling as if something was coming up from beneath, and indeed something was coming.

Spectre stopped and looked at what was coming, then he saw Giant desert centipedes, and there were a hundred of them, all at the A rank and were 50 meters in height each.

'Hmmm...is this a nest' Spectre decided to let go of the idea and just kill them off.