
Midnight Hound

I stared at Laurent from across the room and my heart melted as I saw him smile while the kids in front of him played and danced hilariously. My mate's scent I realized, was emanating from him as he smiled and laughed. He turned and saw me. His beautiful smile vanished and the scent around him changed. Then I realized, he was masking his scent from me. He was my mate and he was hiding it from me. Why? was it because I was going to die if I didnt turn and hold my form stay a wolf whenever and however I want? Wasn't he supposed to love me unconditionally? Wasn't he supposed to take me as I am?

Omega_Bound · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

Dance night (2)

"Sorry, Cyraon said he would explain everything to you so we can't tell you most things." Debby turned and walked into the warp gate. I followed her with Dia behind us.

"Midnight Guard, Sir Trouble Langhorne. Midnight Gaurd, Sir Tobius Langhorne, and Omega Zoey Langhourne." A baritone voice announced as soon as we walked into the room that seemed to be a living room of some sort.

The room was way too clean to be someone's living quarters and too exquisite to be a simple waiting room. But it had the vibe of it. The furniture seemed a bit of the higher class, it reminded me of the white wolf pub.

"where are we?"

"Waiting room." Debby and Dia looked around the room the same way I'd seen bodyguards do in movies once they walked into a room. They checked the entire room without staying no more than ten paces away from me.

Maybe I was just paranoid or something.

"What are you doing?" Ellie asked before I could think of what they were doing. Dia opened the door and looked outside for a second. Outside, I could hear whispers and people walking about.

"Sorry, habit." they all said while looking around.

"It's okay. so where is the dance?" I asked.

"We'll stay here until we are called for."


"Protocol. We are all Lunars so we will all enter after those of a lower social class than us inside."

"Okay. weird."

A few more people were announced, even Alphas and elders. Then after Alpha Langhorne was announced, Hunter Seville followed and with his name, Debby led us out of the room into the emptying corridor that led to the open hall.

Soft romantic orchestra music came out of the hall that another Bastet or rather, a bear-headed man with a spear was nodding to Gran gran and Jason.

"Elder Layla Drauga, Midnight Alpha Jason Drauga." They vanished into the hall as they were announced. The statue hit the floor with the gold spear twice, and the thuds made produced a hollow thud.

Debby and Dia walked in front of me and bowed to the Egyptian Bear god.

"Midnight Lunar, lady Debby Lena. Midnight Lunar, lady Diametra Lena." The statue bowed as I followed suit and bowed too. He hit the floor thrice before announcing me.

"Midnight Hound, Allison Ramsey Aver." The loud hall fell dead silent. Even the music abruptly stopped. I walked into the hall and my stomach sank as I looked at the hall below.

It was the size of a football field but it was full to the brim. Full with way more people than I've seen in the past. It seemed as though Dia had undersold the size of the dance. She could have said that the dance was for the entire island and i would have believed her.

I tried to ignore the hall before it made me that uncomfortable. It seemed to be made out of gold. Its decoration was grander than anything I'd seen before.

My knees turned to butter and felt like I was wading through quicksand.

"He is here. Smell that?" Ellie lit up like a child being given candy. I sniffed, not the air but my anxiety back in. But even with Ellie being happy and not as nervous as I was, it didn't work.

The intense scent of garden earth filled in the hall didnt help at all. It was similar yet different from Laurent's and it made me nostalgic. I missed him so bad it hurt and yet so scared of him.

Yet the faint trace of him in the air made me want to run. But my legs were cemented to the ground.

I walked over to the railing whilst taking deep breaths to calm myself. Before I could support myself with them, Dia came over and took my hand.

"Don't worry," she whispered as she took my trembling hand as nerves wrecked me in waves. "Take a deep breath and look around."

I looked at the people below the stairs I was about to descend and focused on their conversations.

"Did they say midnight hound?"

"is she Lena's incarnate?"

"She is beautiful."

"I thought Laurent was kidding, he really brought the queen here."

"Does that mean we can prepare to fight back?"

"yeah, forget about the queen, isn't that what Lena wore for her wedding?"

"Just look at... isn't that..."

I grew even more nervous as I heard everything. The last person I heard him being slapped on the head and told to shut it. Ellie ignored the praises and searched for Luarent's but she came out with nothing but white noise.

"Let's go." Dia helped me to move downstairs to the dance floor.

"What are they talking about?" I whispered into Dia's ear.


"they said I am wearing something that Lena wore for her wedding, what did that mean."

"Hehehe!" She chuckled as we walked down the stairs. "That? the dress you're wearing is a copy Lena the moon wolf wore a few centuries ago for her wedding to Drauga."

"As in, the Lena and Drauga? The White and Black Wolves? They are real?"

"Yeah. They are the last hounds and Laurent's grandparents."

"wait, hold on, you lost me."

"you know about the moon wolves from the fairy tales right?"

"yes," I remembered the two wolves, the pure black and the pure white one from my mother's stories. It was said that they were the protectors of this land and from what I learned in elementary, they were more like fairy godparents and helped people in various conditions.

The two werewolves were said to have the company of pans, magical creatures, and even dryads. If that was true then...

"She was married in a dress similar to yours. But her dress was white with black stars. If it is at least fifty percent the same make it mean you can turn in that dress without it tearing."

"Wait, does that..."

"Hey, let's have fun and forget about work first, Okay?" she smiled and led me along the aisle that separated the boys and men to the elders at the front. We bowed to them and they did the same before joining the ladies' side of the hall.

"Midnight Moon Diana Artemis Knight." The announcer went as a white-haired stunning woman walked into the ballroom. The entire hall went into an uproar and the people watching from the balconies of the second and third floors almost fell as they rushed to see who she was.

At that announcement, Dia and all the midnights around the hall saluted in a classic greek salute. Even the maidens watching all over hall saluted the clearly inhumanly beautiful woman.

I tried to salute but Dia stopped me.

"You don't need to." She whispered into my ear. "You are not a warrior, besides she is probably here for you."


"Let's talk when we have time."

Her eyes were blue. Her snow-white hair flowed onto her back with golden accessories on it. Her dress was simply stunning. It transitioned from white to black from head to toe. It held tight to her body and looked a bit more like a wedding dress than a gala dress.

As if Elsa the snow queen was walking into the room it grew momentarily cold. I couldn't blame the ice-cold glares she received from almost all the women in the room. Her figure was an hourglass.

Her breasts were plummy. A bit but not that full. But she clearly had the proper utilities and proportions to make me eat my liver out of envy. Her ass, as she turned around whilst curtsying all over, seemed damn! brimstone hot.

She was given three thuds too. Like mine.

She smiled sweetly around it made me growl. My heart raged in both envy and jealousy. I turned around and saw the men following Zoey as she walked towards us with a smile.

"Ooh so handsome! I want one!" I shried inside as I oogled the men on Zoey's sides. They made Laurent appear like a child in physic. Like tree branches, they were taller and straight. Like table legs with their shoulders so broader they looked like airplane wings.

Their jaws were...

Ooh so handsome! I couldn't stop squealing as I watched them flex their muscles as they walked towards us.

"Midnight Hound, Laurent Knight." Three more thuds followed as a few feet from her, he walked in.