
Michiyo's Space

N0nex1s7ent_Echo · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Unexpected circuntances

Triiiing... Triiiiiiiiing...Triii-

Nakamura Michiyo woke up by the sound of her alarm clock ringing. After turning it off she finally took it to see the schedule.

"6:17, I'm not late but I have almost none time to make breakfeast. Shoud I eat outside?"

After some seconds she decided to go eat breakfeast outside after a simple and fast bath. Michiyo has a pretty normal appearence if not for her fox-like yellow pupils and her almost nonexistent eyebrows.

Her bath took about 4 minutes and after leaving the bathroom she put on a dark blue suit, a red tie and left her apartment. When she got into the reception, she approached the receptionist.

"Here are the keys of the room 692 on the 6° floor"

The receptionist that was attending others got a bit surprised because she hasn't seen Nakamura Michiyo before but after some time she received the key and saw that Michiyo was already leaving for work.

Michiyo was stopping by Sarah's delicatessies to order her breakfast. Ten minutes later she was already at the doorstep of the shop.

As soon as she entered the shop a woman that seemed to be 20 years old had already noticed her and already went to receive her order.

The woman was a rare beauty, she had dark brown hair that went past her shouders, green eyes that almost glowed, her skin was like a baby's and her light yellow dress seemed to amplify her beauty.

The woman walked to Michiyo's direction "Michiyo-Chan, is it the usual?" the woman asked.

"Yes, please let me order the usual Sarah"

The woman then turned around to make the breakfeast that was asked.

Ten minutes later the same woman came out with a plate that had two eggs, three waffles with syrup and some small fruits on top, two small toasts and four pieces of dried cherry tomato. Michiyo was almost salivating while waiting to the plate be given to her.

Not too long after the plate was on her table. The plate was beautifully organizated, the egg was almost glowing, the waffles were perfectly positioned and the cherry tomato was near the egg, looking like it was asking to be eaten.

After looking at her plate for some seconds she finally took a piece. First it was the egg, the egg was fluffy and easy to eat, not too salty and not without salt, after eating the egg she went to the tomatoes, they were crunchy outside and soft inside, outside was salty and inside was without any salt.

Finally she went to the waffles, she first took a fruit, a blueberry, and after that she took a pice of the waffles that had syrup and fruits on it. The waffle was soft, her teeth could easily cut through the waffle, the syrup gave the waffle a extra sweetness and the fruits bring balance to the sugar.

After finishing her food she went to pay for it, it cost 17 dollars. as she was walking to the entrance a man on black with a mask stopped by the door.

"Why the fuck does this clown stopped by the door" she decided to ignore him and was passing by the door. The man pulled out a gun a shoot at Michiyo's chest. Sarah, who had her back to the man, just heard the noise and was turning around.

Sarah screamed, the bullet missed Michiyo's heart because she turned around fast enough, if not , she would have died already. Even if the bullet missed, she was still shot on her left shouder and was bleeding too much. If she could not stank the bleeding she would die of blood loss.

"Michiyo! don't go to sleep please" Sarah was almost crying after saying this phase, the man touched his gun on the forehead of her almost-unconscious college friend. Michiyo's body was trembling, the blood loss was too much for her.

Michiyo lost her consciousness some seconds after the man put the gun on her head, the only thing she heard before fainting was her college friend, Sarah, yelling her name and a 'Pow' sound.

"I must have fainted. But if I fainted why do I can still think clearly, I did hear an 'Pow' sound. Did the man shoot me? Did He shot on the wrong place again? Will I survive? Why am I not feeling any pain on my sholder or in any other place?[...]Did I die?!"

Nakamura Michiyo tried looking around only to find more black, the're hadn't even a small light, it was like a void.

"I'm too young to die, I'm only 23 years old. I didn't even go to the first day of my job, I don't want to die. Please don't let me die"

If not for her not having a body, Michiyo would be crying. After a huge amount of time Michiyo had calmed down and accepted that she was dead, she even stopped lamenting and decided to look on the good side.Another undetermined amount of time, Nakamura Michiyo already had given up.

She had became a cold person, if she had not became a cold person she would have gone insane.

After some time, the void started to pull something. Michiyo was startled, the void didn't even have a gust of wind and now there's something pulling her to somewhere.

She was resisting as much as she could for not to be pulled to it. Every ten secons the pressure got stronger by almost ten times, the girl's soul was starting to get a headache, every second her soul kept getting pulled to somewhere and she was resisting

This kept going for years, after so much time these pulls were too weak to pressure her, she didn't know if it was that the pulls got weaker or if her soul got stronger. Sometimes she would see a soul or two while wandering but none of them had self-awareness.

She started to wonder if she was a special case because she was awake since the start. she started to think that the void is quite comforting.

Her soul was extremelly strong, she sometimes would drag other sould to her and put them back in place again because shr was bored and saw that they were being sucked by the same thing she was sucked before.

She didn't know how many years she spend here but she could clearly remember he life. she sometimes would notice that she was stupid while alive. If she was the person she is now she would've have stoped the time she saw the man and would have backed off.

1108 words

A woman's pride cannot be stolen easily

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