

The fiery pain subsided after what seemed like an eternity. Then, outof nowhere darkness flooded my vision. The next thing I know, I'm waking up to a screaming alarm and a splitting headach.

There was a warm body beside me, making it abundantly clear that I was NOT alone. As I lie therer I began to wonder if everything that happened had just been a horrible nightmare. 'Maybe someone spiked the punch, and I got really drunk, maybe...

"Good evening dearest. I hope you slept well." The deep baratone that was Chance's voice drug me out of my musings. His tone held a sound of sleepiness to it.

"Don't worry, I was a complete gentleman. I slept on top of the covers fully clothed" He gestured to himself and then to me. "While you were in the gown underneath them."

He got up and headed for the door. "Would you like something to drink?" he asked as he started to open it.

"Yes, please. Thank you." As he started to go I remembered there were questions I need the answers to. "Oh, Chance?"


"I still want some answers. You will answer them when you get back, and don't think you can avoid them. Okay?" My voice was a bit sharp. But I didn't care at the moment.

"I know, Sasha, and I wasn't even thinking about trying to. However, you've been out for three nights, so I know you have to be thirsty." Chance's tone was one of complete compliance.

After the brief interaction he left the room.

To preoccupie my mind I decided to have a look about. The room was huge and definitely designed with a man in mind. The walls were Navey blue and had a matching plush carpet. The pictures screamed 'hunter' and there was a deer head mounted above the bed was just freaky.

There were three doors. One, I knew led out of the room and the other two, i surmised led to a bathroom and a walk-in closet. Just as I was about to get up Chance came back in.

"No! Um, I don't mean to yell, but you are still weak, I'm sure. I think it would be best if you took it slow for the first few days." As he was speaking he made his way to the California King bed, with red satin sheets.

I looked at him, annoyance in my eyes. "Well, if you insist" my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Look, I know that this must be hard for you Sasha,"

"HARD! Hard you say?! Well, yeah. I was attacked by, by only the gods know what, I don't know if my friends are alive or dead, and I'm the bedroom of a man that I've only just met. So yeah, HARD just about sums it up." My composure just fell apart. I was tryimg so hard, but failing miserably to stay calm, but something about his words just broke the dam.

"I'm sorry, Sasha." Sadness and regret oozed from his voice and, were those unshed tears? Yes, some how I could smell them.

"No!" My whole woeld came tumbling down around me. "M... My parents?" I said inbetween ragged gasps.

His sadness deepened even more as he answered, "They didn't make it either"

The room began to spin, it was a good thing I was just sitting up in the bed, because just like a woman in a love novel reciving grave news, I fainted.

I was looking for answers, and I got some. However, these were not the ones I wanted.

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