
MHA: Where Quirks meets Triggers

Meet Yamata Katsuro former resident of Mikado city and junior engineer at Border. Or at least was a junior engineer at Border until a failed mission in the Neightbourhood sends him in the MHA world. With his minor side effect, a couple of triggers on hand and his wits at his side, now he has to tackle this strange new world. For the few fans that I might have, know that I haven't dropped the book. I'll continue writing from the second half of February, after I finish my bachelor's degree.

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Trigger compendium

The purpose of this chapter is to explain the way triggers work. As the story progresses, I will add every new trigger that gets to be used as well as any new innovations that might be made to them. For those who already watched World Trigger, this chapter will have little use, except maybe refreshing your memory. If my description is insufficient then you can use the following link in order to get more details. https://worldtrigger.fandom.com/wiki/Trigger

Now lets get to it! First of all what is a trigger holder. A trigger holder is a small rectangular device that can fit in your palm. Inside of it you can find up to 8 chips, each representing a trigger. So you can have access up to 8 different triggers at a time which will be your loadout. The catch is that you can't use more than two triggers at a time (with a few exceptions) since you need to use one of your hands for each trigger you activate. (Yes someone with 4 arms like Goro could in theory use 4 triggers at the same time). Besides that once you activate you trigger holder you get 2 more perks or powers (if you want to call them that).

Firstly you get a new body made of trion while your own body gets stored inside the trigger holder. This body looks like the user and feels normal but in many ways it's an improvement upon a normal body. For example you can make small modifications to your body such as changing you hair and eye color, add a few cm to your height or change it's clothing (think of it as having Photoshop for your actual body). The trion body grants a small strength boost to the user (makes you have the strength of a person with peak physique, so nothing ludicrous such as throwing cars like they are volleyballs) as well as a certain amount of resistance to blunt damage (you won't get knocked out by a hit to the back of the head). Lastly this body isn't squishy since it's an energy construct, meaning that besides the relay center (which acts as a brain) and the supply core (which acts as a heart) the body has no organs. This means that, since this body doesn't have a nervous system it won't feel pain. Meaning that you can have your hands and feet cut off, but besides the trion that will leak from the wounds and the shock your mind receives from such an injury no harm comes upon you. Once the body reaches to critically low levels of trion (under 5%) the bailout function automatically activates (unless you deactivate it via voice command or remove the option by using a trigger workstation). When that happens your remaining trion is used to transfer your trigger holder to a preset location where your real body is ejected out of the trigger holder.

Triggers generally fall into one of the following types: Attacker Triggers used for close quarters, Gunner & Shooter Triggers used in mid-range fights and Sniper Triggers used for long range duels. Besides these there are Trap Triggers used to hamper ones opponents, Defense Triggers used for, well... for defense and lastly there are the Optional Triggers which are generally attached to other triggers and offer more versatility in and outside of combat to the user.

Attacker Triggers

1) Kogetsu - A longsword that can be held with one or with both hands for better precision in your strikes. It's a well balanced and durable blade, strong enough to cut through concrete walls and steel beams without much issue. It has low trion consumption.

2) Scorpion - A blade that can change it's shape and size (to a certain degree) and that can appear from any part of your body. It's almost weightless making its strikes fast and hard to dodge. Due to these traits however, the blade end up having low durability. It's trion consumption is low however every time the blade breaks it take a considerable amount of trion to recreate the blade.

3) Raygust - A large and thick blade with low cutting power but sporting the highest durability. Its normal form is heavy and unwieldy, making it bad in close combat. It can change into one other form. It's Shield mode turns it into a big shield that has high defensive capabilities and can change its shape and size to a certain degree. It has low trion consumption.

Shooter Triggers

1) Asteroid - Creates a trion cube in the user's hand that can be split into multiple bullets that shoot into a straight line. The cube becomes larger the more trion you use. The more you split the cube the harder it becomes to aim straight. Low trion consumption per shot.

2) Hound - Similar to Asteroid it creates a trion cube in the user's hand that can be split into multiple bullets. The bullets however have a homing function that makes them chase the selected target. Moderate trion consumption per shot.

3) Viper - As with the 2 previous triggers it creates a trion cube in the user's hand that can be split into multiple bullets. However you can set a path for the bullets and issue comands to them before firing. (For example: Go 50 meters forwards then 3 meters to the right, then go up 2 meters. If any bullets remain then return from where you started.) Moderate trion consumption per shot.

4) Meteor - Creates a trion cube in the user's hand that can be split into multiple bullets that shoot into a straight line and explode upon contact. The user can choose not splitting the initial cube into bullets and leave it somewhere as a makeshift explosive that activates if hit by anything. Large trion consumption per shot.

Gunner Triggers

Sniper Triggers

1) Egret - A balanced rifle trigger with a focus on range. The higher the users trion levels the higher the range. It packs a considerable punch and has high muzzle velocity (bullet speed), making it hard to avoid its shots. It has no major flaws or any big advantages, making it a jack of all trades in its category. Low trion consumption per shot.

2) Ibis - A big and heavy rifle trigger with a focus on power. Due to its heavy weight and size, Ibis is usually fired from a bipod or while it's rested on something. It has the lowest fire rate and a strong recoil, but the shoots are capable of penetrating even the thickest walls and armour. It has low muzzle velocity and its shots are loud, making it the easiest to dodge, if the target is aware from where the shot comes. Moderate trion consumption per shot.

3) Lightning - A rifle trigger focused on having a high firing rate and accuracy. It has the highest muzzle velocity. That coupled up with its previous traits, makes its shots next to impossible to dodge. Unfortunately as a drawback it has the lowest firepower compared to the other sniper triggers. Due to its smaller size and weight, it can be easily carried around and the user can fire it while moving, making it somewhat of a hybrid between a sniper trigger and a gunner trigger. It has a low trion consumption per shot.

Defense Triggers

1) Escudo - Creates a highly resistant barrier from any surface the user touches with his hands or legs. Each activation can create multiple barriers. The barriers themselves have the aspect of a concrete wall, similar weight to a concrete wall and can't be moved around once in place. Large trion consumption.

2) Shield - Creates a green transparent barrier somewhere in a 25 meter radius around the user. The barrier hovers and can be moved around by the user. The larger you make the barrier the thinner it becomes. You can use both hands to create or layer 2 shields at once for more protection. If the user has 2 Shields equipped the he can create a thick bubble around himself called "Full Guard". Low trion consumption.

Optional Triggers

1) Chameleon - Makes the user invisible. Other triggers can't be used while chameleon is active. Has large trion consumption if used for long periods of time.

2) Spider - Creates a trion cube that can be split into multiple smaller parts. From these parts wires shoot out that can be hooked into buildings, objects or even people. Can be atached to Meteor cubes in order to activate them. The wire colors can be changed before firing in order to make them easier or harder to be noticed. Low trion consumption.

3) Grasshopper - Creates floating blue platforms that allows the user to bounce on them for greater mobility. Similar to Shield the platforms can be created anywhere in a 25 meter radius as long as you can see the place. Multiple platforms can be created at once and each platform disappears after one use. Low trion consumption.

4) Teleporter - Allows the user to teleport to any position in his line of sight. The user must stay still before activating the trigger. Trion consumption varies with distance.

5) Senku - Optional trigger exclusive to Kogetsu. It allows the sword cuts to travel a certain distance before dissipating. Distance varies with the speed of the sword cut (15m for 1 a second draw slash and 30m for 0.5 seconds). Low trion consumption.

6)Thruster - Optional trigger exclusive to Raygust. It gives the user a short bust of speed by propelling the weapon (and it's user) in the direction its pointed towards. That can be used to throw the weapon like a javelin with great power, allows the user to make a high powered strike or make him quickly dash a short distance.

7) Lead Bullet - Optional trigger that can be used in conjuction with any shooting trigger (meaning all sniper, shooter and all gunner triggers with the exception of meteor). It turns the normal trion bullets into lead bullets that upon contact instead of causing damage, it creates heavy weights in the hit areas. The more trion gets used in the shots, the heavier the weights become (a high powered sniper shot will leave a heavier weight than the shot from a machine gun type of trigger). The bullets can travel through energy shields and liquid substances as they only interact with solid matter. Considerably increases the trion consumption of the shots.

8) Starmaker - Optional trigger that can be using in conjuction with any shooting trigger that can use Lead Bullet. Instead of dealing the normal damage the bullets apply a mark on the target that can be followed by radar (All trigger holders have an incorporated radar option that can only detect trion signatures).

For now these are all the available triggers but more will be shown in time, so visit this chapter every now and then for more information. Have a nice read!