
Midnight Surrender

#1 In a small town, young Daisy endures a life of suffering under the tyranny of her stepfamily and the neglect of her father. Her once loving home now a prison, she and her mother are forced to serve her father's new wife and daughters. When a proposal arrives from a wealthy but disfigured nobleman, her father, eager to protect his other daughters, condemns Daisy to a seemingly bleak fate. #arranged marriage

JasmineJosef · Fantasy
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88 Chs

47 Crescendo (AVOT)

Daisy had been awake for some time, languishing in the warmth and safety of Rhain's arms. She couldn't ignore the dull ache that reminded her of their night's activities, yet strangely, it didn't deter her from wanting more of him. 

Her fingers traced the muscle contours of his arms and shoulders, wishing he would wake up and take her again. The fluttering in her chest escalated into a wild crescendo at the thought and she was startled at the boldness of her newfound desires.

Rhain reveled in the touch of her wandering hands, her longing palpable against his skin. Women's desires were no novelty to him, but Daisy's was of a unique elixir, her passion both innocent and intoxicating. His heart echoed her desire, tempting him to succumb to the seduction of her touch, to lose himself in her once more.