
Get to know Mia

Mia could be considered a normal girl in her last secondary school year, who was a rock and metal music fan. She was very smart, creative and good with computers, so she choose a class with a main focus on Business Informatics. She was a bright person and very artistic, too. Mia could "draw and sing decently" in her opinion and she loved to practice both when she could. People around her were in the opinion that she always underestimates herself about all the things above. Well, only time could tell who was right...

Mia's eyes were amber, her lips not too full, but very sensual. Her hair was straight dark chocolate with a long reverse bob haircut. Sometimes she was getting red hair strands for a change. She was 165 tall, weighing 60 kilos.

She often wore flexible fake leather or real leather pants, black or dark blue jeans, dark t-shirts, Black leather boots New Rock* with floral motives, very few accessories only made of silver or steel, which were given to her by special to her people. These were namely a simple band bracelet from her mom, which she wore a little below her right wrist, a steel floral band ring from her 'cousin' Liam for her 16th birthday on her ring finger, because it was fitting only there. She had four ear piercings down on the soft parts of her ears - three on her right side and one on the left. She wore simple silver hoop earrings.

She spontaneously went with her best friend from school Mika to pierce their ears together. They have both just turned fifteen. Mia already had on each side one hole and wanted two more on the right and that is what she got. In the piercing studio Mika laughed at her.

"You did it the wrong way, people do it on the left side."

Mika pierced her left ear twice, being insensible for her friend's desire to do the things the way she wants, not the way she 'should'. Mia got two more piercings that day – on the tongue and on her clit a horizontal hood piercing. She didn't have to come with a parent, because she knew the piercer. He was a friend of her 'cousin' Liam and the three of them often drank beer together as well as met at concerts.

Mia loved her leather jackets. Her hourglass body shape had all the curves at the right places, so all these clothes were strongly complimenting her. She wasn't weak, skinny and fragile, moreover six-kilometer marathon at the stadium was her 3-times-a-week routine. Mia was as keen volleyball player at school as a dance floor queen at the local metal discos. She was often sparring on the heavy punching bag with her 'cousin' Liam at the sports club nearby.

Well he was not exactly her 'cousin'. He was her uncle Steve's adopted son. At the time of the adoption Liam was seven years old and Mia was two. She grew up with him, knowing he was adopted, but used to refer to him as 'cousin Liam'. This stopped when she turned 14 and realized she had more-than-a-cousin feelings for him. Since she started getting wet down there when he was giving her a ordinary hug, Mia started to call him only by his name and he seemed to like it.

* New Rock M.NEOTYRE06-C1

~ I know this chapter is very much dry and descriptive, but next chapters won't be, I promise! I choose it that way, so you get the full picture of her. I'd love to see any Comments!

P.S. I have no editor, so please don't be so hard on me. Greetings! ~

-Chapter edited on 20.03.2019-

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