
Midnight Fever

Clear Winter has always been known as the famous University that handles the richest Alphas in the world, but lately, they have decided to open their doors for Omegas; The entire school doesn't really know what to expect about this matter and what could the outcome possibly be. It's either going to be an invitation for Death inside the campus leading to its downfall or a blessing in disguise that could higher the already sky high reputation of the University.

Silver_Heiress · Realistic
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2 Chs

[Chapter 1- Riemoore]

A month before classes started, the main building of the Clear Winter University finally allowed Omegas to enter any of the four branches of the school as Senior High School Students.

Clear Winter has always been ranked one as the best Only Alpha University World Wide, the school was already screaming 'only-the-rich' can enter when you walk past its massive gates at the front.

But five years ago the school decided that it was time to give the Betas a taste of what being in Clear Winter is like. This matter blew up and was featured in the news worldwide for a year straight which advertised the school leading to a massive amount of enrolees.

Opening their doors for Omegas is a different topic when it comes to CW Univ., since Omegas are at the bottom of the entire second gender chart, this matter was thoroughly planned before last month's decision was finalized. This matter however, did not spark any hate or backlash on the University just as planned, instead, the Alpha parents and the students were happy and overwhelmed about this good news; Why?

The answer was honestly simple, too simple that the majority understood it perfectly enough to not plant hatred towards the head masters:

Since the University's reputation was known for being expensive, that only means that whoever was enrolled in that school was rotten rich. This also means that their parents would not have to go through so much trouble in finding the perfect Omega whose riches are that of an Alpha; but of course the fact that there are still Alpha parents who wants their children to marry a fellow Alpha is still there and will not change sooner or later.

It is already given that the Alphas are the smartest ones in the school without even trying, but when it comes to the Betas and the Omegas, it doesn't matter if you are completely illiterate, as long as you have the money to pay for your high grades and as long as your family holds one of a famous company, you are very much accepted in any platform on Earth.

This is the cruel truth of the World today, but I am not complaining considering that I am one of the fortunate Alpha that got in effortlessly in Clear Water University.


"Clear Winter University was built at the center of an island not far from the entirety of England. It called as such because when the water surrounding the island freezes in winter, anyone could still see the bottom of the water."

"You are correct mister Riemoore, you may now be seated." The professor agrees, ecstatic.

"Well, that is all for today's discussion, we still have twenty minutes left before this subject ends so instead of giving the lot of you a twenty-minute free time, why won't you group study for your upcoming quiz tomorrow?" the old man in front mutters as everyone lets out sounds of frustrations.

But their gestures of complaints didn't last too long. The lot of the class heads towards the boy that was picked to recite a while ago. I glance in his direction, admiring his half-assed slick back styled platinum colored hair, his light blue eyes fixated on a really thick book on his table. He is Johann Riemoore, that man comes from a very well-known family of Omegas, admired for their riches and their natural intellect equal to that of an Alpha.

Johann is the only child of their family, I mean, there's really no point if his parents give birth to another offspring since rich families in general only need one male to be an heir. Johann is lucky to be the only successor of the Midnight Company, their company is known for its extremely effective heat suppressants.

In short, he is rotten rich; and that is the only reason why people swarm around him. His looks are just a big bonus point.

"Hey, stop being parasites. Johann is trying to study hard and he wouldn't be able to focus if all of you stick to him like glue and act dumb, it's honestly not cute at all." I voice out with irritation as the mobs urk, deeply affected by what I said.

"Be seated, and ask the prof if you honestly don't know about anything written in your books, which I highly doubt," I add as the classroom falls in silence.

Johann glances in my direction, his eyes meeting mine as he mouths the words: "Thank you."

I look away from his direction immediately before my face lights up a thousand shades of red.

"Holy shit, Earl. You like the newbie?!" My childhood friend Ray exclaims in a whisper in my ear

"Shut up, there's no way in fucking hell I do." I reply, digging my knuckles on his head.

"Okay, okay! Stop it dammit!"

Shortly after that, the bell rings, telling us that it's lunchtime. Everyone exits the room until it's just me, Ray and Johann left in the room just packing our stuff with the intention of leaving the room after.

"Hey, Earl? It's Earl correct? Can I speak to you during lunch break? Can I also walk with you towards the Cafeteria?" Johann asks, his face completely serious.

"Uh," I voice out, looking at my shoulder to take a look at Ray.

"It's fine if you take your friend with you-" He trails off, getting cut off by Ray's: "No, I'm fine. I actually have a date with someone at 2-B right now. See you two later." He waves goodbye.

Ah shit, here we go.