
Master rankers

As they crossed the distance in matter of seconds, they arrived at the dorm.

They didn't use the elevator or anything, they blasted through the roof and instantly landed in front of Anthony's door.

Although Vivian and the rest were eager to meet Anthony, they still knew where to draw the line even though Anthony often laughed and joked with them.

They didn't dare to just barge into his room without Anthony's consent.

So the ten of them just knocked on the door and waited for Anthony to answer.

And of course Anthony didn't answer them.

A second later, the Storm brothers arrived by also crashing through the roof.

The floor cracked under their feet as they landed with their weight.

Bringer seeing Arnold and the rest just standing in front of the door and not opening it immediately understood their thoughts.

He didn't know why these ten humans flocked around Anthony like he was their father.