
3.I'm pregnant..

He again looked at her pitiful face and it hurts to look at her teary eyes so, he finally submitted and replied calmly "okay, but..

if it's not something wired and in my limits".

she hurriedly and happily replied " no,no

no, it's in your limit".

He feels uncomfortable while looking at her smile,'she looks like demoness, who is ready to eat her prey immediately ', he inwardly thought., That thought alone scared... him.

still maintaining his calmness he said,"speak fast before I change my mind...".

she hurriedly said, "I'm pregnant" , cutting his words in the middle .

"oh! so, what's the problem... don't tell me you don't want the baby, i hate that type of women...".

"it's not like that.... it's.... " she stops speaking or maybe she's unable to the find the right words to explain herself.

He sensed her sad ,confused ,scared and uncomfortable look and it makes him angry but he still asked "where is the Father , how dare he leaves you alone in this condition?" while maintaining his calm not wanting to shout at night or maybe scared that she might cry.

After hearing his words she looked at him strangely and her lips move upwards in a warm smile but she immediately concealed it before he saw and replied in broken words with sad look "the...there's no father".

He looked at her confusingly and repeated, "what ? there's is no father...?"., until realisation hits him "don't say you....."

she replied "yes! I'm not married ", cutting his words.

"Then..... then give me that bastard's address, I'll beat him until he becomes blue-black ".

"I..i don't know his address".

"what? then what about number?".

" I don't know his number as well".

" Then his face, physical appearance, name, profession, anything ".

" I don't know anything about him, but....he kinda looks like you ".

Mike finally lose his calm and shouted, "don't speak nonsense I never ever once sleep with a woman in my 24 years of life, let alone a crazy one like you ".

"sssss ... don't shout at night", she said while smiling.

He replied while controlling his anger

"okay ".

"good, so.. you are 24 ", she said.

"was it's the only words you listened",he asked her shockingly.

" no! I listened more ".

just as he feels relieved, she speaks angrily

" you think I'm crazy !".

"so , this is the more you listened",he said while looking at her strangely , it takes his every ounce of patience to talk to her , now he can't take it anymore and he said " Sorry Miss Mi-rae, i take so much of your precious time, Thankyou very much, i hope you'll forgive me, goodbye, have a peaceful night "., ' hope we will never ever bump into each other again in the future ' he inwardly thought but strangely his heart hurts with that thought. 'or maybe coincidentally meet-up again in different situations, if she's not only crazy ' he is thinking in his mind while looking at her.

she shocked by his reply but soon her lips moves in a evil smile while looking at him, who said goodbye while still standing there without moving an inch.

she wants to laugh but concealing her emotions perfectly, she starts crying while saying " I don't know anything about that person, it's..a one night stand, i got tricked by my friends and the result is ".

He hurriedly hugged her when she's crying, it's hurts him, he strangely can't stand her cry.'she doesn't look like someone who gets tricked ' he inwardly thought , but soon the thought vanishes as he listened her loud cries.

" okay, don't cry I'm sorry, I don't have the rights to say those words without knowing your conditions, I'm really sorry! how about this? i promise I'll never make you cry again in future ". As he thought anyway we are not going to meet again in the future, so there's is no loss .

he never once thought that after saying those words he bound himself with a demoness and he is not free anymore.

After hearing his comforting words she smile but cried loudly as there is so much miseries but still a warmth. she hugged him tightly and buried herself in his tight embrace as someone might come and snatch him away or seperate them.