
Microscopic Leviathan

Jolande, a 16-year-old girl, has made a discovery, and she is the only one who knows how to stop it. She is on a life changing experience, and science is her only way through. She intended to go to Shaolin Temple for a cure and to practice kung fu. Furthermore, she gains strength and encounters tougher hurdles as she trains. Join discord server: https://discord.gg/ZzjrZcRcFG - active

CorruptMorde · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Dark Lane

Jolande booked a one way flight to Germany, alone without Sarah nor Adolf nor her family. She is taking the risks to defeat all the organisation, without anyone knowing. Sarah and Adolf wished her the best of luck, while her parents didn't accept, "I know how you are afraid, but it is all okay, I want to go on a vacation" Jolande said after a long debate, and her parents had no choice but to accept.

Jolande boarded the plane from Stockholm to Frankfurt. During the trip, she felt a very small needle penetrating her, everywhere in her body. Jolande looked around trying to know what is happening and if other people are feeling the same, but she was the only one!

Jolande tried to hide herself but it's useless, she kept getting shot from nowhere, "How do these bullets penetrate!? Are they even bullets?", Jolande doesn't find any hole in the chairs, nor anyone looking at her, therefor she can't tell what's happening. She immediately heads to the toilet, because the doors are from thick aluminum, which they might prevent any bullet in.

Even after she is there, she keeps getting the same sensation. It wasn't an illusion, she was getting shot by something, which left very tiny pores on her skin, that keep releasing blood. "my back has fewer pores, so it must come from this direction *points slightly left of the door*!", she doesn't find any bullets or needles in her body, which made her more baffled.

Jolande tried leaving and look around until she spots someone holding something unusual, but she never found any. "Am I gonna die like this? No! I will spot whoever is doing this", she looked, searched, and checked each aisle for anything unusual, she didn't find...

Jolande noticed the effect on other people as well, but at a fewer rate. She was afraid she loses eyesight before making it to Germany, which was the last thing she wanted. "Keep looking! Keep looking! Who would be controlling it? And how does this thing work? Luckily my head isn't targeted yet".

Jolande's hair got messy because the hair clip suddenly came off, "Oh not the right time!". When she tried fixing it, the clip went flying as if a magnet pulled it away from her, and she concluded that whoever is attacking her is using magnetic force. "Thank God I didn't bring my parents with me to plane!"

"What are they using to shoot 'magnetism' at me??", she held another clip, it flew away from her as well, "Could they use my blood as a weapon against me?", Jolande thought that there is nothing penetrating her, it's her red blood cells getting pushed in - this happens because the iron in the blood is diamagnetic, when it is exposed to a magnetic field, it is pushed rather than pulled.

Jolande had a good idea to know where the attacker is at; "I broke this little piece from my clip. When magnetism is applied it will fly straight to the sender". Jolande tried her method, which worked successfully. She kept searching everywhere in the aisle doing the same method, until she finally found a region where magnetism is really strong, which is the place where the attacker is at.

"Which one of you? You left me wandering in the plane like an idiot!" Jolande thought, she didn't know which one among the passengers, because one was an old lady, another three were men in suits and the rest are kids and ordinary people.

She didn't know who to suspect, and she didn't have an idea in mind. "Please turn off all electrical devices and magnets as well!" a sound suddenly arose warning all passengers, because magnetism can interfere with calibration systems like a compass, Jolande thought of using a compass to know who it is, luckily, she had one in her pocket from Alice, "Try knowing how this magnet works with this compass", Jolande remembered what Alice said when she was at her house.

The north-seeking pole pointed at the old lady, which meant that she had the weapon. Jolande kindly asked her, "Can you please turn of this magnetic thing of yours? It's ruining all devices in the area!", the old lady refused, "Pff, what if I don't?". Jolande had one last trick up her sleeve, "I finally got to know Helga's identity, let's make it public!".

When the old lady heard, she was so mad that she grabbed Jolande to the rear of the plane and started a fight with her. The old lady started to show off her fitness and skills, and Jolande said, "So you are fit, grandma! But let's see if you can survive this phase!".

Jolande immediately began kicking and punching, and the lady dodged most moves. Jolande delivered one last hit with a punch to her face, dropping her on the ground. "Can I even brutally kill this old lady? Ugh, I don't feel humane, although she deserves it.", luckily for her, she learnt Lián again from Olivia which helped her kill this lady quickly and be able to sleep at night.

Jolande had to think of something to do with the body, because she can't leave a human corpse in a plane like this. "There should be a trapdoor around here, oh there it is, rest in there granny", she opened it, dropped her there and closed the trapdoor leaving no clue of the murder.

Fortunately, there was no flight attendants at the rear which made it easier for Jolande to act. The trapdoor leading to that room is actually a 'shelter' for the cabin crew in case of emergency.

Jolande went to investigate what the weapon was, and what it was doing exactly. She went to the lady's seat, picked up the weapon and went to the bathroom, leaving no suspicion on her. Jolande deactivated the weapon and inspected it closely...

"So it works by producing magnetic fields that repel iron in the blood, making the red blood cells penetrate inside the body...", it's name tag says 'Dark Lane', "Could this be the manufacturer? Or the item's name? I'll check when I am in Germany after I get medical care!!"

As it shows, the old woman could shoot where she wants by just pointing the gun. "How does it work? Didn't it interfere with the plane's navigation?", Jolande was thinking, before she suddenly heard a sound from the plane speaker saying, "Please fasten your seatbelts, we are landing".

Jolande was surprised, as well as all the passengers, because only thirty minutes have passed while the plane was predicted to take at least two hours. "How? But, it's a two-hour flight not a thirty-minute one!". The plane landed afterwards, but no in Frankfurt airport, but somewhere else...

"Why! This is a nonstop flight!", the passengers weren't satisfied at all, after they have landed at an unknown destination. Jolande, full of holes in her, needs medical attention immediately, and she doesn't even know where she is at now.

"We arrived at Frankfu... Wait a minute, this is Copenhagen airport!", the pilots immediately apologised to the passengers, "There was a problem with our system, seems like there were strong magnetic fields interfering with the plane navigation system!", passengers had to leave the plane and go to the airport.

The flight company booked flights for the travelers, as well as somewhere to stay the night. The weapon Jolande took, was collapsible, which helped Jolande carry it, it also looked like a walking stick. In case they use metal detectors, she will use Lián.

The flight company booked a hotel at the airport for one night, and another flight to Frankfurt. Jolande didn't go to the hotel, but rather to the hospital for medical care. Jolande's body looked as if she was pierced with a needle everywhere one hundred times.

Jolande slept in the hospital for two days, without telling her parents about it, nor anyone. Jolande couldn't fly with this condition, so her flight was scheduled to after two days.

Jolande left the hospital and boarded her flight, lucky Jolande, the plane was empty, because it was meant to transport the flight crew, which means, no threats at all.

Jolande's plane landed at Frankfurt airport, in Germany. Her next destination was Aachen, which she had to take a train to arrive at it. The first thing she did was visit her friends, and have fun with them incase she dies.

After a week, Jolande started her adventure, looking forward to kill Helga and stop the corruption. She didn't ask anyone to join her, because she's afraid they die with her. "Where should I start?", her thoughts were unclear, she decided to train at the Shaolin Monastery for five months to master martial arts.

Jolande booked another flight to China, Zhengzhou, to train at the temple afterwards. Jolande is excited to revisit China and train with the monks at the Shaolin Monastery. The flight went like normal, no one after her, and no disturbance...

The voyage was about one day long, including delays, security checks and flight lengths. She left Germany on the 5th of May and arrived at China on the 6th of May. She had a strong will and commitment to train at the temple and defeat the organisation.

She met Mr. Xiao Long once again, "Ni hao, shi fu Xiao Long" [Hi, master Xiao Long]. Mr. Xiao Long welcomed her once again to the temple. She trained for a month, before a tournament was announced to begin on the 21st of June, about two weeks from now.

Jolande had to train hard enough to participate in the tournament, wishing to win before she goes back to Germany. "Jolande, you're a great candidate, join the tournament!", Xiao Long always complimented Jolande, and convinced her to join the tournament because she can.

Jolande is trained by one of the best warrior monks in the temple, she got used to the harsh training from her trainer, and he thinks she is a great candidate.

Three days till the tournament starts, and Jolande had to prepare herself for it. She ate carbohydrates as dinner and breakfast for three days, she paused training, and started meditating. She made sure she followed a fixed daily schedule, and now she prays to win.

Jolande's physical abilities exceed the average, "People shall fear me now, otherwise I beat them". She was very optimistic, and confident about the tournament, this very unique Kung-fu tournament, which only takes place every several years, was Jolande's highest goal.

This tournament was also other candidate's greatest ambition as well, wining this tournament could change Jolande's life as well.

The tournament starts at 6 o'clock, bells are ringing, drums are being played, and the monks are calling for the tournament to start. Jolande was among other 128 candidates who joined the tournament wishing to win.

The winner is awarded with honour and fifty thousand euros! Jolande can't miss this rare event, so she played smart and as hard as she could. The first opponent was a one year trainee at the Shaolin temple, which looked like nothing to Jolande, "Pff, warm up!".

Jolande won this round, because her opponent was so anxious, and didn't know what to do, he punched and kicked at random, then he was excluded from the tournament for being childish on ring.

On the second stage, only 64 candidates remain, Jolande was a lucky one to pass the first stage, and be qualified to the second stage. They took a break about two hours - they ate, washed and rested.

During the two hours, Jolande looked for someone with Helga's organisation symbol, the small ghost figure on one of the people. "Can't find any, I'm lucky, let the fun continue!", Another thought jumped into Jolande's mind, "What happened to my parents? Are they still in Sweden?", Jolande told them she had to leave Sweden alone, without explanation, which made them worry about her, "I know no parent hates his kids, but they accepted because Sarah convinced them". She later informed them that she is going to the Shaolin temple.

One hour before the second stage begins, and Jolande is against someone who trained for three months, "Seems like an easy win, there's no way I loose!". Jolande was so confident she will win, because she worked along the monks training new comers, and aiding them.

To Be Continued...
