
Draculina and Sigil

Michael along with Asia, Rias, and her peerage. They appeared at the headquarters of the occult club. Michael as soon as he appeared in the club, went to a nearby couch. And he put Asia there so that she could sleep there.

While Michael laid Asie on the couch, Rias said.

(Rias)-Drop by my office when you're done.

(Michael)-Sure, honey.

Rias always reacts charmingly when Michael speaks to her. And this time it was similar, Rias turned red and went to her office hurriedly. Akeno and Koneka followed her, while Kiba looked at Michael for a while and went the opposite way.

Michael stood over Asia for a moment and thought about her.

*Huh. It was just action, I honestly felt too good then. I felt pure sadistic pleasure to beat them without any pity. Even Reynare which I had previously planned to make a member of my harem. As in many fanfictions I've read in my previous life. But now I don't regret having killed her. She was bad to the bone, and it was enough for me to hit Asie. And all the plans I considered invalid ... I will not let anyone hurt whom I care about. And if someone upset me, even if he is not officially my enemy. I won't mind splitting his neck.

And now, as a result of these actions, Asia has become a vampire. It's always better than becoming a devil, at least she can pray. No headache, but she will have to do it away from Rias and her peerage.

Asia has become ... What to call it ... A low-class True Vampire ... No ... Draculin. It can be "Draculin", the first in this world. So "Draculin" is True Vampir in the first phase of transformation. Draculin has enhanced statistics, depending on the person. This person may gain greater suspension of strength or agility or magical power. This is a lottery, but Asia as a holder of the sacred equipment. Which enables her to heal others. She got a more magical power boost, but that doesn't mean the other statistics are unchanged. They have also been suspended, but to a lesser extent than magical power.

There are many differences between Draculin and True Vampire. Asia must drink blood at least once a month to survive. In contrast, True Vampir could do without blood even a year or two. However, he would have to eat blood anyway, otherwise, he would go into hibernation. Draculin, on the other hand, would have died without a blood supply.

And when it comes to changes in Asia's body, I was able to see two. Mianowice her eyes turned red. How do I know It just took me a bit and I gently took Asia's eyelid, but she didn't wake up.

She has beautiful red eyes, slightly different from mine. Mine is like a sea of ​​blood, it she like a red ruby.

The second feature I was able to see was the tattoo on her chest. She only had a thin nightgown so I saw it without a problem. She has the same tattoo that I have on my right hand. The only mine performs the functions of quick access to weapons. And in her case ...

(Michael)-*The system, what functions the tattoo performs in her case. Does the sea have such a function like me?- he asked in his thoughts.*

(System)-The host is wrong. In the case of Asia Argento, the tattoo functions as a designation of ownership.


(System)-Put simply, Asia Argento has been designated as a member of the host clan / faction. And it is now his property. This emblem need not appear only on the creatures that the host has changed. The host can make a member of the clan / faction any person and if he agrees. Of course, in the case of turning into a vampire, this choice is received. Clan members will receive stat reinforcements similar to Draculin's. However, not so much. And the Host will be able to monitor their status and will be able to view their status. In order to check their progress in training or check their strengths.*

(Michael)-*So now I have the opportunity to check not only my but also Asia's status. Because she belongs to my faction. Good, I understand.*

Michael sits in an armchair near Asia and prepares to review Asia and his status. Because he has a lot to do in this area.

While Michael is checking status and reflecting on recent events. Rias writes a report to her brother as one of her duties she must perform. Koneko and Akeno help her with this, giving Michael time to handle his affairs.

(Michael)-*Let's start with her. Show Status Asia Argento.*

(System)-<Carries out the command.>



Name: Asia Argento


Race: Draculin

Membership: Michael Fraction(have any ideas?)

Strength:2 [+23] [=25]




Magic Power:7[+45][=52]

Special skills:

>Sacred gear:Twilight Healing:

-High magic of healing[lvl.1]:

a)Healing(She can heal all kinds of wounds and injuries. Depending on the level of "high healing magic", it can heal more serious wounds faster and more efficiently. After reaching the second level, it can heal without having to approach the target.)

b)Twilight Arrow(Ability to support and offensive. Hit the enemy causes the breakdown of cells and inhibits self-healing of the target (does not affect the host) and general damage. Hit in allies target, heals it and provides a temporary increase in stamina and accelerates self-healing.)

-Balance breaker[Blocked](level three or higher required)

>Draculin race skill:

-Absorption.[Lvl.1](A person needs blood to survive. And by its consumption, it strengthens by several percents. However, this increase is small.)

-Increasing statistics.


(Michael)-I'll have to ask Rias or Grayfia. For help in training Asia, and more likely Akeno and Rias will deal with it first. And when I free Grayfie from her "husband." Then maybe she will take care of her.

(Michael)-Nothing harder now. It's time to make a seal and comprehend my statistics.

(System)-<Opening Host Status.>



Name: Michael


Race:True Vampire


Alucard's Blood Line: 25%

Strength:140 (+200 egz., +80 ,2fa.ang.) (+45. Re.)[=465]

Agility:97(+170 egz., + 110 ,2fa.ang.) (+25. Re.)[=402]

Stamina:127 (+152 egz., + 60 ,2fa.ang.) (+23. Re.)[=362]


Magic Power: 109 (+52 egz., + 110 2fa.ang. ) (+47. Re.)[=318]

System points:4500

Special skills:

>Vampirism True Vampire[lvl.MAX]

-I'm Batman [lvl.MAX]

-Blood control[lvl.MAX]

-Weather control[lvl.MAX]


>Dark Magic

-Shadow Magic [lvl.4]:

a)Oneness with darkness.[lvl4]

b)Strengthening with darkness [lvl2]

c)Shadow Control[lvl.3]

-I am the darkness and the darkness is me.[lvl.MAX]

-"Barrier of Darkness"[lvl.4]

>Medium level regeneration[lvl.MAX]

>The magic of Necromancy:

-Acid projectile[lvl.1]


>Using the Sword-Medium advanced[lvl.2]

>Lord of Faction[lvl.MAX](This skill allows the host to create a faction. By adding to her or by transforming her into a vampire. Members receive statistics increase and membership tattoo. Which gives a preview of the host on a given member. (Status, health status, or is in )

>Magic of light:

-Spears of light[lvl3]


(Michael)-*At this pace, I will have to make this seal so as not to destroy the world by accident. All right, quickly because Rias is getting cold. And I need to warm her because it will freeze. Hehe ...*

Over the next few minutes, Michael wondered how much statistics to save in the seal, and how much to leave. After a long reflection, he decided to set power on Satan level. He can suppress the aura anyway. Because if he was attacked, a regenerative factor would do the trick. However, if he were to protect someone who stood next to him, this level of statistics would help him.

(Michael)-All right, we'll see the final result and I'm going to the office.



Name: Michael


Race: True Vampire


Alucard's Blood Line: 25%





Magic Power:210

System points:4500

Special skills:

>Vampirism True Vampire[lvl.MAX]

-I'm Batman [lvl.MAX]

-Blood control[lvl.MAX]

-Weather control[lvl.MAX]


>Dark Magic

-Shadow Magic [lvl.4]:

a)Oneness with darkness.[lvl4]

b)Strengthening with darkness [lvl2]

c)Shadow Control[lvl.3]

-I am the darkness and the darkness is me.[lvl.MAX]

-"Barrier of Darkness"[lvl.4]

>Medium level regeneration[lvl.MAX]

>The magic of Necromancy:

-Acid projectile[lvl.1]


>Using the Sword-Medium advanced[lvl.2]

>Lord of Faction[lvl.MAX](This skill allows the host to create a faction. By adding to her or by transforming her into a vampire. Members receive statistics increase and membership tattoo. Which gives a preview of the host on a given member. (Status, health status, or is in )

>Magic of light:

-Spears of light[lvl3]


*Honestly, I didn't really feel like thinking about the distribution of statistical points. However, given that I can suppress the real power (aura), so that third parties do not know my actual level of power. So I set the points so that they would fit into Satan level. Because it was a level that I knew to some extent and I knew that without my actual intentions I would not destroy the world.*

(Rias)-Michael, let her sleep. And come to us we have a lot to discuss.

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