
Midnight : husband, 500 reincarnation before we meet again

Shen Jin wanted to experience the warmth family members could bring her, and yearned for a normal life, but instead fell for her sister’s deadly trap and died alone. Two years later, Li Shan, a mysterious man was admitted to the same hospital where Shen Jin died, because of a cunning daughter and her mother. There, a human and a ghost met. As they slowly discovered each other, an unbreakable links developed. The breeze of midnight blow upon them, strewing Camellia seeds in their hearts and linking their red threads together. And they gradually fell in love However, life was full of obstacles, and Shen Jin suddenly disappeared from the world to reincarnate in another world. ------------------------ “Master, why don’t you accept anyone, do you want to stay alone forever?”, a cute girl with a baby face was sitting across her respected master ‘Shen Jin’. Her master was as graceful as a swan, as prideful as a Queen, and as fierce as a lion. She was currently sitting cross-legged while drinking sake. Shen Jin looked at her disciple, Yumi, and picked up casually a peanut. “Well, curious?” __________________ ‘Well I died again... for a peanut..’, Shen Jin choked to death on her peanut. This was quit embarrassing. Floating in a dark and damp space, she thought: ‘This time, what kind of world am I going to fall into?’ ---------------------------- After 500 reincarnations, Shen Jin finally found her way back home. ---------------------------- When Shen Jin returned to the host’s family, the Su family. They all thought that she was lucky to have survived. They said she was a sl*t who climbed on men’s beds, that she was uncultured and shameless. However, she was in fact a big shot in many fields, and she was the big boss of countless big shots. They said she was poor and would never find love, but she is in fact worth a net of more than hundreds of billions. And the tycoon and mysterious leader of the biggest firearm ‘Li Shan’ is actually her soul mate who is forever tied to her. When Li Shan discovered that Su Jin was actually Shen Jin the woman he is obsessed with, he hugged her tightly and begged her to stay and marry him. Li Shan: let’s get married, we can’t leave our children without a father? Can we? Shen Jin: … FL: The Big shot behind Mount Shan, the 'cursed mountain', the behind in scene boss of the circle of big shots, a previous assassin, a genius in many fields. ML: Mysterious, big shot, he is known as a business tycoon, but is in fact the leader of the biggest group of firearms, the leader of the dark world.

FanTimeTravel · Urban
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23 Chs


Dazed eyes stared at her, blinking slowly.

Her heartbeat suddenly sped up as those enchanting eyes regained their consciousness. He was waking up.

"Who are you?", the cold voice surprised her and she looked around, trying to figure out the person he was talking to.

None, there was no one apart from him and her.

'Is he still day-dreaming?', she thought while looking at the man's menacing face.

"I asked, who the hell are you?", his calm and sturdy voice rang out and made her shivers slightly.

"Hm, are you perhaps talking to me?", her crisp voice felt to his ears like ringing bells, a devious melody that would catch men's mind and put them under a spell.

For a moment, he was stunned by this voice.

But he was not your typical man and quickly brushed off this abnormal feeling.

"Who am I talking to if not to you?", his indifferent voice sounded and stunned her.

Wait, he was actually talking to her? How was it possible?

"You can see me?"

Hearing the incredulous inquiry, he sneered and gazed at the dark silhouette standing beside the window, he might not be able to see her face, but even the darkness wouldn't be a challenge to his sight.

The small body shape approached the bed silently, and although her back hid the shining moon rays, her white and tender face slowly appeared.

The man froze as his eyes fell on a heart shaped face, bright and cold yet hopeful eyes, thin pink lips, reddened cheeks, and long fluttering eyelashes.

He felt like someone was scratching their claws on his heart.

Swallowing, he forced himself to calm down; this was not like him at all, he was a man who could restrain himself for the past 24 years.

"Can you see me?", she repeated anxiously as she didn't get an answer.

"Of course, I can.", he answered her while noticing her hopeful eyes.

"Ah.", she looked in a daze at him while approaching her slender arm toward him.

He froze in place and silently prepared to fight if necessary.

"Then, can you feel me?", stretching her white hand toward his cold face, she stopped momentarily letting it float at one millimeter from him, hesitating, she finally closed in to him.

The man watched her action silently trying to figure out her goal.

When her hand finally landed on his face, he was stunned.

"Can you?", asking again, she let her hopeful eyes wander his face expectantly.

His shocked eyes were the answer she got instead.

And she understood.